Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-05-02 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - #1195 - Wednesday 2018-05-02

Ciao bella!

Well, it's been a whirl-wind of a week in Milan, I can tell you. You just wouldn't believe the amount of pink I've seen! I truly do feel that the people of Milan are starting to catch onto the charm of a good pink tutu. Not that they've gone fully on board - let's be realistic here. It takes time for people to fully embrace the tutulastic dream, but it's most definitely on the rise. It's not easy spreading the gospel of the pink tutu when it comes to street fashion here in Milan, but it is so rewarding!

This week has been all about ballet and fashion, in that fabulous blend that I know you, my dear reader, simply adore!

Oh, you really need to see what I've been wearing, let me share:

Outfit Inspiration

This week was all about layering, and playing around with textures. I've really embraced the concept of having layers on my skirt to give that floaty dreamy vibe, paired with a real chunky knit cardigan. Imagine it - this lovely fluffy oversized cream cardigan (you can never go wrong with cream!), paired with a tulle, pink tutu and topped with a cute pink berret. Yes, it does get chilly at times here in Milan - the mornings especially can be nippy - and a little touch of warmth is just divine.

I mean, who can say no to a cute outfit that’s also practical? I found the cardigan at one of the amazing little independent shops around Piazza Cordusio. There's something about being surrounded by all of those gorgeous old buildings and narrow streets, with all these quirky shops, that makes it feel like a little fairytale town! And of course I made a purchase (or two, who's counting?), they just seem to draw you in.

But I digress… My look wouldn’t have been complete without a gorgeous little pink satin ballet slipper - such a pretty contrast with all the soft white and cream, I just had to pair the two! Of course, you can’t forget my trusty handbag; this time it was a stunning velvet clutch (also cream, as you may have gathered cream is very much the vibe this week). I topped off the look with a little statement jewellery and voila!

A Ballerina’s Milan

The beauty of Milan really is the trams. Don't get me wrong, it’s not exactly the transport that we’re known for in Derbyshire, you’re far more likely to see a 1970s Bedford van lumbering down the road there. But in Milan, the trams are a part of the fabric of life. Every journey on them is like a journey in time, and they give me such great ideas for ballet routines, honestly!

It was on the Tram 19 last Monday, on the way to my first ballet show of the week, that I decided to work my next routine around a waltz. And then on my way back after the show, it was just those beautiful city lights, casting reflections over the trams’ polished surfaces that got me thinking about a beautiful sequence inspired by cityscapes. The best part? There were a few stares from the locals. Some amused, some with curious eyes... perhaps it was just me, but I'm pretty sure a couple of them were definitely making a little note in their phones! (Note to self - check local Instagram later.)

Now, don't get me wrong, I love a good train ride! The journey here from England to Milan is always a great escape and a beautiful view from the window, but I think you need something with more soul and more charm than just a standard carriage, something to fuel your imagination and really spark your inner ballerina, to help the artistic wheels turn. You see where I'm coming from, right?

Performances and Passion

Let's talk about the shows. As I mentioned earlier, Monday evening started with a fantastic modern piece performed at the Teatro Arcimboldi. The Teatro Arcimboldi, with its stunning red seats and vibrant blue lighting, really did set the scene. They did this beautiful dance piece which was all about the freedom and joy of movement. It really got me thinking about using movement to tell a story, and that was a fantastic starting point for the rest of my week. It was all very organic, graceful, and full of emotion. Just the sort of show to inspire me!

After that, I popped along to La Scala the next night, because why not? It is Milan, after all! Let’s just say that La Scala was an absolutely stunning affair - they were performing 'Swan Lake', and the theatre was absolutely electric. I could feel the excitement in the air as soon as I walked in, just from all the excited whispering and clicking of high heels. Truly beautiful to see, there's nothing quite like seeing people so utterly passionate about ballet. And let’s be honest, ‘Swan Lake’ never fails to inspire – you’d be hard pushed to not want to get out there and dance your heart out, to embody the white swan's graceful moves.

Now, you know I'm all about the fashion, and it’s hard to ignore the gorgeousness of those outfits – there was something truly majestic about those beautiful white tutus, I just had to find a similar tutu! My eyes scanned every shop in that extraordinarily glamorous little side street by the opera house, until I finally spotted something in a boutique called 'Tutuline.' Of course I snagged myself a white tulle ballerina skirt to make the ‘Swan Lake’ inspired piece!

Later in the week, I wandered down to Teatro Litta and found an incredible performance piece on the rise of 20th-century ballet, exploring the use of different movement styles and showcasing all the innovations of the era! This show really got me thinking about the evolution of ballet - that movement can be so much more than just dancing in a pretty tutu. The performance wasn’t traditional – they mixed and matched traditional and modern ballet techniques. It was revolutionary!*

It was that beautiful blend of creativity, tradition, and modern movement that just spoke to me – It got my artistic juices flowing! I’ve been using it as inspiration for my own dancing since and now, I’ve just got to work out how I’m going to put that innovative energy into my next show!

Ballet & Shopping in Milan

What else have I been up to, I hear you cry? Well, you know me - it’s never all work and no play. Milan’s definitely the best for that blend of fashion and the thrill of retail therapy!

One day, I just had to find myself a cute new ballet top. We’ve all got our favourite pink tutu, right? And when you’re finding that special top that compliments your Tutu, it's really just like finding the perfect pearl. Well, let’s just say, after wandering through some of the boutiques along Via della Spiga, I just had to treat myself. This gorgeous little black halter-neck top with all those exquisite little sequins? You really cannot go wrong! And it had to come home with me - paired with a pink tutu, so glamorous, and the perfect inspiration for my upcoming routine!

Later, in that magical place called "Rinascente," I just fell completely head over heels with the beautiful shoe section – every gorgeous pair of shoe just seemed to whisper 'wear me, dance in me.' And, as we know, I couldn't resist picking up a stunning pair of ballet flats. These were such a classic pair, perfect for just a touch of elegance, with a touch of vintage flair, all in that delicious shade of blush pink. I know they’re going to make a perfect statement!

My wardrobe’s full of pink. My travel bag’s stuffed with inspiration. Now I just need to work it into my latest routines. And hopefully a pink tutu-inspired trend will start appearing in the street style of the fashion-forward city of Milan. Wish me luck, my lovely readers!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2018-05-02 ballet blog from Milano Italia