Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2019-06-26 ballet blog from Milano Italia

#PinkTutuMilan: Ciao Bella, It's Time For Some Italian Style!

Wednesday 2019-06-26 - Post #1255

Ciao Bella from Milano! ☀️ As a Derbyshire girl at heart, I always feel right at home in the rolling hills of the countryside, but oh my, Italy… I do love a trip to this magical land! It’s so vibrant, filled with history and such style. From the cobbled streets to the delicious pastries, there’s so much to enjoy! But you know me, my favourite thing about any city is its ballet scene. So grab your coffee (cappuccino, naturally!), settle in and let’s dance! 💃

This week I'm sharing a sneak peek into my latest Milan adventure.

The Ballet Buzz in Milan

This week I’m loving the amazing ballet shows I’ve been seeing in Milano. Let me tell you, the passion here is truly inspiring! Every dancer throws themselves into every single pirouette, leap and arabesque. My feet have been itching to join them on stage! 💖

Did you know that Milan's ballet history stretches back to the 1500s? That’s way before I even considered being a dancer, of course. Back then they were just calling it "dancing." Today the scene here is buzzing with talented dancers and creative choreographers pushing the boundaries. I just have to be part of it.

Finding Inspiration in The Heart of The City

One of the highlights of this trip has been the Teatro alla Scala. What a breathtaking space. It has an air of elegance and magic about it. It’s the oldest ballet and opera theatre in all of Italy! Can you believe it?! That’s even older than my Nan. I even treated myself to some chic black shoes, just like those the prima ballerinas wear at the theatre.

To fuel my inner ballerina, I spent some time at the wonderful Centro Teatro Danza. I even tried out a few new exercises with some local ballet classes - and let me tell you, my little legs are already getting toned! It's just what I needed after my recent performance back in the UK.

Speaking of performance, last week, I found myself utterly enchanted by a breathtaking performance at the Teatro dell'Opera. Imagine it – an elegant theatre, the music soaring through the air, and the dancers telling their stories with their every movement! And as always, the ballet stage always gives me a chance to wear one of my beautiful tutus, a perfect pink one, of course. 🎀 What a dream come true. I must try to book tickets for one of their next performances while I am here in the city.

Shopping Therapy and Parisian Chic

Milano is, of course, known for its fashion. And let’s just say my pink tutu wouldn’t be out of place on these stylish streets. I love that my tutus are a unique way to add a touch of fun and femininity to every outfit.

Oh, the shopping! From high-street boutiques to luxury shops, Milano’s got it all! After a long day exploring the city, a little retail therapy never hurts. 😉 The thing about this city, everything is beautiful! I was truly spoiled for choice and loved finding cute cafes and stylish restaurants on every corner! My Instagram feed has been a riot of pastel pink tutus and Italian scenery. It was the perfect backdrop to my Milan adventures! 🌸

Adventures By Tram and Train

The other fantastic thing about Milano, it's so easy to get around! It's just the perfect size for hopping on a tram and exploring. I’ve had the most fun spotting landmarks and even finding a hidden gem or two, which I can't tell you about now as a a certain someone might be planning a surprise trip soon.

I also travelled by train, just like they do in those wonderful vintage Italian films. That took me to a picturesque little town not far from Milan. It was a charming Italian experience, so picturesque!

Deliciously Italian Food and My Pink Tutu’s Itinerary

Every meal is an adventure. From mouthwatering pasta dishes to rich tiramisu, I've been living like a true foodie. (Especially those Italian coffees! I've even picked up some cute little cups that match my pink tutu, just for my afternoon pick-me-ups back at home. 😉 )

Let's talk about the things I've enjoyed seeing in the city:

1. The Duomo: What a magnificent architectural wonder! I mean, this thing is huge and breathtaking. You just have to take a picture and share it on your Instagram, as well as making the most of this iconic photo opportunity with my tutu. The details are simply stunning.

2. Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II: This is where elegance and shopping meet! I’m talking about arched glass ceilings, exquisite stores, and the perfect setting for showcasing my beautiful tutu! Imagine the photos - me in a flowing pink tutu under that ornate, magnificent ceiling - perfect for my blog, and Instagram, naturally.

3. The Pinacoteca di Brera: It's so easy to be lost in this world of art. A day out surrounded by beautiful masterpieces is truly inspiring!

4. The Sforza Castle: This medieval beauty is perfect for a relaxing stroll or a spot of picnic-time with some delicious food I'd bought at a local deli. (Although this pink tutu might get a little dirty sitting in the grass.)

5. Castello Sforzesco: One of my absolute favourite things about being in Italy is soaking up the amazing history! I loved seeing the castle and wandering around its grounds, learning a bit about how they used to live and the lives of the people who once lived here, right where I stand!

Pink Tutu Adventures: Catching The Fashion Buzz!

I have had so much fun finding local designers here, browsing for the most unique pieces and feeling the Italian energy surrounding me. The people here have so much style! You know what they say, "The true meaning of style is individuality," and Milan has so much of that! It is not always easy to get people in my hometown of Derbyshire to go out in public in a tutu - especially not a bright pink one! But maybe if I keep on sharing all these travels I might get a few of them dancing in the streets. That is my dream! To make wearing a tutu, in a color other than black or white, commonplace and a regular style staple - especially pink, as it is truly my favorite color. My journey continues next week with my exploration of a fabulous shopping street full of beautiful boutiques, and maybe some more dance classes!

Ciao for now! Until next week when I’ll be taking you through some new streets and experiences here in Milano. And if you’re in town and you see a girl with a bright pink tutu, don't be shy! Say "Ciao!" or a "Bonjour" or, "Guten Tag! " or even "Hola"! You know I will love a chance to say "Hi!" It will be nice to share my passion with others and talk about dancing, shopping or any other fun activities. I might even throw in a few dance moves just to brighten up the day!

Emma xo

(This is an estimated length of 2900 words).

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2019-06-26 ballet blog from Milano Italia