Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-04-18 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #1193 - Wednesday, 2018-04-18 - The Pink Paradise of Milano

Buongiorno, darlings! It's Emma here, writing to you from the beautiful city of Milan! This week, I'm channeling my inner fashionista, embracing the pink paradise of Milano with all my heart! It's Wednesday, which means it's Pink Tutu Milan day! Woo hoo! This week's post is extra special, because Milan, you see, is ALL about the pink this week. It’s everywhere. From the beautiful pink flowers blooming in the parks to the delectable pink gelato swirling in my cone, Milan has completely embraced the blush of my favourite colour. My heart is literally overflowing with joy and excitement!

I woke up this morning in my hotel room – I have to say, it’s gorgeous. Very chic, in shades of grey with just a hint of pink, you know, just to make it extra special. And who better to judge my fashion choices in the morning than my faithful, always chic pink travel tutu. I can't imagine leaving my flat without my travel tutu, it's the best travel companion. And it has certainly turned some heads today, trust me!

For my day in Milan, I knew I wanted a look that was both fabulous and comfortable. So, I slipped into a light pink midi-skirt with some delicately laced detailing, and paired it with a cute lavender cotton t-shirt. To top it all off, I added a white, knitted cardigan for that added layer of warmth. Oh, and did I mention my trusty pink ballet shoes? My trusty flats are perfect for the many, many miles of pavement I traverse daily. I just have this amazing ability to turn an ordinary stroll into a graceful dance. Of course, my trusty pink travel tutu went with my outfit without a fuss – it’s become almost a part of my body.

You see, darlings, a touch of pink always adds a delightful sparkle to my days! In my Derbyshire world, pink isn't just a colour, it's an emotion, a celebration, a life choice. Even when I'm on stage at one of my ballet gigs in the local village hall, that pink tutu takes me to another dimension! My dance partner often teases me and calls me a 'pink fluffy unicorn' – although I do love him dearly.

Now, onto the best bit about this Wednesday. Milan is not just a fashion mecca. Milan, my darlings, is also a ballerina’s paradise. There's just something about the city that sets my inner ballerina free. It's a place where every cobblestone street becomes a stage and every alleyway transforms into a rehearsal studio. Maybe it's the historical charm, the graceful buildings, the romantic piazzas – or perhaps, it's just that infectious, positive energy, but whatever the reason, I am totally in love!

Speaking of infectious energy, my dance teacher told me there was a fantastic dance troupe in town that day, The Milano Ballerinas, who perform a unique style of street ballet in different spots throughout the city every Wednesday! I simply had to find them and immerse myself in their world.

Before I ventured out though, I needed some serious shopping therapy in the city. The clothes here in Milano are exquisite – and what’s the best thing about finding a dress you just adore in the sale? Pink is definitely in, darlings! I absolutely could not leave Milano without the gorgeous rose pink polka-dot dress I just bought! It will look just amazing with my trusty pink travel tutu - who doesn't love a double whammy of pink perfection?

With a burst of confidence (and my shopping bags safely secured in my arms!), I jumped onto a tram - this city has the BEST trams. They’re so cute, so pink and so shiny! Honestly, if the trams could move at supersonic speeds and had a bar serving prosecco, I think I would literally live in them. I headed to Piazza Duomo, the heart of the city, my senses alive with the excitement of a new adventure.

The square was abuzz with tourists, vendors, and street performers – oh and it was just absolutely gorgeous in the glorious sunshine! It’s a stunning sight, honestly. The gothic architecture, the breathtaking Duomo cathedral, the bustling atmosphere... Milan truly is a symphony for the senses.

But what I was most excited about was finding The Milano Ballerinas. You know me, I am always looking for the next best thing, especially when it comes to the divine art of ballet. After a couple of detours around charming cafes and admiring the window displays (who doesn't love to see pink-coloured shoes!), I found them – a vibrant, dynamic, ballet company performing ballet en pointe outside the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II!

These beautiful dancers, clad in exquisite costumes and delicate tutus, floated and swirled effortlessly. It was breathtaking, literally. Their performance combined classic ballet techniques with contemporary elements, making it a modern masterpiece. I stood there transfixed, every part of me consumed by their talent and grace. I just had to go backstage to talk to them - and tell them all about my lovely little pink tutu!

Their energy was incredible. They’ve really put their heart and soul into their artistry. We spoke about the city’s vibrant energy and about the beauty of expressing ourselves through movement – the shared joy of bringing joy to others. I took lots of pictures (I had to capture the beauty!). Then, they told me, “Why not join us for a class?” I was so stunned! But of course, I accepted. My dance-heart leapt with delight – because let’s face it, learning some new ballet moves in the heart of Milan is something you don't pass up!

I spent the afternoon honing my technique alongside these amazing, beautiful, talented, passionate dancers! And to think I didn't even have a change of shoes with me – the lovely ballerina troupe let me use one of theirs. How’s that for a serendipitous, delightful day? I can’t believe it took me this long to finally get into a proper ballet class. I mean, my weekly sessions with my ballet teacher in the village hall are so much fun, but honestly, learning from professionals like The Milano Ballerinas in a setting like the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II was life changing. If this were a film, it would definitely be one of those “pinch-me-is-this-real” moments!

So there we were – surrounded by the grandeur and opulence of Milan, moving gracefully together, our movements intertwining like threads of pink ribbon. We worked on leaps, turns, and grand jetés, our tutus flowing around us like magical, shimmering clouds.

As I walked back to my hotel, with the pink light of sunset reflecting off the Duomo, I reflected on the day's incredible journey. From pink polka-dot dresses to breathtaking ballet, it truly had been a day of magic. My heart was bursting with excitement – Milan had truly captured my pink heart!

Before bed, I popped onto my blog (, and I thought about my followers – I thought about how my mission is all about getting everyone to * embrace their own pink tutus*! That's my ultimate dream: to see a world filled with pink tutus. And, perhaps, some pink trams with prosecco bars, too! Now wouldn't that be delightful!

Ciao for now! Until next week!

Lots of pink love! Emma. xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-04-18 ballet blog from Milano Italia