Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2013-07-03 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: A Dreamy Debut in the City of Fashion - #943

Ciao bella!

It’s Emma here, your resident Pink Tutu aficionado, writing to you from the chic streets of Milan, Italy! Yes, you heard me right! This pink tutu has landed in the heart of fashion!

After weeks of pirouette practice and saving up from my latest performance at the Derbyshire Theatre (did I mention my incredible solo in Swan Lake? I got a standing ovation!), I finally made it to Milan! I have to say, I’m feeling super inspired already!

This week, we’re exploring the city’s amazing ballet scene and, of course, doing a spot of shopping, because one cannot come to Milan without browsing through the incredible boutiques, can one? The windows here are just screaming out "pink tutu, I need you!".

A Tram Ride Through Milan's Charm

I arrived on Wednesday, July 3rd, and after settling into my quaint little apartment near the Duomo, I knew I had to explore. I love how the city hums with life! My first stop? A ride on the iconic Milanese tram! I must confess, I did a little twirl on board (I couldn’t help myself!). The colourful carriages felt like a miniature stage set for a charming ballet!

Ballet Dreams: Teatro alla Scala

After my tramway adventures, I had a delightful encounter at the famed Teatro alla Scala, home to the Scala Opera House and Theatre. It felt so grand! Imagine - glittering chandeliers, velvety red curtains, and the echoes of applause! I'm a bit obsessed with the Teatro's incredible history. They say the ghosts of legendary dancers still glide around those magnificent corridors. A bit spooky but also incredibly magical.

This incredible ballet-obsessed girl couldn't resist a peek inside the Teatro, taking in all the theatrical charm. Oh, to see the incredible performances! Imagine yourself under the glow of the spotlights! The history is practically tangible in this old place - you could almost hear the melodies of countless ballets.

The Teatro has a certain magic about it that reminds me that even though I love to go shopping and find the best deals, my passion, my true love is for ballet.

A Pink Tutu-Friendly Fashion Wonderland!

Of course, a visit to Milan isn’t complete without a spot of shopping! It’s a true paradise for any fashion-loving Pink Tutu fan like me. I popped into a delightful little boutique, a small vintage emporium on a side street not far from my apartment. They even had a cute pair of pink-tutu inspired ballet shoes (well, I said they were pink-tutu inspired!).

Later, I took a detour to the designer stores, their displays simply breathtaking. Even the windows themselves were worthy of a spotlight! They looked like works of art. I was so inspired! I must admit that my bank account was getting a little anxious, but you know, a girl's gotta dream, right? A few new shoes won't hurt!

Food, Fashion & The Spirit of Milan

One of my favorite things about Milan is the street life. There’s so much buzzing around; little shops bursting with colorful Italian products, cafes with delicious smelling pastries, people watching, the constant chatter – it's incredibly vibrant!

After spending a delightful morning wandering, I popped into a lovely cafe on a street corner, and devoured a plate of steaming pasta! Italian cuisine is just the best, with the richest, most delicious flavours. The locals here make food feel like a performance itself!

That evening, I ventured out to the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. Talk about a feast for the eyes! It felt like an open-air cathedral of shopping and beauty! Every inch is covered in glittering details, like an elaborate backdrop for a spectacular ballet. The mosaic floors alone were stunning!

The Art of Living

This whole trip has shown me how much Italy loves the artistry of life! From the food to the fashion, there's such a joy in presentation. Even the local artisans seem to be passionate performers when creating their works of art. And, of course, the ballet performances are the heart and soul of the city.

But what truly makes this city special? The Italians seem to carry a passion in their everyday lives! They know how to savor the moment - to relish the sunshine, the music, the beautiful chaos, and I truly admire that.

A Pink Tutu Mission in the Heart of Milan

I have to tell you, my little Pink Tutu mission - spreading the love of pink tutus - has just gotten a whole lot more ambitious here in Milan! There's so much life here, so much creative spirit! It makes me want to jump up on every street corner and give a free tutu lesson to everyone, from fashion designers to businessmen. I've even considered creating my own street performance at the Duomo! Imagine: a whole crowd in pink tutus - it would be amazing!

Oh, to inspire the next generation of ballerinas, from the chic, cobbles of Milan to the cobbled streets of my lovely Derbyshire! It's a dream to make ballet a worldwide thing! Imagine the world, covered in pink tutus! (Not everyone would like that - but a girl can dream! Haha!)

As I write this, I can practically hear the gentle notes of Vivaldi playing, almost a soundtrack for my Milan adventure!

Follow My Journey to More Pink Tutus

Keep following my adventures on my Pink Tutu blog, dear reader! Each Monday I’ll be bringing you a fresh blog from my travels all around the globe! And, you know me! Every adventure involves lots of pink tutus and maybe even a couple of new outfits! I want to inspire everyone to be their own beautiful ballerina. So, get your pink tutu out and get ready for a fantastic journey through the world with your best pink tutu girl, Emma.

See you soon, darlings!

Yours in pink,


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2013-07-03 ballet blog from Milano Italia