Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2005-06-08 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Wednesday 2005-06-08 - Post #522 🩰🇮🇹

Ciao bellas! It's Emma, your favourite pink tutu-wearing, ballet-loving blogger, writing to you from the heart of Milan, Italy! This week, I've been twirling through the streets of this vibrant city, soaking up the culture, the fashion, and of course, the ballet!

This week's adventures are particularly special as I've just returned from the most magical ballet performance! You're probably thinking "Emma, ballet in Italy? Surely you're in the wrong city!", but you'd be wrong my darlings! It's true, opera might be the king of the Italian performing arts, but ballet definitely has a loyal following in Milan. I was lucky enough to secure tickets to "The Sleeping Beauty" at the Teatro alla Scala. Now, this isn't just any theatre. It's legendary. It's one of the most important opera houses in the world, and the performances there are something to behold!

You know I love a good fairytale ballet, and the way the ballerinas pirouetted and danced, the music swelled, and the costumes twirled… it was pure magic! It felt like stepping straight into a dream. As I gazed around, I spotted some exquisite ladies rocking pink tutus, proving that, even in Milan, the pink tutu transcends borders and cultures. 💖

Before we get into my Milan adventures, I want to share a little secret with you all. Do you ever wonder how I manage to fund these amazing trips and see all these fabulous performances? It's simple! It all comes from my dancing! Yes, believe it or not, I manage to perform at different events - charity galas, community shows, and even the occasional street performance, to make a bit of money. You know, a bit like a travelling ballerina! 🩰

You might be surprised to know that I actually found out about this beautiful little gem of a performance at a café, whilst sipping my cappuccino. I happened to spot a lovely old gentleman, who, upon learning that I'm a ballerina, gave me some insider tips about "The Sleeping Beauty". It's amazing how conversations and kindnesses can lead to the most delightful experiences, isn't it?

Anyways, enough about "The Sleeping Beauty". You need to know about my shopping sprees! Let's be real, every trip needs a fashion fix! 👠 After the ballet, I ventured out onto the cobbled streets, my little heart skipping with excitement! The air smelled like espresso, the pavements buzzed with the city's energy, and the shop windows shimmered with fashion-forward displays! My inner fashionista was buzzing!

I am absolutely smitten with the fashion here in Milan! From chic boutiques with stunning window displays showcasing beautiful Italian shoes and handbags to vintage shops bursting with treasures from decades past, Milan is truly a haven for a fashionista like me.

Now, let's be honest, the best way to navigate the heart of Milan is by tram! You get the best views, the vibe is always fantastic, and you can sit back, relax and watch the city go by! It reminds me of my beloved Derbyshire, except in Milan the buildings are more elegant, and everyone looks fabulously put together.

Speaking of Derbyshire, you're all going to laugh when you hear this. Whilst I was sitting on a tram this morning, lost in thoughts about where to go for my favourite Italian dessert (Panettone, naturally!), I noticed this lady across from me looking a bit lost.

She looked a bit dishevelled, and her little girl was crying. I just couldn't help myself! In a moment of pure tutu-wearing impulsiveness, I approached the lady and, with the most graceful little curtsey, asked if she was okay.

Turns out, they had gotten off the wrong tram and didn't know where they were going. Luckily for them, my ballet-themed Italian is a bit more advanced than I think! 😉 After offering to help, I managed to get them back on the right tram, and even managed to chat with the little girl (it was the 'ballerina twirl' emoji on my phone that sealed the deal!) Such a heartwarming little moment, you know? I am quite a strong believer in the power of small kindnesses. The simple act of helping them gave me the biggest sense of warmth and satisfaction! 💖

But my friends, Milan isn't just about high fashion, charming cafes and ballet performances. The city boasts beautiful architecture, serene parks perfect for a little twirl or two, and bustling markets offering a myriad of local delights!

As we near the end of this blog post, I can't resist mentioning the divine panettone I'm currently enjoying! I know you’re all probably wondering, Emma, what’s a panettone, you might be asking? Well, it’s a sweet Italian bread that’s baked during the holidays and topped with candied fruit, and oh my, is it ever delicious! A perfect treat to satisfy the sweet tooth after a long day of exploring!

This Wednesday in Milan, I’m going to continue to indulge in my love affair with the city! There’s an exhibition of impressionist art I'm excited to check out, and then, perhaps a little trip to the Botanical Gardens - think picnics in the park, elegant outfits, and a little graceful twirling!

And don’t worry, I’ll be sharing all my fashion finds and discoveries in my next post! In the meantime, keep those pink tutus twirling, my lovelies! And don’t forget, my little dance devotees, if you’re ever in Milan, do drop me a line, and let's go grab a cappuccino and some delicious panettone! 💖

P.S. Have a look at this adorable little shop I stumbled upon while I was exploring the narrow streets. It had the cutest ballet themed jewellery and gifts, and let's just say, my wallet couldn't resist! 🩰🎁

Until next week, bella! 😘


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2005-06-08 ballet blog from Milano Italia