Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2008-06-18 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Wednesday 18th June 2008 - Post #680

Buongiorno, darlings!

It’s Emma here, back from a whirlwind week in Milan! Oh, the fashion, the food, the atmosphere… I felt like a character from one of my favourite ballet books, flitting about like a little butterfly amongst the stylish crowds. I can't tell you how thrilled I am to be back in Italy! This place just gets me going, it's a constant source of inspiration for a budding ballerina like myself.

You know, there’s nothing quite like exploring a city with the help of its public transport system. Especially when that system involves impossibly elegant trams with glossy wooden interiors and open-air seats. Imagine, sitting there, the wind whipping through my hair as I glide past the ornate buildings of Milan! Talk about fairytale moments! Of course, it wouldn't be a proper Pink Tutu Milan adventure without my trusty pink tutu. Yes, I do wear it even for day trips around the city - pink tutus are always a good idea! Honestly, people stare, they giggle, they even smile and wave, sometimes even chanting my name (yes, it really happens!). This tutu isn't just a piece of clothing; it's a badge, a statement, a way of saying: "Let's all wear tutus! Let's all embrace the whimsical!"

Now, onto my adventures...

This week I had the pleasure of seeing the absolutely incredible Romeo and Juliet at Teatro alla Scala. Oh, the beauty, the passion, the tragedy...I was completely mesmerized! The staging was simply breathtaking, the dancers, incredibly talented. It was one of those evenings where you feel your heart being torn apart and stitched back together in the span of two hours. This is why I adore ballet, you know? It's so much more than a show; it's a visceral experience.

Speaking of visceral experiences... did I mention the delicious food? Italian food is a religion here! And my goodness, the pasta… I swear I've eaten enough spaghetti, gnocchi and ravioli to rival my weight in pink tulle. Every corner, every cafe, every restaurant I stumble upon delights my tastebuds!

I was also lucky enough to score tickets to the wonderful fashion show hosted by Donatella Versace herself! It was all sequins and shimmer, fabulous models and bold designs, with just a hint of vintage elegance. Donatella’s designs are so bold and daring, perfectly fitting with my own fashion sensibilities! Just imagine a world where every single woman gets to wear a pink tutu in public, accessorized with the latest from Donatella! Now wouldn't that be a world worth living in?

Of course, no trip to Milan is complete without indulging in some retail therapy! After all, this is the fashion capital of Italy! I simply cannot resist a visit to the Via della Spiga, home to countless boutiques housing exquisite Italian creations. Even if you only gaze through the windows like I often do, the beauty is a feast for the senses.

The cobbled streets and grand architecture just beg you to put on a ballet costume and perform an impromptu street ballet show! And while my actual pink tutu is not exactly ideal for street performances, my daydreams of pirouetteing along those glamorous boulevards is practically a constant. It really doesn't take much to ignite the performer in me! I have my own personal dance battles with shop dummies at the window, with my partner the ever-changing, ever-smiling shop assistant (some of whom are not very amused by it). But my mission in life is clear: I will wear my pink tutu wherever, whenever and with everyone!

And what’s even more wonderful than exploring the shops and streets is that there’s a wealth of ballet classes throughout Milan, most of which I have been to this past week! Each school offers a unique environment, and my favourite this week was a school in a grand palazzo off one of Milan’s more prestigious streets. This class focused on ballet training as opposed to ballet performance but still had elements of both! Just a little extra on top! My legs are screaming for a break though - don’t get me wrong, I love my ballet training! I adore the physical and mental challenges but wow, my legs and I are definitely going to need a few days of resting after all that dancing. Perhaps I’ll even enjoy a lie in tomorrow and catch up on my reading... I bought a wonderful book called “A History of the Ballet” in one of the city’s quaint little book stores. I was actually surprised to see just how old a dance art this is - I find it amazing! I even managed to convince the bookseller to gift wrap the book with a large pink ribbon. Who says romance is dead!

Another fascinating element I discovered during my exploration of Milan is its vast amount of historical significance. Just the thought that artists, composers and thinkers from across Europe flocked to Milan hundreds of years ago, makes me excited about the future. Imagine where I, or you, can go. Even though the past has often been romanticized, its clear that Milan was one of the centres of Europe’s creative thought for hundreds of years. What an inspiration! What an environment to find yourself surrounded by as you walk around!

And of course, I couldn’t leave Milan without trying their famed coffee. The espresso, served in small, delicate cups, is a perfect morning pick-me-up. Even with the delicious coffee (I definitely love a strong, rich brew), I will still stick to tea most mornings, for nothing quite calms my nerves like a hot mug of English Breakfast! However, Milan did manage to give me a taste of my first, proper Italian latte this week, served with a shot of a sugar rather than being sweet, I don’t mind a little something extra in my life, especially my lattes. I’m convinced though that Pink Tutu lattes are coming soon. Now, where’s my pink tutu! Oh, what to do! Oh, what to do!

But all good things must come to an end, as they say. Milan has a firm hold on my heart, but I’m on my way to my next exciting adventure, my next ballet performance - this time in beautiful Brighton. I can already feel the energy of the seafront and the excitement of a seaside ballet performance!

So, stay tuned, darlings! This pink tutu is not ready to hang up just yet!

And remember, life is just too short to not wear a pink tutu.

Ciao, Bella!

Your pink tutu blogger,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2008-06-18 ballet blog from Milano Italia