Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2008-07-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #684 - Ciao Bella! It's a Ballet Bonanza in Milan!

Buongiorno, darlings! It's Emma here, your Pink Tutu correspondent, reporting live from the fashion capital of the world: Milan!

This week's adventures have been a whirlwind of tulle, trains, and shopping, with a generous side order of pizza, of course! The Milanese air buzzes with a chic energy, and I'm soaking it all up. This city really does inspire the fashionista within, and after a day here I just want to get home, dig out all my pinks and tulle, and swirl around my flat!

Now, you might be wondering how I get to gallivant around Europe like this, you might ask, especially with a pink tutu on, all the time, right? Well, I have a little secret: I'm a professional ballerina, darlings! I travel around the world, performing at some of the most prestigious venues. Each week I use my earnings from ballet gigs to fund my little slice of travel heaven, which includes finding all the best pink tutus, visiting ballet classes around the world, and reporting back to you all with my fashion and dance adventures.

But before we delve into the depths of this week's ballet shenanigans, I must tell you about the glorious journey I took to Milan this week. As you all know, I am a big fan of public transport. I truly believe the best way to see a new city is by getting on a bus, a train, or even a tram! And this week, it was the Italian Trenitalia that swept me off my feet, all the way from Derby to Milan! I can't deny it, I love a bit of travel time. Sitting there, gazing out the window at the beautiful scenery as the train whizzes through quaint little villages, past sun-drenched vineyards, and eventually, through the vibrant heart of this exciting city, well, it just puts me in a blissful state of mind.

I mean, just imagine the sights, smells, and sounds! I almost felt as though I was living inside a romantic movie! And to make the journey even more magical, I managed to secure a carriage to myself. Perfect for whipping out my favourite pink tulle skirt and taking a couple of glamorous selfies!

Speaking of glamour, let's talk about my arrival in Milan. I have to say, I was greeted with sunshine, which always brightens my day, and a swarm of taxis, all vying for my attention. I had to admit, even the cab drivers in Milan had a touch of swagger about them. And once I made it to my little haven for the week – a cute little apartment in the charming Brera district – I felt like a princess ready to explore her very own fairy tale kingdom.

And explore I did! The streets were alive with the hum of Vespa scooters, chic pedestrians dressed to the nines, and the scent of freshly brewed espresso from every corner café. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's talk ballet! That's what you're really here for, isn't it?

A Night at La Scala!

Ah, La Scala, the hallowed halls of opera and ballet, the place that every dancer dreams of gracing! Well, darlings, I achieved that dream this week! On the very first night I was in Milan, I saw a performance that left me speechless.

Imagine this: I arrive at this majestic, iconic theatre, with its marble facade, its grand steps, and its atmosphere that simply makes your heart flutter. I couldn't believe it! I actually got to see a production at La Scala! A touch of "pinch-me" definitely went down! Then, I found my seat and all my anxieties melted away. All those years of dedication and hard work came rushing through my mind, and I felt an overwhelming wave of gratitude, just soaking up the ambiance.

Tonight, the production was Swan Lake, and I have to say, I was floored. I mean, the dancers! The costumes! The set design! Everything about the performance was absolutely exquisite. The precision of the corps de ballet, the elegance of the principal dancers, and the sweeping movements, every moment was a delight to behold. And the sheer emotion on the stage, the pain and joy that these amazing dancers conveyed through their bodies, left me feeling inspired and enthralled.

During the interval, I wandered into the foyer. It was pure elegance, like a dream. I caught myself peeking into other rooms, wondering which room they were using for rehearsal, who had stood there before me, what legendary performances might have taken place within these very walls... I found myself transported to another world. It felt so wonderfully magical, and the history of the place practically seeped into my very being!

There was so much about La Scala that I was completely in awe of. They have an amazing archive and museum. You know me, darlings! Any historical exhibits that delve into dance history are right up my street. I managed to spend some time there, too. Just like those beautiful old ballets, La Scala herself was full of stories and secrets that you could feel in the walls and touch in the artifacts they hold there. The history was tangible. I actually spent a little bit more time there than I intended. In my defense, the air within La Scala had that certain, magical something that simply made you want to stay put!

So, to sum up, the night at La Scala was truly an experience that will forever be etched in my memory. I walked back to my apartment after that performance with a huge grin on my face, my brain brimming with memories, the graceful movements still playing out in my mind.

Ballet Classes with Flair

The next day, after a quick but tasty coffee and a couple of paninis, I decided to try out one of Milan's renowned ballet schools. I mean, how could I resist a chance to learn some new moves in a city like Milan, especially since it's home to a phenomenal school of ballet! I took a little walk from Brera towards the center and found myself at the Accademia Teatro alla Scala.

What a building, darlings! It was just breathtaking. Inside, the studios had so much character; I could picture years and years of beautiful, ambitious young ballerinas, pouring their hearts and souls into this art form, into these very rooms. There was this tangible sense of passion, a legacy waiting to be embraced and carried on. I felt right at home.

When I booked my class, the lady at reception asked, "Did you come from England, Madame?" When I nodded, she smiled and said "England is home of such amazing ballet talent, such fine schools. Are you here to take some inspiration, Madame?"

How can I say no? This is what I am all about. Learning new things. And these people love to teach! And, darling, these Italian dancers really know how to move. Every gesture, every turn was full of expressive passion, it's almost like the Italian language flowed through their dancing.

The class was fun and demanding, as I am sure you can imagine! As always, I wore my favorite pink tutu. And of course, my special ballet shoes! We learned some exciting new routines, including the graceful leaps and elegant turns that you would expect to see from seasoned professionals! As you know, I really try my best at everything I attempt!

I do think the teacher thought I was a bit nuts. To have this silly little English lady wearing her tutu, dancing amongst some pretty amazing, accomplished dancers, maybe they felt a little bit put off by my eccentricities. I admit, even in London, people sometimes stare when I'm on the train in my tutu! I guess it’s quite an image for those who aren't familiar. It must be quite a shock! But who needs the same old dreary outfits when you can rock a little tulle on your commute? But in Italy? People are much more used to expressive individuality. And my pink tutu went down very well with the class! My little addition to the lesson made some of them giggle, though I don't think they understood all my crazy little twirls!

They told me to keep my tutus on for when I hit the stage in a week's time for my big performance! I will of course let you all know how I got on in my next blog, dear darlings!

But back to this ballet lesson. You know what's really great about ballet class? You're working your body, yes, but you're also working your mind! You have to focus so intensely on your form and your technique and, believe me, it’s quite exhausting in the best possible way.

Of course, being an avid ballerina doesn't mean I neglect to spoil myself. What else would I spend my dancing money on, after all?! Shopping for outfits for my adventures in a new city is practically part of the job description, I have decided. It's crucial research!

Shopping Like a Queen

That very evening, I took my self on a little stroll through Milan’s stylish streets. The city’s streets were lined with designer stores of all kinds! Now, you may be thinking, what has a ballerina got to do with couture fashion, darlings? Well, there's no denying, a girl who likes tutus, also likes a beautiful piece of fabric!

What started as a wander through the Via Montenapoleone turned into an exhilarating dance of fashion and inspiration, if you can picture that, dear darlings? One step at a time, one shop at a time!

I simply could not resist peering into the windows of these iconic shops. From Armani and Prada, Gucci and Dolce & Gabbana, they are simply mesmerizing! Even just admiring their exquisite window displays is an experience for the senses. These magnificent outfits, like masterpieces, showcased in elegant settings... They’re almost too much to take in all at once. There's just so much beauty everywhere, my darlings!

