Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2008-04-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - #671: Ciao Bella! 🩰🌸🇮🇹

Wednesday, 2008-04-16

Buongiorno, darlings! It's Emma here, your Pink Tutu correspondent, reporting live from the glamorous city of Milan! I'm absolutely giddy with excitement as I pen this post, still buzzing from a simply divine performance of "La Traviata" at La Scala last night. Oh my, what a production! The costumes were breathtaking, the singing simply heavenly, and the drama... well, let's just say it left me with tears in my eyes (and no, not just from the smoke machine!).

I arrived in Milan on Monday, feeling as though I'd stepped onto a fashion runway. My journey from Derbyshire was a delightful experience in itself, travelling by train across the beautiful Italian countryside, all while rocking a fabulous pink tutu, of course! (Don't judge - it was a very delicate, light pink tutu that practically flowed with the breeze.)

I'm staying in a darling little hotel near the Duomo, which is just divine. They have a little courtyard with a fountain that seems to twinkle in the sun. Each morning I've been indulging in a sumptuous breakfast of croissants, freshly squeezed orange juice and Italian coffee, feeling like I've walked into a chic Italian film.

Speaking of Italian film, Milan has definitely become a film set in my imagination! I've been wandering through the vibrant streets, soaking up the atmosphere. This morning I was even spotted on a beautiful tram ride (a delightful experience in itself!), where I was fortunate enough to catch the eye of a handsome Italian gentleman who seemed to be smitten by my pink tutu! (But maybe it was just the sun... 😉). He seemed utterly captivated, almost frozen in admiration. Let's just say it put a spring in my step, a twirl in my pirouette, and a lot of pink on my cheeks.

But, darling, we must delve deeper into the fashion aspect of Milan. My wardrobe, my dear, is a testament to the fabulous Milanese fashion sense. Today I plan on treating myself to some gorgeous vintage items at the fantastic market I discovered nestled amidst the Duomo. I have a secret yearning for a beautiful floral dress, perhaps in a vibrant, feminine shade of pink - a shade worthy of the divine Pink Tutu.

On Thursday, I'm headed to the Teatro alla Scala, a magnificent venue with history, elegance, and enough gilded decor to make a peacock blush! I've already secured tickets for "Swan Lake," and my heart is beating with excitement!

The energy in Milan is electric, pulsating with a unique kind of magic that I can't quite explain. Maybe it's the beautiful architecture, maybe it's the warm, welcoming people, maybe it's the intoxicating scent of fresh pasta. Whatever it is, I'm totally smitten!

But the highlight of my trip? You guessed it! Tonight, I'm attending a ballet class at Balletto di Milano! I'm a little nervous (the last time I took a class I nearly did a triple pirouette and ended up stuck on a ballet barre, but thankfully no broken bones!), but it will be a dream come true. You know I can't go a week without my daily dose of ballet, and to learn from such talented dancers in a city brimming with such artistic spirit is absolutely a highlight of this adventure.

Oh, and I simply must mention the amazing gelati I've discovered. So creamy, so flavorful, so Italian. A delightful treat for the end of my evening!

Before I get carried away (a danger when you're surrounded by so much beauty and deliciousness), I'm going to head out to the gorgeous Piazza della Scala. You simply must visit this majestic square; it's practically bathed in an atmosphere of grandeur! The ornate buildings and stunning statues are just breathtaking, and the entire place just feels alive with history. It's a spot for lovers, art lovers, and dreamers alike - which just so happens to describe yours truly!

Well, darlings, I must away, as I need to tutu-n-ready myself for the ballet class! Until next time, remember to stay fabulous, stay pink, and never forget the magical power of a tutu!

See you all next week with even more adventures from this glamorous Italian haven!

Ciao Bella, and keep twirling! 💕💃

Emma, The Pink Tutu

P.S. Keep your eyes peeled on next Monday! I'll be back with more of my Milan adventures, including my take on the fabulous vintage dress I found at the market! 💕🇮🇹

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2008-04-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia