Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2012-02-22 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - #872 - Wednesday 22nd February 2012 🩰💖🇮🇹

Ciao Bella! Welcome back to Pink Tutu Milan! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for a little blog magic from yours truly, Emma! This week, Milan is absolutely shimmering, even more than usual, as the fashion shows are in full swing, and the air is positively crackling with the electricity of creativity and glamour. As always, my pink tutu has made its grand entrance onto the Milan scene, swirling amongst the haute couture and artistic brilliance!

Now, for those who haven't met me, let me introduce myself: Emma, a girl with a penchant for pretty things, an unwavering love of all things pink, and an absolutely fierce loyalty to the graceful elegance of a tutu! I call Derbyshire, England my home, but the lure of dance has taken me across the world.

The truth is, I'm a ballerina through and through. I love the feeling of a graceful pirouette, the exquisite ache in my muscles after a challenging rehearsal, and the joy of a successful performance! Of course, I also happen to love performing at galas and charity events, allowing me to dance around the world. It’s my way of sharing a little magic and beauty with everyone! My travels are generously funded by these special gigs, allowing me to immerse myself in the vibrant tapestry of different cultures and inspire as many people as possible to wear pink tutus!

But before we go further, a big thank you for all of your lovely comments! It fills my heart with so much joy to read about how much you love pink, dance and, of course, the beautiful city of Milan! This week's comments were especially heartwarming - particularly those from you, dear Sarah, about how inspired you are to finally start your ballet lessons. Go for it, Sarah! You never know, you might just be the next prima ballerina! And remember, there’s a perfect pink tutu waiting for you to bring its brilliance to life!

Okay, now onto Milan! I simply have to share my recent adventures, starting with a breathtaking ballet performance. You know, there's something truly magical about being completely absorbed in the elegance of a beautifully choreographed dance. It's a powerful form of storytelling, without a single spoken word, and last night's show, at the Teatro alla Scala, was a symphony of graceful movement, enchanting music, and shimmering stage lighting! A ballet performance is a masterpiece of its own, but experiencing it in such a breathtaking setting, like Teatro alla Scala, is truly special. I'm actually hoping to meet one of the famous ballerinas. Isn’t that a grand idea?

Speaking of beauty, let's talk about fashion! I know, I know, I can't talk about Milan without mentioning its fashion prowess. It's just such a breathtaking whirlwind of design and creativity. Today, I was wandering around the shops, hoping to discover that special item to take my ballet wardrobe to the next level. You see, there’s always room in a ballerina's heart and wardrobe for a bit of whimsy and extra flair! While my pink tutu collection is already rather expansive, I couldn't resist the opportunity to expand my collection with a couple of vintage designs that I found today! You just can't resist the allure of vintage, right? They were beautifully preserved, each with a unique charm, and absolutely perfect to accentuate the graceful movement of a pirouette!

After an exciting afternoon, the evening saw me strolling along Corso Buenos Aires, soaking up the ambience. It’s such a fabulous street. I do enjoy exploring the street’s quaint shops and finding little gems for my ballet wardrobe. There's always an abundance of inspiration, from stylish clothing boutiques, chic cafes serving exquisite Italian pastries (yum!), to quirky art studios that burst with a kaleidoscope of colour and passion! Speaking of inspiration, have you started adding a pop of pink to your wardrobe yet? Remember, pink tutus aren't just for ballerinas, they are for everyone who wants to add a splash of joy to the world! Don't be shy - it’s the perfect accessory for your own personal flair and expression, and honestly, there's no better feeling than spinning your pink dreams into reality, whether on stage or in your everyday life!

I also got a chance to wander through the magnificent Parco Sempione, Milan’s very own slice of paradise. Its calming green spaces, the breath of fresh air, and the joyous chatter of children, remind you that a good balance is important! And let’s face it, all this shopping, dancing, and theatre-going is definitely going to make your tummy grumble. I had a wonderful evening, stopping at one of my favourite little cafes, surrounded by chattering Italians, enjoying a plate of spaghetti with a touch of magic – some very specific additions like black truffle that give this ordinary dish an extraordinary twist. Every bite was a little taste of heaven!

The week has been buzzing, my dear readers, full of adventure and endless excitement! As I prepare to catch the train back home from my Milan escapade, I’m reminded that the essence of joy lies not only in the moments of brilliance and elegance, but also in the ordinary moments, where laughter, food, and beautiful surroundings are celebrated. And most of all, it's in finding a place where a girl in a pink tutu can feel perfectly comfortable expressing her love of dance, fashion, and a bit of happy chaos, and inspire others to embrace their inner ballerina.

Remember, there is a sparkling pink tutu out there waiting for each and every one of you, ready to embrace you, dance with you, and help you turn your own dreams into reality.

See you next week, in our next exciting post, here at

And remember - life is too short to be anything other than sparkling and beautifully fabulous, so let your inner ballerina shine!

Until then, lots of love from Milan,

Emma, The Pink Tutu Ballerina


P.S. Don't forget to join me next Monday for an exciting look at some of the hottest fashion trends that emerged from Milan's vibrant Fashion Week! There's nothing quite like it - a whirlwind of stunning outfits and amazing creativity!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2012-02-22 ballet blog from Milano Italia