Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2013-06-19 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #941 – Milan's Enchanting Mix of Ballet, Fashion, and Pink!

Buongiorno from sunny Milan, darling! It’s Wednesday, 19th June 2013, and my pink tutu is feeling quite at home amongst the fashion and flair of this magnificent city! I arrived on Sunday, a whirlwind of travel straight from a performance at the Royal Opera House in London. As always, my trusty pink tutu was there to keep me grounded (figuratively speaking, of course - the Italian cobblestones would not agree!) while I embraced the delights of my new surroundings.

This week in Milan, we've got an absolute bonanza of activities for my little pink tutu! From enchanting ballet performances to exploring the vibrant street art scene, we're immersing ourselves in everything that makes this city so fabulous. I've even spotted some delightfully pink shops, and my suitcase is already bursting with colourful finds!

Fashion is in the air…

I know you're wondering how this trip is being funded – and the answer is simple! My pink tutu is a true superstar! It helps me pay my way with dazzling ballet performances. This week I'm on the “Dance in the City” circuit, and tonight I’ll be gracing the stage with a very special performance, inspired by the captivating streets of Milan. It's going to be a magical evening, and I just know my tutu will steal the show!

But enough about my work! Let's get into the nitty-gritty of my Milan adventures.

Trams, trains, and a touch of pink!

Ah, the trams! My love affair with Milan started right on my first ride. The trams are simply gorgeous here! A glorious blend of vintage elegance and modern comfort. They smoothly glide through the city's maze of streets, carrying me like a royal princess to various landmarks. Every ride is an adventure – each stop feels like a step into a new scene. I feel like I’m walking straight into a Visconti film – don’t worry, darling, I’ll have to do a whole separate post about the incredible cinema here, but more about that later!

My trusty travel buddy? Of course! You know my little pink tutu always travels with me! In Milan, I've been embracing the local culture, hopping onto trams, even indulging in some delightful Aperol spritzes at one of the glamorous bars along the canals! My pink tutu feels right at home, adding a touch of whimsy and vibrant femininity to my urban explorations.

The art of discovery!

The past few days have been a sensory feast! I've wandered through the grand galleries, marvelled at Renaissance masterpieces, and even got lost (in the best possible way!) exploring hidden alleyways. One particularly magical day, I stumbled upon a tiny street art gallery – I never know what amazing gems I’ll discover! The gallery showcased an amazing array of local and international talent, each piece telling a unique story in its vibrant colours and playful expressions.

I just couldn't resist adding my own touch to this street art exploration. Can you imagine my delight when I found a huge pink wall with "Pink Tutu Milan" sprawled across it?! Of course, I had to grab a picture with my little pink tutu. I think it’s a pretty amazing blend of artistry, my favourite colour, and this wonderful city.

Shopping Spree in Style!

Milan! How I adore thee, oh land of fashion and fabulous shopping! It seems there’s a new designer boutique at every corner, with some of the most gorgeous designs, each more captivating than the last! Let’s just say I haven't quite escaped the lure of my favourite color, and the stores here are brimming with delectable shades of pink.

My most treasured find? A dreamy, blush-pink satin top with delicate ruffles. I just couldn’t leave it behind, and the sales assistant said she’d never seen anyone quite so thrilled about pink! You've got to see the whole outfit on my Instagram, darling, my pink tutu looks positively sensational with it!

Oh! Speaking of my Instagram, remember to follow me! You'll see the most captivating snaps of Milan, my darling pink tutu adventures, and, of course, my fabulous outfits!

The Magic of a Milanese Evening

There’s nothing like an evening in Milan! After a day of wandering, a ballet performance at La Scala awaits! I can already feel the thrill of the orchestra tuning up, the whispers of anticipation from the audience. And tonight, my darling, the entire stage will be dressed in pink! My pink tutu is going to shine brighter than ever under the spotlights!

I'll tell you all about it next week, in my post about “The Magic of La Scala!”

The Pink Tutu Effect

Every city I visit becomes a bit more pink – at least while I’m there. It's all thanks to the power of my little pink tutu, of course! I want everyone to wear a pink tutu, even just for a day. Imagine a world full of pink! I mean, can you think of anything more enchanting, delightful, and truly joyful? My tutu encourages kindness, compassion, and a sense of playful whimsy.

This little pink tutu might just be my passport to spreading pink-tastic joy! Just you wait!

That’s all from Milan for this week, darling! Stay tuned for the next adventure on my journey, filled with more pink, more fun, and more fantastic finds in this city that captures my heart every time.

Until next week!

Lots of pink love,


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2013-06-19 ballet blog from Milano Italia