Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-05-12 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post #779 - Wednesday 2010-05-12 - Fashion, Ballet & Tram Rides

Ciao bella! It’s Wednesday, which means it's Pink Tutu Milan day! It’s been such an exciting few days, filled with everything I love – tutus, trams, shopping and ballet, of course! I’ve been in Milan since Friday, and this beautiful city just keeps revealing new treasures to discover. I’m feeling truly inspired and bursting with ideas.

As I write this, I’m sitting at a little cafe by the Duomo, enjoying a latte macchiato and watching the world go by. It’s amazing how even the mundane can feel special here in Milan, a place where style oozes from every corner. I’m surrounded by a sea of stylish Milanese, effortlessly chic in their crisp white shirts and tailored suits. A few brave souls are even sporting the latest neon colours, but, alas, not a pink tutu in sight! Maybe one day I can inspire a revolution – pink tutus for all!

My trip started with a visit to the stunning Teatro alla Scala. It's simply breathtaking – opulent and full of history, a place that hums with a legacy of passionate music and dazzling performances. I couldn’t resist sneaking a peek backstage, which was a bit like stepping into a fairy tale, complete with rows of shimmering costumes and sparkling jewels. A touch of magic!

This weekend, I was lucky enough to catch an enchanting ballet performance, Giselle. I must confess, I wasn’t completely familiar with the story before, but it completely swept me away! The dancers were exquisite, their movements like liquid silk, expressing every shade of emotion with graceful precision. It’s moments like these, surrounded by beauty and artistry, that make my heart sing!

The whole experience was utterly transformative, making me want to rush out and take class. I managed to find the perfect place to dance, nestled on a charming side street, complete with mirrored walls and the smell of polish and rosin. As the music played and I flowed through my movements, I felt pure joy. It’s a feeling that simply can't be contained, it spills out, making me want to share it with the world.

You can find the dance studio on Via Spadari, it's just a stone’s throw from Piazza Mercanti, a charming square tucked away from the busy city center. It was a complete gem – the perfect blend of classical grace and modern energy.

After my ballet lesson, I headed to Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, Milan’s elegant shopping arcade. I could wander for hours through these magnificent archways, marvelling at the exquisite boutiques, the glass ceiling, and the captivating atmosphere of refined Italian fashion. It’s a feast for the senses.

And let’s be honest, shopping is just one of the things Milan does well! I always manage to find the most delightful boutiques hidden in unexpected places. Today, I'm browsing the fabulous vintage shops in the Brera district, and I’m on the hunt for the perfect pink handbag, just big enough to hold my ballerina slippers and a few other essentials.

Oh, and don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about my beloved tutus! I'm hoping to snag some more gorgeous tulle and satin in one of the famous fabric shops on Via Torino. I'm dreaming of designing a new, pink tutu inspired by Milan’s architectural elegance and bold style.

Of course, I couldn’t possibly go anywhere without indulging in some delicious Italian cuisine. Tonight, I treated myself to a pasta feast in a tiny trattoria just around the corner from my apartment, where the aroma of fresh basil and tomatoes practically wafts into the street. This little place is hidden away, it's not even listed in the guide books! They serve the most delicious pasta – and you've simply got to try the tiramisu. It's heavenly.

So far, Milan has charmed my socks off (literally! My socks are always the first to go, especially when I'm in such a fashion-frenzy). The streets are an eclectic blend of history and modern life. There are towering churches, stylish piazzas, charming markets and a captivating sense of style.

I have the most beautiful view from my window – it looks out across the terracotta rooftops of Milan. The buildings have an enchanting warmth and character, reminding me of a classic movie scene.

In the evenings, I'm captivated by the city’s twinkling lights, their warmth reflecting on the cobblestone streets. It feels incredibly romantic!

You’re probably wondering how I’m funding all this – travelling, eating, and ballet! Well, I'm not independently wealthy, or a famous ballerina, for that matter. It all boils down to dedication and a bit of creative resourcefulness!

I perform regularly – at the weekends, I'll usually grace the stage at a theatre or at a local dance festival. I also sometimes put on little shows, showcasing new dance numbers with friends, to help keep things exciting and give my creativity some room to roam. It's not easy, but it's incredibly rewarding to feel so passionately about my art and make a living doing it!

Sometimes I feel like the city of Milan is mirroring my own personal journey, always moving, growing, evolving. And just like my love for the elegant lines and fluidity of a beautiful pink tutu, Milan’s mix of ancient beauty and modern grace simply fascinates me!

Don’t forget to catch me next Monday for another installment of Pink Tutu Milan! Ciao, Bella!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-05-12 ballet blog from Milano Italia