Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2014-02-19 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - #976 - Wednesday 19th February 2014 🩰

Ciao from Milan, darling! The fashion capital of the world, a city pulsing with chic vibes, and for me, the perfect backdrop to twirl, spin, and prance my way through a week of ballet adventures. I've had such a whirlwind time these past few days, it feels like a dream, a beautiful, pink-hued, tulle-laden dream.

As usual, I made my way to Milan by train, the clattering, swaying journey filled with the bustle of fellow travellers and the excitement of heading towards a new adventure. And as soon as the train pulled into Milan Centrale, I felt the magic of the city begin to weave its spell.

I knew immediately where to head first - Pink Paradise. The shop assistant's eyes lit up when they saw my Pink Tutu outfit. A real "fashionista" she declared! (My heart swelled with pride). Of course, there had to be a few purchases - a silk scarf, oh so delicate, with delicate flower embroidery in shades of pink, and a pair of stunning shoes, pink, naturally, with an elegant black bow, for my trip to the opera this weekend.

I haven't yet even mentioned the most incredible find I discovered this week! I was strolling through Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, feeling oh-so-inspired by the grandeur of the arcade, the dazzling shops, the beautiful architecture. Suddenly, there it was: a sign for a shop called La Bottega del Tutu! "Oh darling!", I whispered to myself, "My pink Tutu-dreams have been answered".

Inside, the walls were a veritable explosion of colour, bursting with rows upon rows of tulle, sequins, and feather boas, each one a masterpiece of ballet couture. I spent an absolute age admiring the intricate embroidery and exquisite craftsmanship. A vision of pink tutus, delicate lace, and sparkling diamantes danced before my eyes. It felt like I'd walked into a dreamland, a veritable princess palace! The owner, a tiny, wispy woman with eyes full of laughter and wisdom, helped me to select the most exquisite tulle fabric, an absolute stunner of a shade of pink, that felt as light as a feather against my skin. This, my darlings, will be the fabric for my new signature creation, the "Milan Tutu", which I’ll be debuting at my next show!

Naturally, with so much excitement around tutus, ballet was always going to be on the agenda. It was a total "pinch me" moment when I secured tickets for the Teatro alla Scala! It’s known worldwide for its exquisite opera performances, but this time, they were staging “Giselle”. A truly mesmerising and captivating performance, with an incredible ballerina, Grace herself! The sheer athleticism and artistry on stage left me utterly breathless.

A Ballerina's Dream

But it wasn't just the big-time shows that filled my days in Milan. I also found myself mesmerized by the magic of street performances. There was an adorable little girl performing at a local park - she wasn't quite ready to perform with the big guns, but the joy and grace she brought to her steps, even with just her simple pink tutu, was utterly heart-warming.

It’s that pure love of dance that I hope to bring to the world, my dear readers, and that's why I keep striving to share the joy of tutus and dance with everyone. After all, isn’t life just a bit more exciting when you're twirling, leaping and dreaming?

Of course, the perfect day always needs a dose of shopping therapy. I was absolutely delighted to discover the Duomo di Milano (a must-see in Milan), a spectacular cathedral which has the most beautiful mosaics, a magnificent stone façade, and an enchanting aura. I spent an afternoon admiring its majestic beauty before settling into the most divine afternoon tea in Milan's Fashion District. The dainty pastries, the aromatic tea, the plush chairs, everything about it was a delight. It truly felt like a princess afternoon!

Let’s get Pink and Playful!

To cap off the day, a wonderful little Italian bistro nestled on a cobbled side street, filled with the aromas of garlic and the warmth of candlelight, felt absolutely perfect. Milan’s charm doesn't stop when the sun goes down; the city comes alive at night, and this bistro provided the ideal setting to jot down my thoughts and plan for my next big ballet adventure!

This weekend, my loves, I’m planning to catch the opera – Tosca, at the Teatro alla Scala. Can you even imagine? A spectacle of grand operatic voices and flamboyant costumes? It’s going to be a fabulous feast for the senses. If you're ever in Milan, this is absolutely a must-see, so I shall tell you all about it next week!

Until then, remember, darling: *Dance like no one’s watching! * And wear pink. Every day should feel like a ballet performance, so go on, embrace your inner ballerina!

And if you’re wondering about how I finance these amazing adventures, well, I’m so grateful to say, my darling, that I manage to pay for my travels through the joy of ballet performance! I share my love for dance by performing at weddings, birthday celebrations, and even at the theatre on occasion. Every twirl and arabesque brings me closer to fulfilling my lifelong dream. It truly makes my heart sing!

But the true magic of all this, my lovelies, is the sense of community that it fosters. Seeing a smile on a child's face when they spot my tutu, watching a wedding party burst into applause, hearing the appreciative murmurs at the end of a performance – that's what fuels my soul, that’s what keeps me twirling.

Keep an eye out next week, dear reader, for a new installment on the Pink Tutu journey, and a little preview of my "Milan Tutu". And in the meantime, remember to keep twirling, keep dreaming, and never lose the little bit of magic that makes life worth living!


Emma 💕

Pink Tutu Blogs: 🩰

P.S. This blog is dedicated to all of you wonderful people, my dearest readers! I love receiving your comments and hearing about your own ballet experiences. You can reach me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

[Image: A photo of Emma, a young woman with rosy cheeks, her bright blue eyes sparkling with glee as she holds a beautifully pink and voluminous tulle fabric against her chest. She's sporting a bright pink tutu and a wide smile, her auburn hair perfectly curled around her shoulders, all bathed in the warm glow of Milan’s afternoon sun.]

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2014-02-19 ballet blog from Milano Italia