Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-08-12 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post 1314

Wednesday 2020-08-12

Buongiorno from Milan! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad ballerina blogger, Emma, reporting live from the fashion capital of the world.

I landed in Milan this morning, fresh from performing a delightful ballet in Rome. Yes, I'm funding my grand tour of Italy with my passion – ballet! It's amazing how the graceful pirouettes and elegant leaps can fund my travelling and shopping desires. My love of pink tutus, and sharing that love, brings me joy – and it helps pay the bills!

Today I was in my element. Milan has just launched its Fashion Week, and I must tell you – this city is bursting with creativity and style. The streets are overflowing with elegant Milanese women wearing beautiful clothes, exquisite shoes, and of course – the most beautiful bags! The air buzzes with excitement and the hum of designer shoes tapping on the pavements! It’s intoxicating, like being in the heart of a ballet performance.

And me? I am fully embracing the Milanese spirit. Today I wore my favourite pink tutu, paired with a silky, vibrant magenta top and my trusty ballet flats. This little ensemble attracted plenty of admiring glances from stylish men and women. The only thing I was missing was a perfectly manicured nail! A spot of pink, of course. The look is complete!

Taking the Tram: The City Unveils its Secrets

Milan is an amazing city for getting around on public transport. This morning, after checking in to my gorgeous hotel (you’ll see a photo soon on Instagram, @EmmaPinkTutu!), I hopped onto a bright red Milan tram. It's a great way to absorb the atmosphere and see the sights at your own pace. The views are incredible!

I got off the tram at Teatro alla Scala, Milan's prestigious opera house and one of the most famous in the world. Its grand exterior, a blend of neoclassical and Baroque architecture, took my breath away!

Imagine my excitement – I'm seeing a ballet here tonight! I booked my tickets the minute I arrived in Milan – just had to secure my seat in this majestic venue.

Exploring The City’s Dance Soul

The tram journey continued to take me to another fascinating venue: the Teatro dell'Arte, which holds regular performances by Teatro Gioco Vita, a local dance company known for its theatrical approach to contemporary dance. The energy of these talented performers, all clad in modern costumes and flowing fabric, was electric! I loved the way their artistry melded so well with the city’s unique history and flair. It was so inspiring – and a bit jealous making me want to step back into my dancing shoes and let the creative flow! I just need to convince my ballet school to incorporate these amazing movements!

The tram journey then carried me past Milan Cathedral, also known as Duomo – an awe-inspiring masterpiece in Gothic architecture. Its magnificent facade is covered in intricate sculptures, stained glass windows, and stunning marble – quite the sight! There were artists sketching it, photographers capturing its grandeur, and hordes of tourists gazing in awe.

But even amidst this buzz, it was easy to find moments of tranquillity in Milan. The city is also home to a few beautifully peaceful gardens. It felt like I’d stepped away from the world.

I explored a little oasis in the city, the Giardini Pubblici, the largest urban park in Milan. It felt so calming with its wide avenues, serene pond, and beautifully maintained flower beds. I watched couples take romantic strolls and kids chasing pigeons – just the perfect setting for inspiration and creativity. I imagine how I'll look, twirling in the park amongst the flowers!

A Fashion Lover’s Paradise

Later in the day, I ventured into the shopping havens of Milan – I’m certainly a woman after my own heart! I’m known to spend hours browsing and window-shopping!

The Via Montenapoleone – an elegant, chic street lined with luxurious boutiques. Imagine: Prada, Armani, Versace – you name it – they're all there! It was certainly a sensory overload.

Every store had its unique character and sense of style. From the timeless elegance of Valentino to the edgy, modern designs of Miu Miu, the sheer diversity of fashion was breathtaking.

And, of course, I bought a few pieces! A new pair of silk ballet shoes in vibrant purple for my next performance and a stylish pink scarf to add a dash of whimsy to my wardrobe! The shop assistant loved my pink tutu - I'm a strong believer that wearing it every day should be embraced, not just for the stage! I even offered her a tutu for next week!

My favourite shopping stop was a small vintage store filled with vintage clothing, jewellery, and hats! I spent hours in that treasure trove. It’s so easy to find inspiration from past trends – you never know when you might find the perfect vintage tutu!

This evening, I’m planning a visit to a traditional Italian trattoria to indulge in some delectable pasta dishes. It’s all part of immersing myself in the culture and the local cuisine!

After dinner, I'll be dressing in my finest for a performance at Teatro alla Scala!

My week is going to be packed with exciting outings and, of course, lots of ballet and fashion – oh, and a whole lot of pink tutus.

Join me on my Milan adventures on – every Monday – where I will be posting more snippets of my ballet and fashion discoveries! Until then, be inspired!

Love, Emma

P.S. Stay tuned for the next installment of my adventures in Milan. Until then, make sure to wear a pink tutu and share your style with the world!

Let’s spread the pink tutu magic together.

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-08-12 ballet blog from Milano Italia