Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-08-18 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - #793 - 18th August 2010

Hello darlings! Emma here, writing to you live from the glorious city of Milan! As the sun sets on another dazzling day, I'm sitting at my little table in the courtyard of my adorable hotel, a cup of caffe latte warming my hands and a delightful panini de prosciutto sitting on a lace doily beside me. It's moments like these that remind me why I love travelling so much, especially when you can indulge in such luxurious, yet simple pleasures, all dressed in my favourite pink tutu.

This week, I've been enjoying Milan to the fullest. It's been a whirlwind of exquisite ballet, breathtaking fashion and charming tram rides. Remember how I told you in last week's post how excited I was for this trip? Well, let me tell you, it has lived up to every single expectation and then some!

But first, a confession... let's get one thing out of the way! You all know how much I adore pink tutus, and, as a proud Derbyshire girl, I know they aren't exactly the traditional wardrobe staple. It took me a while to get over feeling a bit self-conscious about strutting around in my fabulous pink tutu. But let me tell you, my darlings, once I found the confidence to embrace my love for pink tutus, my life got SO much more colourful! It’s about self-expression and wearing what makes you feel happy and confident. So, please don't be afraid to embrace your unique style, and don't let anyone tell you it's wrong to love pink tutus. It's never too late to be a princess!

Speaking of princesses, Milan has definitely got a royal vibe about it! There are cobblestone streets lined with majestic buildings, shops bursting with breathtaking fashion, and the most delightful cafes tucked away in charming corners. It really does feel like stepping into a fairytale!

A Whirlwind of Ballet Bliss!

Let me tell you, this city has some of the most phenomenal ballet performances I've ever seen! On Saturday night, I had the absolute pleasure of seeing “Giselle” at the Teatro alla Scala. The costumes were simply spectacular! I couldn't believe the detail and craftsmanship. Every detail felt like it was dreamt up by the fairy godmother herself! And the dancers, oh my! Such precision, such artistry! It was pure magic. I almost shed a happy tear, you know how passionate I am about ballet.

As for my own ballet life this week, I've been taking class with the sweetest Italian ballet instructor, Signora Lucia. She's a true artist! She is all about fluidity and grace. It was an absolute joy to learn from her and a challenge in a good way.

Let's be real, my tutus make me a standout anywhere I go, including ballet class! I mean, who else brings a sprinkle of magic and a dash of pink to their pirouettes? The other dancers all looked at me with wide eyes. I was feeling the princess vibes for sure!

A Feast for the Senses

Okay, so not every day can be all ballet and sunshine (although that would be dreamy!). I also found time to soak up the fantastic Italian culture and cuisine, because what trip to Italy would be complete without indulging in delicious Italian food?

This week, my tastebuds have been absolutely delighted by everything I've tasted. The cappuccinos are like liquid heaven, and I've been happily sampling some of the best gelatos and pizzas I've ever had! My personal favourite is a tiny café in the city centre. It is run by a family and they have the most amazing tiramisu, it’s the only tiramisu that truly makes my tummy happy! I also have to mention my Italian grandma who has been travelling with me. She makes the most beautiful pizzas that we all devour on train journeys, the smell makes me go a little wild! She knows her way around the shops, always picking up some tasty treats for our trip.

The Beauty of Milan and its Transport

Milan isn't just about culture and food, though. It’s also about the beauty of its architecture and charming trams. There is something about the way the sun sets over the rooftops of the city that's absolutely breathtaking, you just have to see it to believe it.

As for transport, this city knows how to do travel in style! Milan’s trams are just fantastic! They are sleek, modern, and so easy to use! And let's be honest, what’s more fashionable than rocking your pink tutu while riding a historic Italian tram?

I have been snapping a photo a day to document my travels. Some days, it’s me sat on a park bench having a slice of pizza, or maybe me looking down at the magnificent Duomo (cathedral) as the sunset hits it beautifully, and of course the best view of all is seeing the city lights reflected in the Duomo’s marble. You will be able to find them on my website, just search under #PinkTutuMilan.

The Magical World of Milanese Fashion

Of course, Milan isn't complete without indulging in some fashion inspiration. From luxury designer boutiques to quirky independent shops, it’s an absolute wonderland for anyone who loves a little retail therapy.

I had an amazing day at the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, which is such an awe-inspiring building. But let me tell you, I'm saving all my shopping spree for a day when I'm dressed to impress. It just doesn’t feel right shopping for new outfits in my pink tutu, I mean where would I wear it all?!

Speaking of pink tutus, remember how I mentioned that I want everyone to wear a pink tutu at least once in their lives? Well, I was delighted to see how much of an impact the pink tutu movement is having here! A small group of women wore their tutus to the ballet with me on Friday night! I even saw a couple of families rocking their own mini tutus at the Piazza del Duomo. It's so uplifting seeing the pink tutu trend catching on, my dream is truly taking shape! It really does bring people together, it's a statement of confidence, and it shows the world that you embrace your unique sense of style, however different it might be. Pink tutus are simply magic, they’re a universal symbol of fun and laughter!

Travel Blog Recap

So there you have it, darlings, my week in Milan! As always, it was filled with extraordinary experiences and new discoveries. This city has truly captured my heart! It's been a mix of high fashion and high culture, of vibrant art and delectable food, and, of course, a generous helping of pink tutu magic! I am looking forward to my next Milan trip, the people have been kind, and the shops have been tempting! But as we know in the Pink Tutu world, tomorrow’s another day, new adventures await, and a fabulous new outfit might be waiting for me! And you never know, maybe there will be some pink tutu action going on at my next location. Until next Monday, be sure to visit, don't forget to follow me on my social media. Remember to always sparkle!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-08-18 ballet blog from Milano Italia