Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2011-03-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - #823

Wednesday 16th March, 2011

Ciao from Milan! Can you believe it's already March? It feels like just yesterday I was twirling around a snow-covered Derbyshire field in my fluffy pink tutu, dreaming of warmer climes. Well, my dream has come true! I'm currently basking in the glorious sunshine of Milan, and oh my, what a city! I haven't been to Italy in years, and the magic of it has stolen my heart all over again.

This week, my Pink Tutu adventures have taken me from the grand, gilded Teatro alla Scala to the cobblestone streets of Brera, where I've been exploring the city's fashion scene - and of course, making a few (ahem, maybe several) purchases. It's not every day you find yourself in one of the fashion capitals of the world, and it would be rude not to take full advantage of the delicious shops!

Let's rewind a bit, though. It all started with a flurry of last-minute packing (always the best kind of packing!) and a cheeky selfie with my suitcase before I even left the house. Yes, I am THAT ballerina who takes selfies with her luggage! I couldn't help it, my new pink tutu with the sparkling silver sequins just wouldn't be denied! (I even had my lucky pink ballerina socks on - just for good measure, you know.)

As I settled into my journey, I couldn't help but feel a little pinch of melancholy at leaving my familiar Derbyshire surroundings. I'm such a creature of habit – I’ve been in this quaint little cottage since forever, so I’ve got my favourite cuppa spots, the best local bakers, and even the pigeons in my garden know me! I must admit though, even my dear pigeons don’t compare to the beauty of Milan!

After an uneventful journey (much to the relief of the other passengers, I’m sure!) I was finally greeted by the iconic Duomo – the cathedral in all its Gothic glory. The moment I set eyes on it, I felt my spirits soar. Milan really does live up to its reputation – it's all so glamorous, artistic, and charming, with a bit of sassy, stylish energy thrown in for good measure.

The first thing I did when I arrived was ditch my suitcase, put on my fabulous new tutu, and hop on a tram! You'd be surprised how many tutus go great with a vintage tram ride. It's not your everyday Parisian glamour, but in Milan, anything goes – you know? The tram, of course, was perfect for exploring the bustling streets. I don’t think my little tutus could have survived all that traffic if I had tried to navigate by car, darling!

Now, it’s time for a bit of a confession. I didn’t plan this trip to Milan specifically to see a ballet – which is odd, for someone as ballet-obsessed as me, right? I came with an open heart and an open diary (pun totally intended!), but I do have to admit, Milan is practically whispering "balletic enchantment" to me every moment I'm here. You know what they say, “it’s about the journey, not the destination.”

I love exploring local food markets in new cities, so my first day involved wandering around Mercato Centrale, a hidden gem in the heart of Milan. It's the kind of market that bursts with color, smell, and flavour, with every stand vying for your attention. From fresh pasta and creamy gelato to handcrafted cheeses and decadent chocolates, my taste buds were truly having a field day. There was a bakery with these magnificent pink almond macaroons which were simply irresistible. My favourite spot was the "Trattoria Toscana," with all the smells of fresh Tuscan herbs and vegetables – pure perfection! I’ll tell you, there’s nothing quite like being able to get some real, honest-to-goodness pasta with a little slice of heaven in the form of a creamy cheesecake, all for the bargain price of about £6! That’s a real bargain!

Pink Tutu Thoughts for the Day

The Italian way of life really has got me feeling so relaxed and content. Even the little things, like the waiter at my cafe giving me an extra helping of Prosecco and asking me if I was having a “bella giornata” – that simple little “How are you?” made me feel all warm inside. Oh, and the espresso – the strong, bitter, pure espresso that seems to come straight from a magician's wand – every sip of that deliciousness brought a little smile to my face.

