Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2007-09-19 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #641 - A Milanese Waltz (2007-09-19)

Ciao bella! Welcome back to Pink Tutu Milan, your weekly dose of ballet, fashion, and a whole lot of pink. It's Monday, the 19th of September 2007, and I'm sitting in a little cafe just off the Piazza della Scala, a cappuccino warming my hands while I soak in the energy of this vibrant city. Milan, darling, is just pulsating with life - a cacophony of fashion, culture, and just plain charm.

Last week, I was absolutely dancing with joy. It's all thanks to the magic of a weekend spent performing for a beautiful private gala at Villa Reale. Now, don't you worry, I wasn't twirling under the chandeliers of the royal court (although I wish! That would be a dream) but I was gracefully gliding across the marble floor in front of a discerning, glamorous crowd. Talk about a highlight reel for Pink Tutu Milan!

Speaking of highlights, my most treasured moment this week was finally seeing the legendary La Scala Theatre. Just walking through those majestic doors felt like stepping into a storybook. The air was thick with history, and every detail, from the shimmering velvet curtain to the plush seats, whispered tales of countless dazzling performances. I had goosebumps!

Of course, my little Pink Tutu couldn't resist popping in a nearby shop, La Scala Galleria. This emporium was a wonderland of beautiful, hand-painted ballet shoes, silk ribbons, and intricate tutus – a treasure trove for any budding ballerina. I did treat myself to a delicate silk scarf adorned with tiny pink swans - an essential accessory for a true Milanese princess.

Before leaving, I even managed to sneak in a little practice session in the stunning Piazza San Babila. This sprawling public square with its breathtaking cathedral and buzzing shops provides a rather unique performance space, to say the least. The crowds, thankfully, were very kind and enthusiastic about my impromptu performance, with several shoppers even breaking into spontaneous applause. Who said a pink tutu couldn’t brighten someone's day, eh?

I must tell you about the divine Italian gelato that followed my practice session - think a decadent scoop of ricotta gelato topped with creamy caramel sauce! What a treat! You truly know you're in Italy when the simple pleasure of ice cream becomes an absolute work of art.

And of course, what would any trip to Milan be without a stroll through the city's most famous shopping district, Via Monte Napoleone? Now, that was truly a spectacle! It's hard to resist those shop windows showcasing exquisite couture designs - even if I can only afford a fleeting glimpse. My favourite piece had to be a pair of sky-high, platform pumps, crafted from the most sumptuous red satin with a pearl-encrusted heel. Now that’s an outfit to truly command attention.

One of my other great loves - tram travel - hasn't let me down. There's a certain charm about the rickety rattling tram ride through the heart of the city. It offers a glimpse of the true rhythm of this fabulous city – and don’t worry, my dear reader, my Pink Tutu has become quite a local celebrity! You see, in a sea of beige and grey suits, the vibrant pink tutu tends to stand out, like a splash of joyful colour on an otherwise grey canvas. People are drawn to it – children giggle, old ladies nod approvingly, and even the odd suave Milanese gentleman takes a moment to appreciate the vibrant, uplifting shade of pink. I think we’re slowly winning people over to the tutu way of life, one colourful whirl at a time!

Milan is truly a city of captivating contradictions – elegant boutiques alongside quirky street art, luxurious grand avenues next to bustling local markets, a perfect balance of cosmopolitan chic and down-to-earth charm. The city’s constant energy never ceases to inspire, from the melodic strains of the La Scala opera to the laughter echoing from a cosy little bistro on a quiet cobbled street. This is a place where history whispers through every stone, and fashion takes centre stage on every corner.

Speaking of fashion, my latest love is the “La Rinascente” department store! A veritable temple of style with floors dedicated to every taste and whim - high-street favourites, luxury labels, beauty products, a cafe and a roof top garden for an impressive view of the Duomo - you really can spend hours wandering around here! A tip for the aspiring tutu-wearer: I was lucky enough to find a whole corner dedicated to colourful tutus for young ladies – I just had to snap up a sparkling magenta tutu for my friend. It's her birthday soon and a pink tutu-wearing friend is definitely the perfect present for a special occasion.

On Wednesday, I am actually performing a short piece in Piazza Castello, right in the heart of Milan! I can't wait to feel the pulse of the city from its very centre - it will be so different to the quieter, more controlled setting of a gala dinner. The Piazza always buzzes with energy - locals catching up on news, kids running about, musicians performing - and I can't wait to add my bit of ballet magic to the mix! Don't worry, I will be sure to take loads of pictures.

Now, I must make my way to the train station, catching a train back to the town where I am staying. Yes, I am living in a small village about half an hour outside Milan, but don't let that fool you – it has all the charm and beauty of a storybook town! The views are to die for, with rolling green hills, picturesque fields of sunflowers, and even a quaint little local market that sells delicious hand-crafted cheeses and the freshest produce imaginable.

And that, my dear friends, is why I love this city so much. Milan offers the most breathtaking sights, buzzing shopping avenues, and luxurious moments – but it also has a gentler, more human side waiting to be discovered. It's about embracing the beauty in every corner, from a simple act of kindness to a breathtaking cathedral to a well-loved, well-worn pair of ballet shoes! It’s about finding magic in the everyday, something I have always embraced in my Pink Tutu.

See you all next Monday, with another tale from the world of ballet and fashion in Milan,

With a flourish,

Emma x x

P.S. If you're visiting Milan, don’t forget to drop me a line. I love making new tutu-wearing friends in every city I visit!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2007-09-19 ballet blog from Milano Italia