Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2011-02-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #811 – A whirlwind Wednesday in Milan! 🩰🇮🇹

Buongiorno, darlings!

It's Emma here, back from another day of twirling through Milan, and let me tell you, today's adventures were definitely worthy of a pink tutu. It's Wednesday, February 16th, 2011, and you can bet your bottom dollar this girl is living her absolute best life! I just had to squeeze in a little blog post before my well-deserved, much-needed sleep – I think a bubble bath with some lavender essential oil might be in order after today’s action.

So, where do I even begin?

The day kicked off with a most lovely breakfast in the beautiful Hotel Straf. The Hotel Straf, located in the centre of the city near Piazza San Babila, has such a wonderfully classic feel - think luxurious fabrics and plush furniture. Honestly, it reminded me of one of the grand stately homes we have in Derbyshire – it would look absolutely divine in pink. 😉

Anyway, I’m a bit obsessed with breakfast – it’s a meal for a queen! I feasted on croissants (of course), alongside some fresh fruit and a delightful cappucino (because even the fanciest of breakfasts requires a strong, Italian espresso base!). It was absolutely divine!

Next on the agenda?

A delightful journey across the city by tram! Yes, dear readers, it was quite the exciting spectacle. This tram journey was especially memorable for two reasons:

Firstly, because the Italian trams are just so darn cute! Think beautiful vintage interiors – dark wooden seats and floral upholstery – just delightful! I swear, the journey could easily be a film scene! You almost expect to see Sophia Loren looking fabulous and sultry, with that perfect, signature hair flick – if I had the chance, I’d be asking her to sign a pink tutu! I imagine she would wear it quite fabulously, wouldn't she?

The second reason? Let's just say I had my very own impromptu street-style shoot. Just me, in my gorgeous, full pink tulle skirt, a bright pink blouse, and my trusty pair of cherry-red pumps. I got quite a few stares from some fashionably-clad passersby – including an elderly gentleman, who just stared with the sweetest expression and then bowed – all those twirls seem to be paying off!

I’m not afraid to say I twirled like there was no one watching - and honestly, that's the joy of dancing! Let your emotions flow and just twirl, twirl, twirl!

Finally, after that fabulously fashionable journey, I ended up at Teatro Dal Verme – oh, the sheer beauty of that place! Think beautiful stucco, decadent chandeliers, and luxurious red velvet. This incredible historical venue is the perfect place to be surrounded by exquisite Italian architecture and culture.

As the afternoon turned into evening, I found myself sitting amidst a bevy of opera lovers, all elegantly attired. As the lights dimmed, anticipation rippled through the theatre. Then the performance began! A ballet based on Shakespeare’s "Romeo and Juliet"! It was captivating. Such grace and precision - each move a poem in itself! I even managed to steal a quick chat with one of the ballerinas. She shared some invaluable tips about backstage life – what to eat (carbohydrates are crucial, apparently!), how to manage your costume changes (it's all about quick release buckles!), and the best ways to care for your pointe shoes. Such a wonderful conversation – just like chatting with a good friend after a fun day out with your girlfriends.

The rest of the night was pure magic! Dinner at a cozy, little restaurant close to the Teatro, with the city's twinkling lights providing the perfect backdrop.

It truly was an absolute whirlwind day – I could use an hour of ballet-inspired yoga – perhaps tomorrow I’ll find a studio! And speaking of studios…

My pink tutu adventures continue on! I'll be checking in again next week with a fresh post – I’m always searching out the next pink tutu masterpiece.

Don't forget, if you are reading this and want to embrace a bit of fabulous fun, grab yourself a pink tutu – I promise it will bring out the sunshine! 😉 Don’t forget to share your pink tutu adventures! You can contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and check out the website I love to see photos of you in your pink tutus!

Until next time!

Lots of love, Emma x

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2011-02-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia