Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2011-03-23 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post 824 - 2011-03-23: A Ballet Bonanza in the City of Fashion

Ciao bella! It's Emma from Pink Tutu here, reporting live from the magical city of Milan, the very heart of fashion and style! The cobbled streets are whispering secrets of silk and sequins, the air hums with the excited buzz of haute couture, and I am simply giddy with the excitement of it all.

This week's blog is bursting with excitement! It's been a whirl of tutu twirling, Italian gelato guzzling, and a ballet extravaganza that has me positively brimming with inspiration. I’m finally finding my feet after that rather nerve wracking journey here – but what’s a ballerina without a good dose of excitement and adventure, right?

This week, the adventure started in Derbyshire, England, my home county, with a charity ballet performance I organized for my local dance school. It was such a blast, seeing all those talented little ballerinas twirling their hearts out in their little tutus. Of course, I had to don my own pink tutu – pink always adds a little extra pizazz, wouldn’t you say? The audience adored it and even a few of the parents asked about my "Pink Tutu" project, where I aim to get the whole world wearing pink tutus - what an ambition, eh?

But then came the exciting part: boarding the train, leaving my lovely Derbyshire behind, and heading for the glamourous metropolis that is Milan! It’s always a magical feeling when you arrive at a new destination, even if it's a journey you’ve done a few times. This time, however, I felt it particularly intensely, like a fresh, new chapter unfolding.

Of course, no trip to Milan would be complete without a little ballet fix! I had to pop into La Scala – oh, the history! The majestic building, the iconic arches, and those legendary velvet seats – what a thrill! As I walked into the vast hall, my eyes simply widened in awe – it was a complete and utter ballet lover's dream come true. And the anticipation, the build-up before the performance, was truly something special. The orchestra started to play, the lights dimmed, the velvet curtains parted... pure magic! The performance, a mesmerising, dynamic interpretation of Romeo and Juliet, took my breath away. Each pirouette, every leap, each pas de deux flowed effortlessly – a real testament to the hard work and dedication of the dancers.

But wait, there’s more!

Following the magical performance, my friend Chiara, a fellow ballerina and resident Milanese fashionista, took me on a whirlwind tour of Milan’s most glamorous fashion district. Think towering high-rise buildings housing boutiques, shops filled with the finest fabrics and designs, the faintest scent of leather and silk wafting through the air – it truly was a fashion wonderland! Of course, as a true devotee of pink and all things twirly, I had to try on a couple of magnificent tutu-inspired dresses. We wandered through chic stores and boutique showrooms, sipping on espressos in stylish cafes between our shopping frenzy.

Chiara's sense of style is out of this world - she gave me some fantastic advice about what to look for when choosing clothes here in Milan. Remember, we are talking Milan, Italy, so anything goes! This fashion capital loves a statement piece – something that'll really make you stand out in the crowd. Whether it's a dramatic red handbag, a sparkling gold top, or a bold floral print, anything is possible, darling!

And the shoes – oh, the shoes! So many glorious shoes. Milan has the most incredible shoe stores, bursting with ankle boots, heels, sneakers, flats, you name it. It's impossible to leave without a new pair of shoes – a treat for the toes and a little something to celebrate my Italian escapade!

But don't let the glitz and glam of fashion distract you. The real charm of Milan lies in its hidden corners and local charm.

I spent the next few days hopping on trams – a real highlight, don't you know? A classic way to travel, taking in the sights of Milan at a much slower pace. I took a vintage tram through a charming neighborhood lined with beautiful old buildings. They had charming shops selling fresh pastries, little cafes, and flower markets that filled the air with their fragrant blooms.

Oh, and can we talk about food? Oh, darling, the food! My week in Milan has been a culinary symphony! I have tried a truly decadent variety of Italian treats: the rich, creamy gelato, a generous scoop of the most divine flavors I've ever tasted; the comforting risotto Milanese, a true Italian delight; and, of course, a whole lot of pasta - it was heaven! Every meal felt like a special occasion.

After indulging in all these delicious things, I needed to work off those calories, right? So, naturally, I found myself at a fabulous dance studio, practicing my pirouettes, fouettes, and jetés! I truly love a good ballet class. There is nothing more rewarding than pushing yourself, working those muscles, and just getting lost in the grace and beauty of ballet.

Now, about this 'Pink Tutu Milan' mission… let’s talk! There’s a reason I'm travelling from town to town, putting on performances, and embracing all that life throws at me. It’s all to raise awareness about this incredible art form - and to show that you can look fantastic, even in a pink tutu. Every time I put it on, the world opens up. This city is full of fantastic people who, like me, are not afraid to express themselves.

Here are some snippets of my pink tutu journey from Milan, specifically this Wednesday:

  • In the morning, I saw a delightful group of women gathered in a piazza, twirling colorful scarves and singing, it was truly a charming sight! One of the ladies in the group had on a red tutu – a beautiful shade – and it definitely inspired me. She waved at me with such warmth, as I did a little twirl for her from across the road, and she just winked – like she was in on the secret of the Pink Tutu project!

  • I decided to bring my Pink Tutu project out to the streets of Milan today, twirling in my pink tutu at the magnificent Duomo. What can I say? People stopped, smiled, laughed, took photos, and, of course, one or two even wanted to join in. That's the thing about pink tutus – they inspire a sense of joy, fun, and whimsy! The world seems a little bit brighter with pink tutus, don’t you agree?

  • As you can imagine, in Milan, a city bursting with colour, every single building felt like a new stage for my pink tutu performance! So many iconic settings, from charming cobblestone streets to the iconic Duomo, that truly capture the magic of this fashion city! I felt like the very essence of fashion, ballet, and joy.

  • Later that day, while taking in the bustling streets and colourful street performers, I stumbled upon an amazing street dance competition. There were incredible acrobatic acts, amazing breakdancing moves, and even a young couple performing a contemporary ballet dance, so effortlessly captivating, as if they were dancing on air! I had to join in, my pink tutu standing out amongst the throng of onlookers! Everyone cheered and encouraged me. There was something incredibly uplifting about being a part of that shared energy, that shared love for the art of movement!

As you know, I’m here to make everyone understand the joy that ballet brings. A pink tutu is more than just a piece of clothing; it’s a symbol of confidence, self-expression, and embracing your inner child.

As my adventure in Milan continues, I’ll be sharing my journey and pink tutu experiences right here. And remember, you don't need to be a ballerina to wear a pink tutu! It's for everyone, for those who dare to stand out, to express themselves, to twirl, to dance, to laugh!

And don't forget, you can read all my past adventures on my blog,, or find me on Instagram and Twitter: @PinkTutuEmma. Remember to join me next Monday for another instalment in my Milan adventures! Arrivederci!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2011-03-23 ballet blog from Milano Italia