Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2019-05-29 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - #1251: The Pink Tutu Takes On Milan!

Buongiorno from Milan, my darlings! The Pink Tutu is here in the fashion capital of the world, and let me tell you, I’m absolutely loving it!

I arrived in Milan last Tuesday, hopping off the train at Milano Centrale in my trusty pink tutu (you know I’d never travel anywhere without it!), and haven’t stopped exploring since. This week, I’ve been indulging in my passions, all things pink and twirly, in one of the most stylish cities on earth!

Milan’s got this vibrant energy about it, with the beautiful architecture and all the amazing shops – it's definitely a feast for the eyes. My mission is to share the magic of the city with you, from its stunning museums and cathedrals to its hidden alleyways and charming cafes. And, of course, I’m going to be showcasing the incredible fashion and all the pink fabulousness that this city has to offer.

Oh, and did I mention I found a spectacularly fabulous ballet show this week? You know me and my love of the ballet. I’m completely smitten with it - every step, every movement is like pure magic, isn't it? Especially in Milan!

But first, let’s take a walk down memory lane! Last week was such a whirlwind in Derbyshire. You all saw my last post about the ballet performance I had in my hometown - those Derbyshire crowds were amazing! I really do have the best fans! I couldn't have done it without your support. But honestly, the entire trip was such a fantastic way to reconnect with my roots. I have to admit, I do love a good bit of Derbyshire charm. They really know how to host a great time!

But Milan's got that distinct charm of its own. And boy, did I go all out on this week’s itinerary, all wrapped up in my pink tutu! It's no secret that pink is my absolute favorite color - it’s the ultimate colour for expressing my joy, creativity and fun-loving spirit! What better way to embody that than to wear my pink tutu throughout my explorations in this beautiful city?

My adventure started at the Duomo di Milano - you can't visit Milan without seeing it. This gothic masterpiece is simply breathtaking. I’ll admit, it was rather overwhelming, what with the sheer amount of intricate details! However, the ornate carvings, and the statues, each with its own unique story to tell, mesmerized me. It's just a marvel of architecture. Then, there's the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II - the gorgeous, glass-domed arcade. Talk about dazzling! This Victorian marvel houses some of the world’s most luxurious boutiques. Of course, I made sure to pose for a picture in my tutu, striking a twirling pose in front of its breathtaking glass mosaics. I don’t know what the local Milanese think of my choice of outfit, but my oh my, it did get me some very curious stares and even the occasional thumbs up!

Now, on the topic of my favorite activity: exploring! The city is perfect for trams and I have to say, it's just such a fun way to see the city. It's so much more charming and relaxing than being packed like sardines in a metro carriage. Plus, you can admire the architecture from a different perspective! Oh, and you know me and my pink tutu; the tram passengers never seem to notice I'm still wearing it on public transport!

Of course, Milan is famed for its incredible fashion houses. The shopping was an absolute dream! I mean, this is a place where you can indulge in some truly beautiful pieces. But one must shop within reason. After all, we have to leave some funds for a treat or two in those charming cafes - those Italian coffees really are divine. Plus, Milan’s got an endless selection of independent stores filled with exquisite, artisanal pieces - truly unique. What better way to celebrate my love for all things pretty and stylish than to hunt down a truly fabulous pair of shoes? You just know there had to be something pink and totally whimsical! I managed to bag myself some delightful Italian leather ballerina flats with little pink bows on them. My oh my! If they knew what it meant to me!

Of course, any self-respecting pink tutu aficionado needs a visit to the Teatro alla Scala. Even without a show going on, it is just glorious! Imagine stepping back in time, standing in this beautiful, historical theatre, imagining all those legendary performers that have graced its stage… it’s truly enchanting. I’ll never forget the excitement as the ballet began and those dramatic chords played through the theatre - so electrifying. You truly get swept up in the atmosphere. Oh, the talent! It's simply awe-inspiring. Ballet just holds such power - the ability to tell stories and stir emotions through dance - truly captivating.

Speaking of captivating, this weekend I'll be visiting the Castello Sforzesco, a mighty fortress from centuries ago - I just can't wait to wander around this historic building, maybe even do a pirouette or two on the castle's courtyard. Then, on Sunday, I plan to spend a day just enjoying the beauty of Milan's charming, vibrant atmosphere, visiting one of those delightful little cafes with their outdoor tables and immersing myself in the culture and vibrancy. Perhaps even catching up on my journaling - you know, reminiscing on the trip, all those moments that made it so special!

On Tuesday morning, it'll be time to say farewell to this glamorous city. My tutu will have to wait till next time to visit the stylish shops, vibrant cafés, and grand theaters!

This Milan trip really has been a wonderful experience for my soul, an exploration of beauty and art that I’ll treasure. This city inspires you to embrace your own inner style, unleash your inner ballerina. There’s a certain energy that encourages you to go for it - a positive, vibrant spirit I’ll be bringing back with me to the UK. So until next time, Milan, grazie mille for making my time here truly magical. I can’t wait to explore the rest of this beautiful world in my pink tutu - the world's waiting, just waiting for us!

See you next Monday on!

P.S - Are you a ballet lover like me? If you want to see the magic of the dance first-hand, keep checking out this blog because there are going to be so many more posts featuring shows, performances and everything ballet! I want to make the world a more graceful, expressive and twirly place! And let’s be honest - everyone looks fantastic in a pink tutu, wouldn't you agree?

Remember, it's okay to let your inner ballerina shine!

Emma, The Pink Tutu. xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2019-05-29 ballet blog from Milano Italia