Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2019-07-24 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post 1259 – 2019-07-24 – Oh La La, Milan! 🩰 🇮🇹 💖

Ciao bellas! Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood pink tutu-clad traveller, and today, we’re back in the fabulous fashion capital of Milan, Italy! My feet are practically dancing with excitement, because today’s a big day: a triple whammy of ballet, fashion, and food - all the things that make my heart skip a beat!

This past week, my journey through Europe was fuelled by the incredible energy of the dance world, from performing at a street theatre in Florence, to sharing my love for ballet with a class full of excited kids in Rome, and even performing in a little town on the outskirts of Florence where I danced under the stars to the delight of a surprisingly sophisticated audience! I absolutely loved each moment. The feeling of freedom and connection when you're lost in a performance, feeling the pulse of the audience - that's truly the stuff dreams are made of.

But, like all good journeys, this one had to end eventually, and my heart was calling me back to the romantic charm of Milan, where the magic of the dance world collided with my inner shopaholic. 🛍️ And just so you know, my darling pink tutu has been making appearances all along the way – how else could I gracefully twirl around Florence's Ponte Vecchio, or make the cobbles of Rome's Campo de' Fiori look like a stage?! 💖

The Milan Ballet Dream: A Perfect Morning

The sun is shining this morning, dappling the streets with a warm, inviting light that just calls out to be danced under. The aroma of fresh espresso wafts through the air, competing with the heady scent of lavender from a little shop down the street – and I can practically hear the whispers of history in the cobbled alleyways! Milan, you truly are a city to fall in love with.

Of course, I had to start the day with a spot of ballet practice. I can’t resist the allure of a good dance class, especially when it's held in such a gorgeous studio – with a floor made of real wood, the scent of freshly oiled barre, and the hushed quiet that precedes a ballet class… oh, the magic of it all!

My morning was a mix of pliés, arabesques, and grand jetés, all the while lost in the delightful routine and the shared energy with fellow dancers from all corners of the globe. It's the universal language of ballet, you see - you can communicate with a look, a nod, or just a small adjustment of the hand. It’s breathtakingly beautiful!

Milanese Fashion Frenzy

Speaking of breathtaking beauty, Milan’s fashion scene is the main attraction for today. It’s a chance for me to get lost in the whirlwind of designs and colours that fill the boutiques and fashion houses like the very air I breathe.

The sheer glamour of it all! From the elegant window displays at Prada to the vibrant fabrics at Dolce & Gabbana, each store is a unique treasure trove of sophistication and creativity. My inner shopaholic practically exploded with delight at the mere thought of it, so I decided to go incognito…as a fashion blogger of course! 😜

Today's plan includes a pilgrimage to the iconic Quadrilatero della Moda, the four-sided "Fashion Quad" – an epicentre of designer dreams – filled with high-end fashion houses like Armani, Gucci, and Valentino. My heart throbbed with a thrilling mix of anticipation and apprehension.

It’s like entering a new world, a sensory experience unlike any other! My eyes feasted on the textures, shapes, and colours of the fabrics; the scents of perfume and leather hung heavy in the air, a delicious symphony for the senses! I imagined myself stepping out onto the runway, strutting with the poise and confidence of a seasoned supermodel in an outlandishly beautiful designer outfit… the dream, right?!

Oh, but don't think this is all about high fashion. Milan also offers the cutest independent boutiques filled with treasures waiting to be discovered. From vintage treasures at the back alleys of Navigli to handcrafted leather goods, the sheer variety is breathtaking, making this city a haven for the stylish and savvy!

Foodie Adventures

Milan, I dare say, is also a haven for my stomach! Food plays a huge role in Italian culture, and this city absolutely does not disappoint.

After an afternoon spent exploring the city's fascinating hidden gems (including, you guessed it, a stunning antique tutu that made its way into my suitcase! 🤫) we're treating ourselves to a proper Italian experience, with a leisurely dinner at Trattoria Milanese.

The atmosphere is a lively mix of chattering Italians, couples indulging in romance, and families enjoying their time together, all immersed in the delicious symphony of flavors that fill the air. And just when I thought the night couldn't get any better, our friendly waiter surprised us with a traditional tiramisu – the creamy layers of mascarpone and coffee, dusted with cocoa powder – are a delight! The perfect ending to a perfect evening!

A Reflection on Dreams

Sitting here, writing these words as the night wraps its blanket around the city, I can't help but reflect on my own journey, on how far I’ve come, and how my passion for ballet and travelling has allowed me to experience so much of the world.

I've gone from being a shy girl in Derbyshire, England, who spent hours lost in the world of tutus and ballet to living my dream of performing in amazing locations. It wasn't easy. It required a lot of work, dedication, and a bit of pink-tutu fueled courage to leap into the unknown. But as the Italian saying goes, "Non bisogna mollare." (Never give up.)

This little adventure has made me realise that with passion, hard work, and a touch of pink tutu magic, we can truly achieve our wildest dreams. We just have to remember, "Life is not meant to be a rehearsal."

And as for the pink tutu… well, it’s not just an outfit – it’s a symbol. It's a reminder that it's okay to be ourselves, to embrace our unique talents, and to step into the world with confidence, creativity, and, most importantly, joy.

Because just like a graceful ballet, life is meant to be enjoyed! And in a city like Milan, where the fashion is fabulous, the food is divine, and the heart beats with a passionate rhythm, it's a joy to dance!

And if I may, I would leave you with a little piece of Milanese magic: “Il bello è bello, e ciò che è bello è giusto.” – Beauty is beautiful, and what is beautiful is right.

And on that beautiful note, until next time, darlings! Stay tuned for more adventures, more pink tutus, and more moments of joy!

Love and pink twirls,

Emma 💕

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2019-07-24 ballet blog from Milano Italia