Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2023-01-25 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1442: A Whirlwind of Fashion, Fun and Fuchsia in the City of Style

Ciao, darlings! Emma here, back from a whirlwind week in the fashion capital of the world – Milan! It was pure magic, and as you can imagine, my trusty pink tutu got plenty of action. This city just demands it. Honestly, it wouldn't be a proper Milan trip without the tulle twirling!

Now, I know some of you might be thinking, “Pink tutu? In Milan? Surely not!” But trust me, darling, pink and tutus go with absolutely everything in Milan. I mean, have you seen the pink marble they use in some of these buildings? Pure pink perfection! Plus, Milan has a flair for the theatrical, which a little pink tutu perfectly embodies. It’s a playful twist on the usual fashion scene.

Anyway, let’s rewind back to last week, because my Milan journey started in Derbyshire, England. This week I was lucky enough to get a booking for a school play, a classic Cinderella. It felt wonderful to dust off my performance boots, although those glittery slipper things (think crystal shoes with a chunky heel) really took some getting used to!

My Friday finished with a farewell hug from my mum and dad. They are always so supportive of my adventures, especially when I get those strange looks while pushing a large pink suitcase onto the train! Thankfully, my dad makes it look effortless - he's got the travelling part down to a fine art!

By late afternoon, I found myself back in my favourite haunt, Euston Station, that big imposing Victorian train station, in central London. This station is just a delight. It’s been the gateway to so many wonderful trips over the years and I've always enjoyed people watching as I stand and wait for my train.

Soon it was time to embark on my Eurostar adventure, the "high speed" train taking me from London to Milan! There's something truly glamorous about those sleek trains - the air of sophistication, the speed... everything feels so effortless and efficient! It's definitely worth the splurge - especially as it saves so much time!

Milan, You Beauty!

The journey seemed to whiz past in a flash, and suddenly I was pulling up at Milan Centrale. This majestic train station really lives up to its name, a truly magnificent building!

You know, I do love train stations - each one a world of its own. I think this might be where my obsession with ballet started, after watching so many ballet dancers perform at Kings Cross Station when I was a little girl. There was something so captivating and magical about watching them spin in their fluffy tutus, all in this busy space surrounded by chattering, rushing crowds! They certainly got a lot of attention from the passers-by! I think their dedication to art had quite an impact on me, so that maybe why I’m always drawn to these large open spaces and that chaotic atmosphere of movement, a bit like a ballet performance, don't you think?

I picked up a pre-booked ride-sharing service and within half an hour, I was settling into the luxury of my chosen hotel. It had that opulent, 1930s vibe I love - think big comfy velvet armchairs, chandeliers sparkling with a thousand facets and mirrored surfaces galore. My room was stunning! Think plush fabrics and an overall elegant feeling - very luxurious! I couldn't help twirling in the pink tutu around my hotel room as soon as I'd dropped my bags. I had to take full advantage of those high ceilings. Honestly, you’d think I’d just entered the Royal Opera House with my dancing. I love finding the time to practice while I’m travelling. The pink tutu is just perfect, lightweight, twirls beautifully and it's very portable, easily rolled up and stuffed into my suitcase!

Now, I know what you're thinking - you’re expecting a list of fabulous Milan fashion shops. But darling, this was a different kind of trip. I was on a mission. I came to experience something magical. I came to see "Swan Lake" in the beautiful Teatro alla Scala!

The Magic of La Scala

There's an undeniable energy to Milan. This city oozes artistry, and La Scala is just another breathtaking testament to that. I'd seen the exterior, of course - it's grand and impressive, as you'd expect. But the interior… that's something else entirely. It’s a bit like stepping into an era of romance. The red and gold, velvet seats, and the plush interiors were something to behold.

The ballet was exceptional. There’s something breathtaking about watching graceful figures soar through the air, each pirouette and leap seeming effortless. Honestly, darling, there are very few things that bring me the kind of joy that seeing a stunning performance of classical ballet brings me. The drama, the beauty, the sheer athleticism of these performers! It's almost like watching a dream unfold right before your very eyes!

I do believe that everyone should see "Swan Lake" at least once in their lifetime. The way the dancers manage to move with such poise and grace, all the while telling such a beautiful story with just their movements! It's incredible to think they all have to rehearse for so many hours to achieve that kind of artistry! You can just tell there's such a passion and dedication behind each and every one of those performers, which made the experience even more magical.

A Day of Food, Fashion, and Feeling Fantastic!

The following day I started my day by finding my favourite local bakery. Yes, I had to fuel up! And a bit of delicious coffee certainly helps. Honestly, I do love my lattes with that creamy milk froth, topped off with a delicate little design. Who says coffee has to be boring! I then started to walk towards the Duomo, which I've visited a few times before, so I had some favourite little backstreets to explore. Milan is such a walkable city - which was perfect for exploring! I had found myself on some cobbled backstreets dotted with artisan boutiques that sold such beautiful objects.

In the afternoon, I walked past the amazing Gothic-style Duomo, one of Milan’s most famous buildings. The architecture was so exquisite! That day I wanted to make sure I’d seen some of the city’s most famous spots - after all, every visit to Milan is made complete by admiring the Duomo up close, isn’t it?