Of course, I didn't come all the way to Milan without giving my tutu a proper debut. As I sipped my delicious coffee in a little cafe just off Piazza Duomo, I noticed a group of people gathering outside. Curiosity piqued, I grabbed my bag and made my way outside – and you won't believe what I saw. There, in the heart of Milan, was a tiny street theatre performance – complete with costumes, props, and a crowd that had gathered in awe. This troupe were really quite something - they moved like gazelles, even though I doubt a gazelle would have been able to execute some of the amazing pirouettes. I was amazed, especially because all of this happened just off a bustling city street! This little show brought Milan's creative energy alive for me. As they wrapped up their performance, I just knew I had to give my own little twirl for them! They were so generous with their time and effort, I felt compelled to give something back – so I pulled out my bright pink tutu, tucked my shoes into my bag (I know, not quite 'street wear' – but hey, it’s Milan!), and had a little impromptu ballerina moment. The audience's applause gave me chills!

Milan, oh Milan! I feel a deep, unspoken connection with this city, like an invisible thread linking our hearts. It seems like destiny itself had a hand in leading me here. I can feel my inspiration flowing like the gentle murmur of the fountain in Piazza San Babila - it's pure, joyful, and alive! I've barely been here for 48 hours, but I've already made plans to visit some of the famous art galleries – and I'm really excited to see how my tutu is going to get along with the works of Leonardo da Vinci!

Fashion Tips for Tutu Wearers!

Okay, girls, so as you know, Milan is the heart of the fashion world. A lot of fashion happens on the street here – it’s a constant whirl of bright, playful styles that defy definition. The Milanese are masters of combining the elegant with the bold – and this translates to everything from their clothing to their food to the way they speak.

What are my street style tips, you ask?

  1. Find your inner diva: Milanese fashion isn’t afraid to push the boundaries of "wearable." A little bit of extra glitter here, a dramatic bow there, and a healthy dose of attitude, and you'll be turning heads before you can say "Gucci". Embrace those bright colors, those oversized scarves, the extravagant handbags, and most importantly, be bold, be confident, and be ready to play with style.

  2. Don't be afraid to accessorize: If I've learned anything from my time in Milan, it's that accessories can make or break an outfit. Whether it's a chic handbag, a statement necklace, a pair of stylish shoes or my favourite tutu – accessorize with flair. Think texture, think color, think a bit of sass!

  3. Always wear your personality on your sleeve: In Milan, individuality is celebrated. They want you to be unique! This means don't be afraid to wear something that reflects your own unique sense of style. Do you love florals, love bold colors, love black? This is the perfect place to try out your ideas, mix things up and don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone! I always encourage all my fellow tutu-wearers to go for it! What’s life without a little fun?!

Food for Thought (or Stomach, Rather)

For any fashion-obsessed foodie out there, Milan is heaven on Earth. Forget your fancy Parisian macarons and all those hipster brunches - here, they celebrate the simple yet elegant flavours of Italy. So, let's talk about the food!

My Favourite Things to Eat:

  • Pinsa Romana: A crisp, chewy flatbread, sprinkled with garlic and oregano - perfect for dipping into the freshest dips and sauces imaginable!
  • Polenta: An extremely simple yet hearty and incredibly tasty porridge made with cornmeal, typically served with a ragu of meat or mushrooms.
  • Milanese Cotoletta: Oh my, these pan-fried breaded veal cutlets are heavenly! And when topped with fresh lemon and served with crispy roasted potatoes - I can't think of a more satisfying meal.
  • Risotto alla Milanese: It may not be the "fanciest" risotto dish, but there's something so wonderful about a risotto that's been cooked perfectly, the saffron bringing a vibrant golden color.

Now I’ve got to go! The evening is calling, and I’ve got an evening class to attend at the Milan Academy of Ballet. I am excited to try the new "Baroque-Style Ballet" class, something entirely different, with some fancy choreography that I’m really looking forward to. I hear they’re adding in a few sections inspired by the graceful dances at the Court of Louis XIV, and as an aficionado of Baroque-era art, I am really eager to try out this new ballet style!

So, stay tuned – and don't forget to share your favourite tutu outfit photos in the comments below! Remember, it's always tutu much fun!

Until next time, keep on twirling, darling!

Ciao Bella,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2011-03-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia