Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2016-03-02 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1082: Ciao Bella! A Ballet-Filled Week in the City of Fashion!

Hello, darlings! It's Emma, your resident pink tutu enthusiast, here with a brand-spanking-new blog post from the glorious city of Milan! This week has been an absolute whirlwind of twirling, shopping, and simply soaking in the Italian magic.

Wednesday 2016-03-02:

This morning dawned bright and breezy in Milan. I had already mapped out my day – a ballet class, a peek at some fabulous vintage shops, and perhaps a pitstop at a charming café for a cappucino and a delicate, pink-frosted macaron (my weakness, you see).

Before I even left the hotel, however, I had a delightful surprise! While enjoying my morning croissant (okay, maybe I had two), a rather distinguished gentleman in a bespoke suit approached me. "Excuse me, mademoiselle," he began, his voice as smooth as the velvet lining of his jacket, "Are you the lovely lady with the pink tutu blog?" I giggled, a bit flustered. "Why, yes! It's my little online corner of the world." "Well," he declared with a twinkle in his eye, "you must come and see our show at the Teatro alla Scala! We are putting on a performance of 'Swan Lake', and we would be delighted to offer you a complimentary seat. You are a shining light in the ballet world, you see. You make people happy with your passion for dance."

Honestly, I was over the moon! Who gets invited to see 'Swan Lake' at La Scala by a gentleman in a bespoke suit? My lucky star must be shining! Naturally, I accepted with the grace of a seasoned ballerina, my heart beating like a hummingbird's wings.

The evening arrived all too quickly. I chose a sparkly, sapphire blue tulle tutu with a matching bolero for the occasion – just a touch of glamour for this majestic venue! Stepping into the Teatro alla Scala, my jaw dropped. The grandeur, the history, the shimmering golden light – it was a true masterpiece!

As the curtain rose, I was completely transported by the performance. The dancers were ethereal, graceful, and effortlessly powerful. They painted the stage with their every movement, and the music filled my heart with wonder. 'Swan Lake' never fails to move me.

But that's not all, darlings! After the final curtain, a lovely young woman approached me. "You must be Emma, the pink tutu blogger," she said, a warm smile lighting up her face. "I am Beatrice, one of the soloists in the show." She handed me a programme signed by the entire company. “We were so touched to see your pink tutu in the audience," she whispered, "It truly brightened our evening." I felt a happy little flutter in my chest. To be acknowledged by such talented artists…it was simply magical.

Thursday 2016-03-03:

A little hungover from the ballet's magic, I decided to explore the city on Thursday. Milan is a place where fashion, art, and culture all intertwine seamlessly. The vibrant street scene, filled with people from all walks of life, is as dazzling as the fashion shows that grace the city's runways.

Of course, no trip to Milan is complete without a little retail therapy. I took a tram down to Via Montenapoleone, the city’s heart of fashion, with its sleek designer boutiques and breathtaking window displays. I confess, I felt a tad out of place in my twirling tutu (a whimsical lilac number today) surrounded by impeccably dressed shoppers, but my confidence grew with every boutique I explored. The colours, the textures, the incredible craftsmanship – it was an inspiration to every sartorial sense.

I picked up a gorgeous new, coral pink silk scarf for a birthday present, and a pair of divine, ruby red heels that would add just the right touch of colour to my everyday outfits. And for me? Why, a shimmering silver broach that glittered like a thousand stars. I’m planning on adding it to my classic black tutu – just imagine the dramatic effect!

Friday 2016-03-04:

Friday morning was dedicated to embracing Milan's local charm. The city isn't just about high-fashion, darlings – it's also home to quaint cafes, buzzing markets, and a thriving art scene. My trusty guide, the tram, took me on a scenic route through the city centre.

I stopped at a bustling farmers market, a kaleidoscope of vibrant fruits and vegetables, tempting cheeses, and delicious breads. The scents alone were enough to entice me into buying everything in sight. In fact, I even learned how to make a little pizza from a friendly local baker - they’re so much better when you know the secret!

But Milan’s artistry also lies beyond its catwalks, tucked away in the city's hidden corners. I found myself drawn to the magnificent frescoes of Santa Maria delle Grazie, with its hauntingly beautiful Leonardo da Vinci masterpiece – The Last Supper. I’m sure you’ll agree, it was an incredibly poignant reminder that even in a city famed for its cutting-edge fashion, the timeless beauty of art reigns supreme.

Saturday 2016-03-05:

On a perfect Milanese Saturday, the city truly came alive. The streets were filled with locals and tourists alike, strolling through the historic districts, enjoying a leisurely lunch or an afternoon coffee, or simply basking in the warm sunshine.

It was the day I decided to see a street ballet performance! There was a group of talented dancers who set up a makeshift stage in a plaza, and as they danced, their grace and passion lit up the entire area. The crowd was captivated, clapping and cheering for every pirouette and leap. Even I, a professional ballet enthusiast, found myself spellbound by their talent and dedication.

Afterwards, as I sipped on an iced limonata at a nearby cafe, a charming gentleman sitting at the next table looked at me with an approving smile. “You must be the famous pink tutu blogger!” he exclaimed. “My daughter adores you! You have inspired her to dance!” He even mentioned that he was a choreographer! I was so overwhelmed with joy! It’s a constant reminder why I share my adventures with the world. Seeing how my blog has touched the hearts of others fills me with warmth.

Sunday 2016-03-06:

Sundays in Milan are a blissful experience, like a pause for a moment of quiet contemplation in the middle of a bustling week. As the sun peeked over the rooftops of the city, I took a scenic tram journey along the banks of the Naviglio Grande Canal. This historic waterway, lined with charming restaurants and shops, transported me back to a gentler era, with its narrow streets, historic buildings, and boats gliding gracefully through the water.

Then, I took a beautiful walk in Sempione Park – an oasis of green, a place to relax, wander and soak in the vibrant city life, far from the hustle of the city centre. Milan may be a bustling fashion hub, but its heart is definitely green!

Before my evening journey back home, I caught a glorious ballet performance at the Teatro degli Arcimboldi. A magnificent new venue, complete with a pink foyer (no surprise there, then!) – an homage to a true ballet lover, I’m sure! It was an excellent production, so energetic and engaging! The dancers’ passion shone through and gave me a fabulous night of twirling and delight.

As I settled down on the train, ready to travel back to Derbyshire, I thought about all that I had experienced during this magical week in Milan. It’s been a whirlwind of fashion, culture, and passion! I truly fell in love with the city. But as the train took me away, my mind couldn’t help but wander to the countless beautiful people and places that are just waiting to be discovered on my next trip. Perhaps, my next adventure will take me to a grand palace or an enchanted garden in a new city?

Remember, darlings, the magic is everywhere, you just have to twirl your way towards it! Until next time, stay sparkly, stay glamorous, and most importantly, never, ever forget the power of a pink tutu!

Stay tuned for more pink tutu adventures, right here on!

With love, twirls, and lots of glitter, Emma



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#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2016-03-02 ballet blog from Milano Italia