Once again, it was the perfect moment to pull out my pink tutu and twirl beneath the gothic cathedral! Yes, a pink tutu under a huge marble building? What could possibly go wrong! I even did a few high kicks for good measure. Let’s face it, sometimes it just takes a little tulle to bring the fun to any situation. I was quite lucky in that the Duomo square was a hive of activity with tourists, street performers and photographers everywhere. You should have seen their faces! There were gasps and then smiles. It's definitely the most fun I had had in quite a while - except maybe for the times I spun around in the Paris metro - I'll let you imagine those expressions for yourselves! But the Milan Duomo was certainly a good photo opportunity, let me tell you, especially with my pink tutu and I was delighted when lots of people started taking pictures of my ballerina posing. A couple of them even stopped me to say how beautiful my tutu was, which was very sweet of them. They obviously knew what good fashion was!

Ending on a High Note

After a busy and exhilarating day, it was back to my hotel room where I tried on an evening dress I’d found in one of those fab designer shops in the fashion district! You know how it is! You can’t resist treating yourself to the occasional luxury when you’re in Milan. After all, where better to indulge in that expensive taste of silk than in this capital of luxury! The silk was the absolute epitome of luxurious texture. This feeling of soft and luxurious fabric is simply a dream for someone who loves dancing, so of course I had to treat myself to that incredible silk gown - my last-minute impulse buy!

The evening brought yet another exciting chapter of my Milan escapade. This time, I was going to see a ballet street performance. My Italian neighbour in the hotel had mentioned that a small company, Teatro Danza, were putting on a performance just off Piazza della Scala and that the company often did open air ballet, and they were known for their passion and creative choreographies. This particular night, they were going to put on a beautiful tribute to Italy and a collection of some of the country’s most well-loved ballet routines! It really was a performance with that typical Italian flair!

As dusk began to fall, a crowd was gathering, many carrying flowers in their hands, excitedly ready to enjoy this magical open air show! When the music started, a magical sense of excitement filled the air and a collective "Ooh!" ran through the crowd when they spotted the ballerina. It really was a unique experience to witness the performance from this special setting, surrounded by this enthusiastic crowd and hearing the sounds of the lively streets as well as the melodious sounds of the musical instruments of the little orchestra accompanying the dancers. A wonderful evening indeed!

Now, let’s talk about that fabulous tutu. This company had designed their tutus with a subtle rainbow ombre colour. You wouldn't even notice the shift until you stood directly beneath it, the subtle ombre colour palette blended perfectly with the warm golden tones from the lighting used to highlight the performance. They did look absolutely fabulous! You have to hand it to the Italians, they sure know their theatre. They make ballet come to life with a vibrant flourish. I certainly took inspiration and took so many notes!

Pink Tutu Diaries

My last morning in Milan, and my Pink Tutu Diaries for Milan are almost over, but not without a bit of advice. When you come to Milan, do take the opportunity to have breakfast at a cafe, just like they do in movies, it’s simply part of the Italian experience. And darling, I couldn’t resist stopping in a few of my favourite boutiques before heading to the train station!

You see, I always like to add a bit of pink to any outfit. My motto? Wear pink! Always wear pink! (Pink tutu aside of course.)

As the sleek train sped me toward London, I already knew I wanted to find more beautiful outfits to inspire those amazing dance outfits from that Teatro Danza street show! Now that is my challenge. To capture that essence, that blend of drama and sophistication - it’s going to take time, research and imagination! I can’t wait!

Of course, darling, a trip like this needs the perfect outfit, so I found this incredible pink silk shirt, a white blazer with a bright pink flower design and black trousers. The result was simply perfection, and the entire outfit fit with my classic style, a timeless blend of girly sophistication with that touch of playfulness! I even spotted this amazing pink patterned handbag for my latest Pink Tutu outfit. Now, who doesn't love pink luggage? Well I certainly do, and luckily my pink polka dot travel case matches the outfit perfectly.

So, darlings, there it is! The highlights of a week of twirls and excitement in Milan. I've come away feeling inspired, energised, and brimming with new ideas for those who are passionate about dance. You just can’t avoid catching the bug if you're ever in this stylish, flamboyant city. It really is a whirlwind of passion and creativity, an absolutely thrilling place to indulge in the pure joy of dance!

If you want more adventures in fashion, dance, and the joy of pink tutus, be sure to come back next week for another blog from the one and only Pink Tutu, live from your favourite London spot, darling! Don't forget to join me on our wonderful journey by joining my Pink Tutu social media pages where you can see photos from my Milan adventures. And if you happen to see a Pink Tutu dashing through Milan or London, feel free to give me a twirl! Ciao for now, and remember… always wear pink.

And of course, the Pink Tutu community is the most fun part of this blog! Your stories, photos, and thoughts help to create such a vibrant atmosphere! Thank you, as always, for joining me on this wonderful dance of life. Remember, darling, you can be a ballerina wherever you are, no matter where your adventure takes you!

Now, I'm off to find my next Pink Tutu adventure! I just know this isn't the last of Milan! It's definitely got something special that's just begging to be explored.

Stay fabulous, darling! Emma xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2023-01-25 ballet blog from Milano Italia