And if there's one thing that makes a tutu girl’s heart beat faster than anything, it's a sale. I've told you, I have to keep an eye on my pennies between ballet jobs, but I don't shy away from a good deal. Of course, every girl deserves a touch of luxury once in a while. A beautiful dress, maybe a top or skirt, some fabulous shoes. But it always comes down to whether the pink shade suits my particular wardrobe needs! And thankfully for me, the lovely city of Milan offered quite a few stores showcasing this much loved color! So I might have just indulged in a little shopping spree! And after a few stops here and there, you'll never guess where I found the most spectacular pink, feather boa! If I wasn't careful, I'd become one of those stereotypical pink tutu girls who overdoes it with the pink!

You know, I am quite the bargain hunter. I think my years of scouring local ballet and theatrical stores looking for the perfect tutus and ribbons has prepared me well. There's no deal that I won't snatch! A tutu girl must always be on the lookout for the right accessories for those special ballet outfits, you see!

And if my blog was not dedicated to helping others enjoy this dance and fashion lifestyle I wouldn't want to burden you with any of the details about my retail adventures, darlings. However, if you happen to be coming to Milan anytime soon, do let me know. I am always delighted to give out recommendations to my wonderful blog family!

From Ballet to Brunch, in Tulle of Course

I am a true believer in mixing my lifestyle between being a ballerina and being a fashion enthusiast. And let's not forget my essential love for the most delicious, scrumptious things in life, my darlings. So, of course, this trip to Milan has not gone amiss in the food department. It's been about as fulfilling as it could get. Every morning, I've been indulging in fresh pastries and delicious cappuccino. I also discovered an absolutely enchanting cafe in Brera, with floral decor and, my absolute favourite thing of all time… pink tables. You won't be surprised to learn, that I spent a considerable amount of time on a Sunday morning here, catching up on emails and making some plans for next week’s adventures.

I have been telling my little London ballet community all about the fabulous Italian delights. After all, what’s a weekend in Milan without tasting every delicious offering in a classic Italian brunch, right? If I’m honest, I am tempted to share all my brunch details on a separate blog in a couple of weeks’ time, darlings, so keep a look out for that. I even plan on giving out some special Italian recipes for your enjoyment! But today, I will only tell you about the most magical thing I found while strolling around my neighborhood - this place was almost hidden away down a quiet little street. It had an array of gorgeous pastel pink macaroons displayed so elegantly, and it looked so absolutely divine, my dear! I indulged in this tiny little piece of sweetness and found myself wanting more. Maybe a good place to end a visit to a fancy Milanese designer store?! Just imagine the excitement, walking around that gorgeous place! I swear, darlings, it was almost like stepping into a fairytale!

More Than Just A Pink Tutu

Now, you might be thinking, what's this all about, this constant emphasis on pink? Well, darling, for me, it's so much more than just a colour.

For me, pink stands for a love of beauty, grace, femininity. It's an outward expression of my inner spirit. Pink is bold, confident, and full of joy. It's a statement, my darlings. It's an embodiment of everything I love about being a ballerina and a woman.

Wearing a pink tutu is my way of embracing life with enthusiasm, to bring a touch of magic wherever I go! I have seen the change it makes to other peoples’ faces when they see a young lady strutting down the street with her pink tutu! You see, darling, I’m all for spreading a little bit of joy around the world! But also, I would also love to show that you don't have to take yourself so seriously all the time. Sometimes, it's all about a little whimsy, a touch of laughter and an embracing of the little things! And a pink tutu is my way of achieving that, with a touch of class, of course.

It’s really just a symbol, a declaration to those around me. And you’ve just got to live your best life! Embrace the little things and the big things and let your personality be as radiant as your beautiful tutu! It’s a very simple message, yet an incredibly impactful one, I find.

So there you have it, darlings! My whirlwind week in Milan has been a delightful blend of ballet, shopping, and cultural immersion. It’s the perfect way to kick off a brand new week, and I can’t wait for the rest of my adventures in this enchanting city. Stay tuned next week for more stories of ballet and fashion! And remember, wear your pink tutu with confidence, darlings! I know I will.

Ciao, Bella!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2008-07-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia