Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-10-07 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #1322 – Wednesday 7th October, 2020

Ciao, darling! Emma here, your resident Pink Tutu blogger, broadcasting live from the glorious city of Milan! As I sit here in my favourite cafe, a chic little spot overlooking the bustling Duomo, the warm autumn sunshine streaming in and a latte with just the right amount of foam warming my hands, I can't help but feel a sense of overwhelming gratitude.

This city! It's like a dream come true for a girl who adores fashion, history, and most importantly, ballet. Milan is truly where all three come together in a gloriously beautiful way, a perfect combination that makes my heart sing and my little pink tutu twirl with delight!

But let's rewind a bit. It all started a couple of weeks ago when I got the call I’d been dreaming of – a fantastic opportunity to perform in a ballet showcase in the beautiful city of Modena, a short train journey from here. Naturally, I accepted with a flurry of excitement, knowing that Modena was just a stepping stone to the amazing city of Milan.

Speaking of the train, have I told you how much I love train journeys? They're the perfect opportunity for catching up on reading, people-watching, and even indulging in a bit of daydreaming while listening to my favourite ballet music on my headphones. And trust me, my dear readers, this time the train journey was just as delightful.

I spent the time perusing the latest issue of Vogue Italia (pink tutu and stylish magazines, the perfect combination, wouldn’t you say?), and jotting down ideas for my Milan outfit – you see, a girl's got to have a plan, especially in a city that takes fashion so seriously! I'm talking chic little dresses with just the right amount of sparkle, perfectly-tailored coats, and a selection of fabulous heels for that extra dose of Italian flair. (Naturally, a pink tutu would always have a special place in the suitcase!)

After arriving in Modena, it was time to slip into my most beautiful performance costume – a pale lavender tutu, like a swirl of sugar spun in moonlight – and take the stage. You know that feeling when you are completely engrossed in the moment, lost in the music and the movement? It’s that feeling that reminds me why I love ballet, that sense of utter freedom and the purest joy, it really is magic. And the crowd at the show? Absolutely wonderful! They loved the show, giving us a standing ovation which truly was the best reward. The feeling after a great performance is hard to describe, I feel full of energy and exhilarated and incredibly grateful to be part of a world that fills me with such joy.

And the after-show party? I’m telling you, my dears, it was an absolute riot of fun! We had delicious pizza (with a touch of balsamic vinegar, of course), some bubbly, and the most lively chatter with other dancers. It's wonderful to feel that sense of community, to be part of something so passionate, to share the joy of dance and artistry with other kindred spirits.

The next morning I woke up with the distinct feeling that I’d be needing a bit of retail therapy. After all, you can’t possibly explore a city like Milan without finding some beautiful, uniquely-Italian pieces to take home as a reminder of the trip. So, after a delicious breakfast of cappuccino and cornetto, I found myself stepping out into the vibrant energy of the streets of Milan, already falling under the spell of this iconic city.

For my first stop, I knew I had to check out one of the many fantastic boutiques, tucked away down little winding lanes. You see, dear readers, finding those hidden gems is my ultimate passion. It’s about stepping off the beaten track, uncovering treasures and letting yourself be surprised by unexpected beauty, be it a beautiful hand-painted ceramic or a vintage leather handbag.

On my adventure that afternoon, I found myself in the heart of the Quadrilatero della Moda – the famous fashion district – surrounded by high-end boutiques and the air buzzing with an energy only Milan could inspire. As I glided along the streets (always ensuring that my pink tutu was just the right length – you know, enough for a twirl but not too long to get caught in a door handle!), I was practically drowning in the dazzling array of designs on show – stunning outfits from the latest fashion collections, all promising the most beautiful looks. It’s the ultimate sensory experience for any fashion lover.

Later that evening, after indulging in the most delightful gelato (with extra sprinkles, naturally!), I found myself drawn to the Teatro alla Scala. This place is truly a historical treasure – I just knew it would be magical! The sheer size of the theatre and the exquisite details are stunning, the intricate murals and the luxurious velvet seats, it's almost too much to absorb. There's a magic in the air of this historic theatre, a buzz of anticipation and expectation. It's like stepping into a time machine, a portal into the grand world of ballet and opera from a bygone era.

But for me, it was the sheer excitement and beauty of this theatre that drew me in – its magnificent architecture and its place in the history of theatre and dance.

Just after settling down for my cappuccino in my favourite little cafe, as I’m sitting here enjoying this peaceful moment, with the sound of laughter and Italian chatter drifting in, my thoughts drift back to my performance last night at the Piccolo Teatro di Milano. There was just something special about the way the warm light lit the stage, the way the audience hung on to every gesture. There’s just no other feeling like it, that bond you share with the audience and your fellow dancers.

Milan is a city full of surprises, from the captivating historical charm of the Duomo to the pulsating energy of the street-food vendors – with a delicious spritz in my hand, I’ve even discovered a few charming spots, where street performers entertain the crowd with the most joyful performances of ballet street-style – twirling in the air in their bright tutus!

Just like that, you are immersed in a vibrant world, a place that breathes culture, where creativity thrives and where history is whispered on every corner.

And as I think back on this amazing adventure, I am reminded why I love being a Pink Tutu blogger – the thrill of the journey, the chance to meet people, to inspire others, and most importantly, the chance to wear a pink tutu. I don’t just love pink tutus, I want everyone in the world to feel the confidence and happiness that comes from slipping on a beautiful tutu. It’s the ultimate symbol of fun, individuality, and yes, a little bit of magic.

Stay tuned, my dears, for more adventures and the ultimate pink tutu outfit recommendations from Milan!

In the meantime, tell me – What is your favourite part about exploring a new city? And don't forget, always make sure your tutu twirls with you wherever you go!

Until next time,



#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2020-10-07 ballet blog from Milano Italia