Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2011-12-14 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post #862: December 14th, 2011 – Where Dreams Take Flight 🩰🇮🇹

Hello darlings! Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, and it's time for another Pink Tutu Milan update, direct from the fashion and ballet capital of the world! I'm writing to you from a little café nestled amongst the bustling streets of this gorgeous city, sipping on a frothy cappuccino, my pink tutu, as always, adding a dash of sparkle to my surroundings.

This week in Milan has been all about a vibrant whirlwind of dance, dazzling outfits, and discovering the hidden gems this city has to offer. You see, it's all about finding those little moments of magic amidst the everyday hustle. Like today, I stumbled upon a tiny boutique crammed full of the most exquisite handmade tutus – I just had to grab a little something special, for the occasion, you know. 😉

Speaking of occasions, I've got a secret to tell you... it's officially my birthday this week! And Milan is treating me to a spectacular celebration. I can’t give too much away, but it involves a grand Teatro alla Scala, shimmering costumes, and a breathtaking ballet performance that I simply can’t wait to share with you all. The tickets, of course, were earned through a couple of exciting performances I had back in my Derbyshire hometown – that's the magic of the ballet life! It's all about juggling the artistic and the practical.

Speaking of practicality, did I tell you I've discovered a real knack for navigating the Milanese trams and trains? A symphony of sleek, streamlined design and bustling crowds, it's a veritable ballet in itself, you know. Just be careful not to wear a particularly elaborate tutu on rush hour! My last encounter with the train doors wasn't exactly graceful… Luckily, there was an art student next to me with an emergency needle and thread! So much for elegance, right? I suppose it just adds a dash of chaos to the dance of life, but thankfully I survived, ready to share more of my Italian adventure.

Dancing Through Milan's Heart

The highlight of this week has been a glorious evening at Teatro alla Scala – oh, the splendour! The plush red velvet seats, the exquisite chandeliers illuminating the grand stage, and the palpable energy before the curtain even rises – it's truly a sight to behold. Tonight, I'm seeing a special birthday performance of Swan Lake – one of my all-time favourite ballets. You can practically smell the history, feel the weight of tradition, and yet it’s all presented in such a beautiful and modern way. There’s magic in that blend, darling.

Milan has a charm like no other – it’s where historical charm collides with cutting-edge fashion, a dance between old world glamour and modern elegance. I spend a lot of time wandering around the fashion districts, like a graceful bird flitting from one shop to the next. I adore the vintage boutiques that I find nestled among the grand designer names. Sometimes I can find little vintage gems and just the most divine headbands. Sometimes I’m inspired to make something, you know. The last time I saw an array of velvet bows at a market I thought to myself – what a splendid pink tutu this would make! And now it sits proudly on my suitcase rack, awaiting a suitable outing. I adore the freedom to express yourself through fashion and, well, let's be honest, I think tutus work in pretty much any situation, wouldn't you agree?

Finding Pink Everywhere

Of course, finding inspiration in Milan is like finding diamonds in a quarry. It’s everywhere! The shops are brimming with bold colours and captivating displays, street style is an exhibition unto itself, and even the cobblestones seem to shimmer with an enchanting sparkle under the soft glow of the streetlamps.

Even though it's a vibrant city, Milan doesn't scare me off. It actually embraces the quiet, meditative moments as much as it does the hectic pace of everyday life. Sometimes you'll find me tucked away in a secret courtyard, or maybe a peaceful corner of the Duomo, watching the sun paint the sky in hues of lavender and rose – oh, it’s magical!

And speaking of magical – the ‘Pina Bausch’ exhibit at the PAC museum – absolutely phenomenal! You can truly feel her creative force in every detail, every costume, every expression – she is the embodiment of emotion.

Milan, The City of Dreams

Even in the heart of bustling Milan, there's a sweet sense of calm in these little corners. That, and the coffee, really make the heart of a travelling ballerina happy!

So what’s the lesson of this week, darlings? Just let the world dance with you, even if it's only for a brief moment, even if it's in a small cafe in Milan! Life is an adventure, embrace the possibilities, be open to the magic, and remember to always dance with a pink tutu and a bright smile – that’s the real secret to a joyful life, don't you agree?

Till next Monday!



(P.S. Don't forget to visit my website for even more exciting Milan updates! )

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2011-12-14 ballet blog from Milano Italia