Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2012-11-07 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #909 - Wednesday 7th November 2012

Ciao Bella! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another installment of the Pink Tutu Milan blog! I'm buzzing from my day, as you can probably imagine - Milan is just such a breathtaking city, full of style and passion, and today's adventures have certainly been no exception.

So, as usual, let's kick off this week's post with my Outfit of the Day: It's chilly here in Milan, so I've chosen to pair my beloved blush-pink tutu with a cream-coloured cashmere jumper, a vintage-inspired, embroidered cardigan from a tiny shop near the Duomo, and some black patent leather ankle boots - perfect for exploring cobblestone streets and dashing between trams. You know I just adore a good clash of textures, don't you? I’m trying my best to be a tartan-tutu-wearing-queen in the heart of Milan. I may not always get it right, but I have been mistaken for a performer from La Scala several times, so I must be doing something right!

Speaking of La Scala… that was the highlight of my day today! Imagine my excitement when I snagged two tickets for a performance of “Romeo and Juliet”. It was such a treat, the dancing was utterly magical and the drama just pulled me right into the story. Did you know that the performance tonight is completely sold out? I just love those last-minute grabs! That’s why I never book ahead – there’s just something thrilling about the unexpected…

After the performance, I had to have a little look in the souvenir shop at the theatre, of course! Can you imagine my surprise when I discovered an amazing, almost fairytale pink tulle skirt… it had tiny embroidered butterflies all over it! Well, needless to say, it came home with me. It’s the perfect everyday outfit addition – imagine it with a simple white tee and a blazer for a truly stylish afternoon look. Or a pink blouse, a black blazer and some statement heels for a bold evening outfit! Just what I need to make a splash while I’m here in Milan.

Before the ballet, I stopped by my favourite pastry shop to indulge in a delectable dolce – they’re the perfect pre-theatre treat, right? After such a feast for the senses, a real treat is needed… shopping! Oh, how I love discovering little shops nestled in the hidden corners of the city, finding those quirky, unique pieces that will bring some serious pizzazz to my wardrobe!

Now, I must be honest, my wanderings have not all been focused on fashion - today was about exploring this fascinating city through its heart. I even hopped onto a vintage tram to experience Milan like a local, cruising along the Via della Spiga with the vibrant city whizzing past my window. That journey sparked a real sense of adventure – next week, I’m thinking a train journey to Verona! I hear it's a beautiful city, with stunning architecture and a heartfelt Italian spirit, perfect for inspiration. Maybe I’ll find some new inspiration for my own wardrobe – or maybe even a new tutu or two!

Oh, and before I forget, a quick word about food - Milan truly does have a special charm, even when it comes to gastronomical delights. Tonight, after the performance, I discovered this adorable little cafe tucked away near the opera house. Imagine my surprise! They served me the most exquisite *pasta with truffle oil - *so creamy, so decadent! Of course, I had to have the traditional Italian tiramisu to finish off my dinner. Perfect! It felt like I had eaten my way through a scene from Lady and the Tramp!

And that’s where I leave you this week - off to a peaceful night in Milan, dreaming of ballerinas, beautiful fabrics, and delicious, creamy pasta!

Don’t forget to tune in next Monday for another exciting adventure in the world of Pink Tutu Milan. I promise to bring you more fashion finds, delicious culinary discoveries, and, of course, all the ballet news I can squeeze into one blog post!

And as always, my loves, remember… everyone can be a pink tutu-wearing-ballerina at heart! Don’t be afraid to let your inner fairy glow, my darlings!

Until next Monday, Emma.

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2012-11-07 ballet blog from Milano Italia