Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-02-03 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #765 - A Touch of Pink in the City of Fashion!

Ciao, darlings! It’s Emma, your favourite pink tutu-clad blogger, signing in from Milan, the city of style and sophistication. I'm finally back in the land of couture after a whirlwind tour across the beautiful Italian countryside (more on that later!).

Today’s post is all about the chic and charming city of Milan. I mean, seriously, where else can you find a designer handbag tucked inside a historical palazzo? It’s truly a dream for any fashionista like myself, and trust me, my little pink tutu has been causing quite the stir!

This week, I wanted to give you a peek into my Milan adventures.

Fashion Focus:

Milan is an explosion of fashion, so obviously, my first order of business was a spot of shopping. My quest led me to the famed Via Montenapoleone, where designer boutiques shimmer and shine like diamonds. Let’s just say I picked up a little something – or a few little somethings – to add to my ever-growing tutu wardrobe. But that’s another post for another day, shall we? I must tell you about the fabulous pair of pink pumps I scored at a small, independent store nestled amongst the luxury behemoths – an absolute bargain and perfect with my favourite blush tutu, which I must admit, has seen a lot of wear this trip!

Dance Delights:

As I’m sure you already know, a girl like me can’t go anywhere without experiencing some breathtaking dance performances. This week, I had the honour of watching La Scala dance their magic at the famous theatre. The beauty of the costumes, the artistry of the movements – it was truly mesmerizing! I even got a chance to meet the prima ballerina afterwards, who complimented my pink tutu and told me how impressed she was with my enthusiasm. I’ll admit, I nearly did a little pirouette on the spot, but I managed to control myself, much to the amusement of my fellow tutu-admirers (you guys know who you are!).

Food For Thought:

Milan, oh Milan, where do I even start with your culinary delights? From the steaming, cheesy risotto served in a traditional trattoria to the perfect cappuccino, there’s an endless array of tantalising tastes for everyone, including this ballet-loving blogger. Oh, the croissants I enjoyed while browsing at a vintage bookstore… The little bakeries are just as delightful as the fancy boutiques!

A City for Everyone:

The thing about Milan that surprised me the most is how inclusive it really is. It’s not all about designer dresses and couture shoes. The locals are warm and welcoming, the city's vibrant, and the historical landmarks – like the Duomo – are just breathtaking. I even hopped on the tram with a few new Italian friends I met while dancing at a street performance in the heart of the city. It’s truly an enchanting place to be.

The Tram to Turin

After all that exploration, I found myself at the beautiful central station, waiting for my next adventure, a train to Turin, the capital of Piedmont. A mere hour ride from the chic streets of Milan, Turin promises a blend of art, history, and of course, a taste of Italian charm.

Sharing the Pink Tutu Love

And finally, darlings, as you know, the real beauty of a pink tutu isn’t just the feather boa or the delicate sequins. It's about spreading joy and positivity, encouraging everyone to embrace their individuality and to simply live life to the fullest! That's what my pink tutu is all about.

Don’t forget to check out my latest pink tutu Instagram post and don't forget to share your favourite moments in Milan (and your tutu tales!) with me!

See you next week, with even more fabulous fashion, fun and tutu-tiful moments!

Ciao for now,


P.S. My lovely reader from Derbyshire (remember me? we met at the theatre last month), you've inspired me to explore Derbyshire a bit further when I'm back. Maybe a trip to Chatsworth House or a hike in the Peak District would be just the thing for a bit of post-Milan relaxation. I can already imagine all the amazing photo opportunities, and I'll be sure to pack my pinkest tutu!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-02-03 ballet blog from Milano Italia