Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2017-05-31 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #1147 - A Whirlwind of Romance and Glamour

Ciao bella! Emma here, your resident Pink Tutu princess, landing back in Milano after another whirlwind week. This week, I've been swept up in the city's infectious energy, sipping cappuccino in buzzing cafes, twirling through the historic streets, and even sneaking in some delightful ballet performances - oh, how I love that feeling of pointe shoes brushing the stage!

Now, before I unleash the full spectrum of this glorious Italian adventure, I have to tell you about this incredible pink tutu. It's practically radiating happiness, and I’ve been yearning for just the right occasion to flaunt it. Honestly, it feels like it's practically twirling itself, such is its sheer delightful exuberance. You’ll be seeing plenty of photos in this post, of course!

The Dance of Milan Fashion

Milano is not just a city of pasta and gelato - it's also a powerhouse of style, and this week, I had the absolute pleasure of stepping into a few fabulous designer boutiques. The fashion here is truly something else. You have these stunning creations - each one a work of art - and you can just sense the dedication and craftsmanship in every stitch. Of course, my eye was instantly drawn to all things pink - what can I say, my heart just flutters when I see a glorious shade of rosy perfection!

The amazing thing about the Milan fashion scene is the balance - there's a mix of cutting edge and classic, allowing for unique self-expression. And you can practically feel the vibrant energy buzzing in the air. You might see someone in an incredible head-to-toe fuchsia look one minute, then someone in a sleek, timeless tailored ensemble the next. That's what I love about Milano - it celebrates the entire spectrum of fashion, with everyone finding their own individual style.

Speaking of style, I spotted some delightful pink additions for my own wardrobe – a vintage scarf that practically whispered ‘take me to the Amalfi Coast’, a statement pink bag that could be mistaken for a blooming rose, and some whimsical, shimmering pink earrings. I’m already plotting outfit combinations!

Backstage with a Ballet Star

This week, I had the good fortune of meeting one of my ballet idols, the wonderful, elegant Alessandra. I had the privilege of watching her performance in the beautiful Teatro alla Scala, and then I actually got to go backstage and chat with her after the show. The sheer joy of watching her dance was utterly inspiring. You know when a performance truly hits you, leaving you speechless and exhilarated all at the same time? This was it.

Alessandra shared her experiences with such grace and warmth. You could tell her love for ballet shone through in every word. It was so inspiring to hear her passion, her dedication to perfecting every movement. We discussed the importance of grace, how a seemingly simple turn or leap can tell an entire story through the body.

One of her most insightful pieces of advice was, "Embrace the power of vulnerability.” Now, I'm a firm believer that letting your true self shine through is one of the most powerful acts of all, especially as dancers, so this really resonated with me. You see, there's beauty in imperfections and moments of vulnerability; it's all part of the story we tell on the stage, a story of resilience and strength.

Alessandra’s words echo in my mind as I'm putting this blog post together. I realised that vulnerability isn’t something to fear but something to embrace. In this digital age, we can sometimes feel pressure to project an image of perfection. But true joy comes from embracing all the different sides of ourselves, the happy and the not-so-happy. The messy and the magnificent. It’s the whole package that makes us who we are, and in a world full of pretenders, that's exactly what makes us truly unique.

Trams, Train Tracks, and Teatro

Milano’s charm goes beyond fashion and theatre – there's a romantic, old-world charm about the city. The architecture, the historic piazzas, even the sound of the tram bell - it all transports me to a more relaxed, joyful era. I particularly love exploring the backstreets, hidden shops with antique trinkets, cozy cafes with steaming mugs of hot chocolate – there’s just a feeling of timeless serenity in these quiet pockets of the city.

Of course, no Milan adventure is complete without hopping aboard a local train or tram. I love that cozy feeling of looking out the window, watching the city blur by. This week, I even stumbled upon an adorable bakery that was housed inside a quaint old station. It’s amazing how this city constantly reveals its secrets – each journey is a discovery in itself.

Then, there’s the Teatro! It was truly an unforgettable evening, filled with vibrant energy, a whirlwind of color, and the most delicious sense of theatre magic. As the curtains closed and the final note of music resonated, I knew that this experience would stay with me long after I leave Milano. There’s just something truly special about the magic of the theatre.

Speaking of theatre, there was a lovely street performer I came across. He had the most delightful mix of theatrical flair and effortless grace as he spun plates on his fingers, juggling balls with impeccable skill, and drawing in a crowd of amazed onlookers with his whimsical antics. It felt like I was watching a small-scale circus performance right on the pavement – magical, indeed!

A Pink Tutu Mission: One City at a Time

I’m not gonna lie, sometimes I have to give myself a pep talk before stepping out in my Pink Tutu. “It’s about the joy, Emma. The spreading of sparkle and sunshine. Think about the happy smiles you're inspiring.” It's amazing the confidence boost you get when you step outside your comfort zone, and embracing your inner Pink Tutu princess truly allows me to connect with so many beautiful souls in a truly meaningful way.

There’s just something truly magical about the simple act of embracing joy. And the way that a Pink Tutu seems to open hearts, encouraging conversations, sharing smiles, and bringing people together – it’s like a wearable expression of positive energy! It’s more than just an outfit – it’s a reminder that life is a beautiful adventure, one pink tutu at a time!

One of my goals this trip was to find someone in Milano to share a spontaneous Pink Tutu dance party with me, and, guess what? I did! It was on the last day, on a little square bathed in sunlight, surrounded by laughter and applause. Just the perfect blend of joy, fashion, and fabulousness. I'll be posting the video of that joyous moment on my Instagram page next week – be sure to keep an eye out!

And hey, you never know. Maybe I'll find a few more Tutu dancers along my travels, spreading the joy, and proving that a Pink Tutu can transform any place into a sparkling wonderland!

So, that’s all from my Milan adventures for now. Ciao bella, until next week!

P.S. My next destination will be a special surprise, but stay tuned, my Pink Tutu travels are just beginning!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2017-05-31 ballet blog from Milano Italia