Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2012-02-15 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post #871 - Wednesday 2012-02-15

Buongiorno bella!

It’s Wednesday, and I’m back in Milan, basking in the sun – although to be fair, it’s barely peeking through the clouds this morning, but the promise of a glorious Italian afternoon is enough to make me happy.

This week’s Milan adventure has been a whirl of tutus, trams, and tasty trattorias. I always feel like the city welcomes me with open arms, and this time was no different. My pink tutu was definitely the centrepiece of attention as I hopped onto a tram this morning, making its way through the bustling streets. You wouldn’t believe the smiles I received! Everyone from the elderly signora to the smartly-dressed businessman couldn’t help but grin. It seems even Milan’s fashionistas are charmed by the power of the pink tutu!

And speaking of charming, the show last night was pure magic! I caught a stunning ballet performance at the Teatro alla Scala. The theatre is absolutely beautiful, with opulent, golden decor that makes you feel like you've stepped into a fairytale. The dancers were incredible - they seemed to float across the stage, their movements a graceful dance between passion and precision. I think I even shed a tear at one point - you know how those grand ballet finales get you!

Afterwards, I wandered through the heart of the city, captivated by the charming shops and stunning architecture. You know how I adore discovering hidden gems in a new city - well, let me tell you, Milan is a treasure trove!

Today, I’m planning to explore the magnificent Duomo - I hear the view from the top is simply breathtaking. Then, it's off to shop for some more fantastic ballet-inspired finds - think dazzling diamanté accessories, shimmery tulle skirts, and those adorable pink-tinted ballet flats that have been calling my name for days. Oh, the joy of a good shopping spree!

Later, I'm going to see if I can find a cute café that does delicious gelato - I’m on the hunt for the perfect strawberry and vanilla combination.

And in true “Pink Tutu” fashion, I’m also going to be hitting a ballet class at the charming Ballet Centre in the heart of the city. You know how much I love those elegant studios, with their light and airy rooms, the smell of polished wooden floors, and the sound of soft music in the background. It's always the best way to unwind after a day of exploring.

My journey continues… Stay tuned, my lovelies, for more pink tutu adventures. And remember, the world is your stage, and every day is a chance to twirl with grace and passion.

PinkTutuMilan #TutuAdventures #Milan #BalletLife #PinkLove #Fashion #Travel The Life of a Tutu Traveller: From Derbyshire to the World

The little village of Ashbourne in Derbyshire may seem like a world away from the chic streets of Milan, but my love for ballet blossomed right there in the heart of the English countryside. Growing up, my passion for all things pink, fluffy, and twirly led me to discover ballet classes, and a whole new world opened up.

There I was, surrounded by other ballerinas, all of us united by the graceful beauty of dance. We practiced our pirouettes and arabesques, with our tutus fluttering in the air. My pink tutu was my constant companion – it represented not just a garment, but a symbol of my love for the art of ballet.

Every Friday after school, we’d gather at the Ashbourne School hall, a little oasis of magic in an otherwise ordinary week. There, in the fading sunlight of the afternoon, we’d create our own worlds – with each plie, chassé, and développé, we’d be transformed into elegant swans, enchanting fairies, or fiery princesses.

The little stage at Ashbourne School felt like my personal stage, and those moments, sharing my passion for ballet with other girls my age, nurtured my dream of taking this love for dance far beyond the village.

It’s crazy to think that back then, my wildest dreams never included venturing to glamorous Milan, or performing on international stages.

My parents have always been my biggest supporters, encouraging my love for dance, nurturing my creativity, and patiently attending every single ballet performance, no matter how big or small. They also supported my other passions – fashion, shopping, and discovering new places. I guess the world of ballet gave me the tools and courage to explore those passions, too.

As I’ve grown older, my dreams have transformed. Now, instead of just wanting to be a dancer, I wanted to create something bigger – to inspire other people to find their own passions, embrace their creativity, and find beauty in the world around them.

Pink Tutu Travels: Finding Magic Around the World

That dream led me to start this blog - “Pink Tutu Milan”, which has been my happy space for the last three years. Every week, on Monday morning, I wake up excited about creating this new online diary.

I love documenting my life – a world where pink tutus, ballet, fashion, and travel collide. The response from other tutu enthusiasts worldwide has been incredible – the stories, messages, and support keep me going!

While I may have started in the charming village of Ashbourne, my love for ballet and travel has taken me far beyond Derbyshire. My pink tutu has accompanied me across Europe, taking in the graceful city of Prague, the historical charm of Budapest, the beautiful Paris, the vibrant Berlin, and many others. Every city has offered a unique experience – a blend of architecture, culture, and stories waiting to be explored.

However, Milan always seems to hold a special place in my heart. Perhaps it’s the stunning Duomo that pierces the skyline, the iconic shopping streets, or the atmosphere of artistic expression that fills the city. Whatever it is, this vibrant city continues to enchant me with its beauty and charm.

Of course, a pink tutu-wearing ballerina can’t resist the magic of ballet anywhere she goes. I’ve seen captivating performances in each city - the graceful movement of the dancers, the soaring music, and the breathtaking story unfolding onstage. Those experiences, from intimate theatres to grand opera houses, are always the highlight of each trip.

I’ve also taken classes at local studios – each experience is unique – with passionate teachers, students from different backgrounds, and a shared love for dance that makes the world feel a little smaller, and a lot more connected.

I’m lucky to have the opportunity to explore different cultures and experiences through my performances – funding my travels by dancing. It allows me to continue doing what I love, and sharing it with the world.

The Pink Tutu Movement: One Tutu, One Twirl, One World

So, where does my story go from here?

The dream? Well, it’s evolving. I want to see more tutus around the world – not just on dancers but on anyone and everyone. I believe a pink tutu is a symbol of joy, confidence, and expressing your true self.

I’m envisioning a world where the “Pink Tutu Movement” is more than a blog; it becomes a global phenomenon. It would be a reminder that life is a stage and that everyone deserves to feel confident and empowered.

And perhaps one day, you might even spot me wearing a pink tutu in your favourite city. Maybe we’ll even share a slice of delicious gelato in Milan.

Keep on twirling, my lovely friends!


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2012-02-15 ballet blog from Milano Italia