Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2021-01-27 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1338: A Whirlwind Wednesday in Milan! 🩰🇮🇹

Buongiorno, my darlings!

It's Wednesday, the 27th of January, 2021, and I'm sitting here in my little pink-tutu-clad haven, writing to you from sunny Milan! This city never fails to inspire, with its stunning architecture, delicious food, and the sheer energy of it all.

I arrived in Milan last week, you know how I love to travel by train! The journey was as beautiful as always, whizzing through the countryside, spotting snowy peaks in the distance, and gazing at the endless fields of green. I'm sure the journey to Italy was just as exciting as the actual visit. That's why I love traveling on trains. You have so much time to think and you can even people-watch on the journey and make up stories about them. Who would have guessed, for example, that the guy who sat opposite me, the one with the bright red, green and yellow tweed jacket was on his way to open his own shop in Milan? He wasn't shy of chatting, bless him, and even though he spoke Italian, we understood each other enough to chat!

Oh, before I forget, I saw a fab ballet performance just outside the train station, the other day. I think I told you about this before but Milan's metro system is basically built for people who like street performances, or it seems that way. People seem to hang around the stations to entertain each other with whatever they fancy. A group of people dressed in tutus and tights performed ballet on a small stage they set up at the station, just before my train came! It really cheered me up, bless them. So lovely to see people being creative.

As soon as I stepped off the train in Milan, it was like a fairy tale come to life! I just adore this city, it's always bustling with a wonderful mix of style, creativity, and passion, but there is something quite unique about its charm. Every corner reveals a hidden masterpiece; grand buildings with incredible stories etched onto their faces, quaint boutiques bursting with gorgeous clothes, and hidden courtyards filled with laughter and music.

And speaking of boutiques, my darlings, you know I've been having a wonderful time exploring! I found the most delightful vintage shop just yesterday - hidden down a narrow cobblestone alley. I picked up a beautiful silk scarf in a shade of blush pink that matched my newest pair of shoes - perfectly! They had some of the best tutus as well. I ended up buying a few in all colours of the rainbow to be ready for when my next photo shoot is. Do you have a favourite colour? I am loving aqua blue and lilac at the moment! It just adds so much extra whimsy to an outfit. And what says whimsical more than tutus?!

Milan, for me, is all about a special mix of the chic and the playful! There's an effortless air of sophistication here that always makes me feel so glamorous. I found myself surrounded by gorgeous women with impossibly long legs, the very epitome of stylish Italians. I think Milan is full of those - all perfectly elegant! But even they couldn't resist the charm of a pink tutu! I had so much fun in a shop the other day with an older woman who had an incredible wardrobe! When she spotted my outfit she started clapping and jumping up and down, telling everyone about my amazing tutu. What a lovely, spirited woman. It’s funny but these kinds of encounters happen all the time to me - not just in shops either. It's happened so much on the trains! The reaction is always positive too! I can see that my ambition of getting everyone to wear a pink tutu is gaining traction!

Speaking of my tutu, I've been channeling a classic ballerina look this week, with my go-to black velvet ballet flats, a pearl necklace that belonged to my Nan and my new pale pink knitted jumper. The colours together looked fantastic on the pink of my tutu! I find I get so much inspiration from old films! The way they dress is simply timeless. Oh and speaking of fashion, I loved this pink top with diamante detailing and some of the dresses that I saw on display! It felt as though everyone was heading out for a celebratory gala in some very fashionable settings - like the gorgeous rooftop garden I spotted in a boutique today!

So you may know that one of my favourite things to do when I’m not performing is visiting museums. Milan has some stunning galleries that I am so keen to explore. I can’t get over the collection at the Pinacoteca di Brera - the artworks there are just extraordinary! I found myself getting lost for hours there on Wednesday, mesmerised by each masterpiece. If you ever visit Milan you must visit there! They even have a secret garden which is stunning in the sunlight, with amazing architecture all around it. What’s amazing about these gardens and piazzas in Milan is that they look amazing, especially when the light’s shining through, all golden. So, you could imagine my joy when I visited it, but guess what?! It was the perfect day for me. There were these street performers doing contemporary dance - beautiful choreography and music! It was simply a sight to behold! It makes me want to choreograph a new dance.

After all that culture, it was time for some delicious Italian food! Milan has a vast choice of restaurants, so I made my way to a cosy trattoria that I heard about in a travel guide. I savoured the aromas of freshly made pasta, hearty minestrone soup, and succulent meats. My taste buds were in heaven! It’s quite surprising, I find it so refreshing how easy it is to find amazing little cafes, cafes with a cute, homely interior, in big, fashionable cities. Milan is amazing for it.

This city really does offer something for everyone, a perfect blend of elegance and vibrancy, I would say! Evenings here are as magical as they can get. Milan’s buildings and lights just seem to dance at night, almost as if the city itself was about to twirl off! There is such a sense of joy everywhere you look in Milan. It is such a feel-good city! And if the joy I feel here wasn’t enough, yesterday was just a perfect example of how positive a vibe I feel here! It was simply wonderful as the street entertainers that are so common on the Metro lines, they just come out on the platform and start their street act! Some guy walked past us on the train - looking down and scrolling on his phone - when a street performer grabbed the attention of the crowd, in this particular case the crowd was pretty much the whole carriage, by just starting to perform with incredible artistry. The guy put his phone down and watched, in awe, of this really talented street performer! It was the highlight of my journey.

The week ahead promises even more adventure in Milan! I'm hoping to visit the Duomo, admire the stunning architecture and hopefully snap some beautiful photos - I'll be sure to show them all to you, darlings. Oh, and there’s another treat for my week too! I’ve got a front-row seat for a ballet show in a gorgeous little theatre, a place that looks incredible from the outside. My friend recommended it. They do all kinds of shows too - musicals and dramas - so, there’s no excuse for me not to see it!

I'll be updating my pink tutu diary weekly. Be sure to check in to on Monday for the latest on my travels around Europe and maybe some little dances I’ve choreographed while I'm away!

Until next time, keep on twirling and sending love from sunny Milan!

Yours, always, Emma 🩰❤️

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2021-01-27 ballet blog from Milano Italia