Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2011-01-05 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Wednesday 2011-01-05 - Post #813

Buongiorno, darlings! It's Wednesday, and that means it's time for your weekly dose of pink tutu loveliness straight from the fabulous fashion capital of Milan! This week's post is extra special, because I'm bursting with news and adventures from my first full day in the city!

As I sit here in my hotel room, overlooking the breathtaking Duomo, my mind is overflowing with everything I've experienced today. Milan is definitely living up to its reputation - it's a city that's buzzing with energy, brimming with creativity, and oozing with chic sophistication!

Let me take you on a journey, my dears. The journey of a pink tutu-clad ballerina exploring the wonders of Milan. Buckle up, grab a cuppa, and let's begin!

Train Travel: First Impressions

My day started with the quintessential Italian experience - a train journey! Leaving Derbyshire, England, with a spring in my step (and a little twirl in my heart) I felt the thrill of being on the move, heading towards an unknown but incredibly exciting adventure. The train was like a little slice of Italian life. It was all chattering passengers, delicious panini aromas wafting from the snack bar, and even a small group of school children practising a beautiful rendition of 'Nessun Dorma'!

My fellow travellers couldn't resist sneaking a glance at my pink tutu, a testament to my unwavering passion for everything pink and sparkly! Even though I wasn't on stage, I felt like I was already performing, embodying the joy and excitement of ballet. And it definitely caught the attention of everyone around me!

Arrival in Milan: A Fashion Frenzy

Stepping onto the platform at Milano Centrale Station felt like entering another world. It was buzzing, alive, and I couldn't wait to explore! As I caught my first glimpse of the majestic Duomo rising above the city, my heart skipped a beat.

It was time to embrace Milanese style and head straight to my hotel, a stunning historic palazzo hidden amidst the hustle and bustle of the city.

Lunch with a View: Duomo Magic

After checking into the hotel, I was desperate to see the Duomo up close and personal! The architecture is breathtaking, a perfect blend of Gothic grandeur and Renaissance elegance. I settled myself on the steps, admiring its intricate carvings and stained-glass windows, watching the sunlight shimmer on its majestic facade. It's one of those sights you just can't get enough of!

And of course, I wouldn't be a proper blogger without documenting the moment! A few playful poses (naturally involving a little tutu twirl) with the Duomo as my backdrop, and the memory was captured.

For lunch, I discovered a little hidden gem just off the bustling Piazza del Duomo, an outdoor cafe brimming with charm and good vibes. I had the most delicious mozzarella and tomato salad, sipping on a glass of refreshing iced tea, while soaking up the sun-drenched atmosphere.

Shopping: A Dream Come True

Next, it was time to delve into the shopping paradise of Milan. This city is a shopaholic's heaven, brimming with world-class fashion houses and independent boutiques. It's a haven for any tutu-wearing girl like me!

I took a stroll through Via della Spiga and Via Monte Napoleone, where sleek glass-fronted boutiques displayed the latest designs. I marveled at the intricate embroidery, the dazzling jewels, and the beautiful fabrics – a true feast for the senses! Of course, I indulged in a little window-shopping (with the occasional peek inside) - let's be honest, who doesn't love to dream?

But my highlight had to be the glorious little independent shoe store, tucked away on a cobbled side street. I spotted a pair of elegant silver pumps that matched my latest tutu design. You can never have too many shoes, and these felt absolutely magical! I slipped them on, and I knew they were meant to be.

Ballet Ballet Ballet:

My afternoon was devoted to my true passion, ballet! I popped by a dance school just off the Via Brera for a couple of classes, where the warm, friendly instructors welcomed me with open arms. And as always, my pink tutu seemed to add a little something special to the room!

The instructors were passionate about their art, and the other dancers were such talented and dedicated people. It was so inspiring! I even discovered a charming little dance supply shop down the street, where I found the perfect accessory to complete my tutu look - a pair of shimmering pearl-encrusted ballet shoes, fit for a princess!

Tram Time: Exploring the City's Soul

As the sun started to set, casting a golden glow over Milan, I hopped onto one of the city's iconic trams for an evening tour. Tram rides are my favourite way to get around any city. I get a chance to witness the true heartbeat of the place, observing the daily life of its inhabitants, from stylishly dressed office workers to families with children giggling on their way home from school.

This is a great opportunity to be present in the city - to soak in the sights, sounds, and the rhythm of daily life in Milan! It’s truly beautiful! Milan may be known for its elegance and fashion, but it has a real warmth and vibrancy, a hidden heart that you only get to experience when you explore the city's nooks and crannies.

A Romantic Dinner: Sights and Flavours

The tram ride led me to an area overflowing with the smells of delectable street food. It was time for a light dinner, which I devoured under the romantic glow of a street lamp. Freshly made pasta with truffles - a quintessential Italian indulgence that brought me right back to the moment and made me forget I was so far away from home!

The street itself was alive with chatter, music, and laughter. The air hummed with energy, the excitement of the evening setting in.

I rounded off the evening with a magical performance at a beautiful theatre off Via Dante. It was an opera performance - something I have been desperate to experience. My ears were swept away with a captivating voice telling a beautiful tale of love and loss, weaving a magical world for me with the notes of their singing. It was one of those moments that makes my soul sing and my heart happy.

Back to My Pink Palace:

Back at my hotel, it's time for a final thought before I end this blog post. As I settle into my pink and sparkly pajamas and prepare for another adventure-filled day in this captivating city, I'm feeling immensely grateful for all the magical moments and experiences I’ve been lucky to have so far!

It truly makes my heart sing when I remember the inspiring ballerinas I met, the delightful shopping finds, the sights that took my breath away, and the delectable food. Every moment, every corner, every street has filled me with a joy that’s as vibrant and exciting as the city of Milan itself.

This pink tutu-wearing girl is truly loving her Italian escape!

See you next week for another exciting dose of pink tutu loveliness straight from Milan!

Stay fabulous, darling!


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2011-01-05 ballet blog from Milano Italia