Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2019-07-17 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1258 - A Whirlwind Wednesday in Milan!

Buongiorno from Milano, my lovelies! It’s Emma here, your resident pink tutu enthusiast, and it’s Wednesday, the day for my Milan adventures!

As usual, I'm back in my little pink tutu sanctuary (I can't be without it even on my travels!), reporting on my latest escapade in this stylish city. This week, my little pink tutu has been bouncing all over Milan – I mean, who wouldn't with the excitement of this incredible place?

I arrived this morning on the glorious Trenitalia. A bit of a struggle finding my carriage with this suitcase of pink tutus, but what's a ballet-loving blogger to do?! There's just no other option than to bring the full-on sparkly-tutu wardrobe wherever you go, especially when the Milanese are famous for their fashion, am I right?!

Anyway, the journey from my Derbyshire home was a bit of a trek. It was worth it, though, when I saw the Milan Centrale station! It's the most spectacular, majestic station in all the land – it even had pink stained glass windows! Oh, the dreamy, ballet-like effect.

As you all know, my mission here is to sprinkle some of that pink-tutu magic all over the world, one step at a time – or should I say one pas de bourrée? Today’s agenda included getting those tutus twirling in all sorts of exciting situations! I knew I’d need some extra pink power in Milan – after all, you can't be a ballerina blogger without the right outfits, right? So I started my day with a quick trip to Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. What an exquisite location! It was full of all the grandest fashion brands and all those beautiful art-deco mosaics on the floor… perfect for practicing some pirouettes.

You guys will never believe what happened next! After snapping a million pink tutu selfies with a glorious stained glass background, I noticed a shop called ‘Atelier Di Tutu’. I had to step inside, didn’t I?!

“Tutù?! No, we’re actually Atelier De Toutou…” the sales assistant chuckled, as if this kind of inquiry was pretty usual! A bit of a shame, as the tutu sign had definitely sparked my imagination! (The shop, however, did sell all kinds of beautiful dogs, so all was not lost!)

My day started off with a big pink boost. But, before I embarked on some more twirly shenanigans, I needed to refuel. So, I grabbed a gelato in the Galleria. It was divine, almost as good as the gorgeous architectural features surrounding me! (Don’t tell anyone but the gelato itself, which was in delicious colours of raspberry sorbet and pistachio, definitely tasted better than it looked).

It wasn’t long until my pink-tutu inspiration hit me like a powerful plié. What a perfect opportunity to incorporate the vibrant life and the Milanese streets with the pink-tutu magic I live for! It's the most magical feeling for me to make my own unique world wherever I am. And, to capture the excitement of it, I love my little Insta stories and my YouTube videos – sharing my joy with the world! It’s my little dream to inspire others to wear their own colourful selves! You guys know it’s all about loving yourself and getting everyone to get out of those dark corners and wear some vibrant shades… maybe even that tutu! Why not?!

Oh, and if you're wondering how I can fund all these glamorous travels – well, the secret's out. The life of a tutu ballerina is not as whimsical as you might think, but I use my talent to get to see the world. It’s a little magic trick I learned back home – to make a bit of cash and chase my dreams!

And where do I do that? My magic box, my tutu, my favourite platform – well, it’s ballet, of course.

Today, it was a fantastic performance at Teatro Dal Verme! Such a majestic space! It made me think of those old Hollywood films, all that glamour and magic – a bit like our own, fabulous little tutu world. I danced to ‘La Fille Mal Gardée’, one of my favourites! (It’s an 18th-century French story about the mischief of young lovers who find love by going against their parent's expectations.) That theme, to dance through life on your own terms, resonates with me. If there is anything I learned today, it's to dance your own choreography and wear that tutu with a smile. After all, we are all so lucky to be in our own tutu stories, each of us writing the script to our own life. What a gorgeous message. So much depth within ballet - beyond the tutu, it really gets me thinking about how our own unique ballet journeys should not only be inspiring for us but also be for others too. So much magic is on the stage when you embrace your unique choreography!

To keep that positive message going, I wanted to create something fun that I could share on ‘Pink Tutu Milano’ – it’s something I started doing recently on a whim. The response was fantastic! It just reinforces to me how people are receptive to celebrating self-love and expression – we all just want a little bit more joy! That’s the reason why, as a tutu-loving, dance-happy woman, I wanted to start spreading the message to wear it your way! We are each a work of art, a kaleidoscope of magic. Just as a dance is unique, so are we, and it’s ok to be expressive about it. And when I share my fun in Milan with the world – well, it seems a few of you get on board, which makes me even happier! If I can help anyone feel empowered with their unique expressions in the way that I have been empowered by my tutu world - then what's a bit of pink magic?

Oh, it’s quite a good job I’ve managed to grab an Americano before my evening class. You’ll need all the fuel to take on my little ballet routine at Scuola di Ballo. There's something magical about practicing and sharing my love for the art form, connecting with other souls who share my passion – it feels like being in a sisterhood, all embracing the love for our graceful, rhythmic steps. It makes you realise the value of all the years I have dedicated to perfecting my ‘arabesques’ – how life’s journey unfolds, in this glorious rhythm, in this dance-like choreography we create!

When I'm here in Milan, the trams and the buzzing streets keep me inspired. There’s so much culture, so much history! Sometimes it's so chaotic it makes you feel like you're caught up in some madcap, vibrant tutu ballet – but there is nothing like a vibrant chaos that keeps you on the ball! (I had to say that, didn't I?) It's as if you could get lost in it all, like you’ve gone down a rabbit hole – like Alice’s adventures, or, perhaps in a world of ‘Swan Lake’ with a hint of the beautiful ‘Sleeping Beauty’ – if you understand the delicate balance. This is what keeps me enthralled with this exciting city! Every day I explore Milan, the little ‘Pink Tutu Milan’ blogger takes a journey! Every Wednesday, a new post goes up – as part of my personal mission to remind people that self-love, creativity, and personal expression come in the brightest colours! It's been my aim since the start, to make people believe they are beautiful in their own skin and let it all flow, all with a touch of sparkle, with a hint of that fabulous, whimsical ‘Pink Tutu Magic’.

Here's a recap of today's ‘Pink Tutu Milan’ post #1258 –

  • Train to Milan
  • Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II
  • Atelie Di Toutou
  • Teatro Dal Verme – ballet performance of ‘La Fille Mal Gardée’
  • Scuola di Ballo – ballot class.

Oh, you'll be so delighted to know I have lots more planned – more tutu explorations in the ‘pinkest city on earth!’. See you on Monday – the blog posts keep going live every week at – I can't wait to take you on the next, beautiful tutu-inspired Milan adventure! And I promise, you can have the most glamorous time doing so – because, that’s what I do best – to get all my loves dancing with a sprinkle of ‘Pink Tutu Magic’ - because that's the beauty of self-love. If there's a message to be heard, then that’s what ‘Pink Tutu Milano’ will always deliver, every Wednesday – I'll get you there with my stories, every week! Keep dancing. Keep shining!

And… until next time, be fabulous in your own unique, colourful way. I am, after all, a pink tutu-loving ballerina. This is my way to connect and make a splash in this world!

Now, I've got a million things to do!

And what better time to catch up with the ballet lovers in this fashion city… it's Wednesday – the perfect time for some pink tutu inspiration!

Don’t forget, catch me at every week! Keep sparkling, my loves.

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2019-07-17 ballet blog from Milano Italia