New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-03-17 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #93 - Tutu-ing Around The Big Apple 🍎

Monday, 17th March 1997

Good morning, my darling tutus!

It’s another glorious Monday from the city that never sleeps, New York City! The sun is shining through the skyscrapers and my heart is absolutely bursting with excitement – after all, I'm about to hit the pavements of the Big Apple in my fabulous pink tutu. 😉

This week, I've got an extra-special treat in store for you lovely lot. It’s my 93rd blog post and I’m just bursting to tell you all about the adventures that await in this fabulous city.

As you all know, I fund my travels by performing at various events and performances around the world – and this week, I’m here in the concrete jungle thanks to a couple of brilliant ballet performances I was lucky enough to snag. You'll find me swirling and pirouetting at The Joyce Theatre tonight, and then on Wednesday I’ll be performing with the lovely folks at the American Ballet Theatre.

I have to say, this city really does get my tutu twirling! The energy here is simply electric – every corner you turn is an adventure, every shop window a source of inspiration and every New Yorker I encounter seems to have a twinkle in their eye and a story to tell. I’ve found myself completely enamoured by the buzz of this bustling metropolis.

Today's mission? Exploring the magical world of Broadway! And you know what? I just couldn't resist slipping into my go-to outfit - a blush pink tutu paired with my new “I Love NY” T-shirt – you simply can’t come to New York City without wearing something fabulously bright, can you? And I must say, this particular tutu has extra-special sequins for that added sparkle! I know, I know – I just can't help myself – the brighter the sequins, the brighter the day. And honestly, I reckon my “I Love NY” t-shirt and pink tutu combo is going to turn a few heads this afternoon!

Oh, And Speaking Of Shopping...

You know how much I love fashion, don’t you? New York City is simply a treasure trove of everything that makes a ballerina's heart flutter. I just love the iconic Fifth Avenue, where every store is practically a fashion masterpiece, full of designer delights! Oh, how I dream of whipping up a stylish dance in that glamorous Tiffany window. ✨

And if you're in the mood for vintage finds or bargain buys, you must check out the boutiques of SoHo, my lovelies. That's where you'll find all sorts of hidden gems and retro delights, including vintage tutus and stylish bargains. Trust me – a little bit of thrifting goes a long way for a stylish ballerina like me.

Of course, I couldn't be a proper fashionista without mentioning the latest trends in this style-obsessed city. Right now, all the fashionable folks are focusing on oversized silhouettes – we're talking long, flowy skirts, dramatic trousers and eye-catching coats, all in those beautiful, rich tones of emerald green, deep red, and, you guessed it – pink!

The bold colours and sleek lines here definitely inspire me, and you can bet that my outfits will reflect these trends when I step back onto the stage tonight – but naturally, with my signature tutu-fied twist! I love the playful mix of feminine silhouettes and chic, bold details – just perfect for a dancing lady on a mission!

Metro Mayhem

You just can't travel in New York City without taking a ride on the subway, darlings. The "MTA", as it's called, is truly an experience – packed full of all sorts of fascinating characters, each with their own stories and personalities. My first encounter with the metro in NYC was rather amusing. I must have been quite a sight – a giggling young lady, twirling a sparkly pink tutu through the crowds! The look on the faces of those seasoned city commuters was priceless – it was pure New York City magic!

To get to the heart of Times Square, I’m hopping on the iconic subway line called the “1 Train”. This subway journey takes you right past the dazzling Empire State Building and, let me tell you, you can't beat that view! I might just stay on the 1 Train forever!

But enough about my subway adventures, my darling tutu-fied friends. Let’s dive into a little Broadway history!

* Broadway Bliss*

Broadway is synonymous with incredible performances. Think grand musical theatre productions that showcase everything from beautiful voices to breathtaking dance sequences – I’m talking showstoppers like “Phantom of the Opera” or “Les Misérables”. The energy and artistry of the stage make my heart soar, and the passion and commitment of these talented actors are inspiring. You could even catch me sneaking into one of the performances this week – I wouldn't miss the chance to be inspired by these incredible talents!

There’s a new production of “Guys and Dolls” opening at The Shubert Theatre next week - the anticipation is through the roof! I just know this musical’s vibrant melodies and timeless story are going to have me dancing in my seat. The energy is contagious and the dazzling performances will be truly spectacular. It's truly a must-see for anyone who wants to experience a taste of classic Broadway brilliance.

But speaking of classics, if you’re looking for a truly dazzling show that takes your breath away, make sure you catch a performance by the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater at The City Center Theatre. Their iconic pieces, like “Revelations” and “Blues Suite”, capture a sense of history and celebrate a diversity of artistic expression - it’s pure ballet magic!

Today, though, my darling friends, it's time for some real life "Guys and Dolls" fun with some New York street fashion. I'm off to Times Square, where every moment seems like a dazzling ballet, and everyone on the street seems like a performer on a giant stage!

A Night At The Theatre

Tonight’s ballet performance is just a few short hours away, so it’s time to find myself the perfect tutu outfit! My mind is overflowing with inspirations! Should I go for the sleek and elegant black tutu for a classic ballet vibe or opt for a bright, bold fuchsia number that will pop in the theatre lights? Maybe even a shimmery lilac one?

Oh, decisions, decisions... But let's face it, no matter what colour or style I choose, a tutu never fails to turn heads, whether I’m waltzing around in the theatre, strolling down Fifth Avenue, or catching the 1 train. After all, a pink tutu has the power to make anyone feel like a star, and that's my biggest dream – to make the whole world love pink tutus!

A Tutu For Everyone!

From the moment I arrived in New York City, I could feel the excitement brewing. This place pulsates with vibrant energy and an undeniable love for performance. It truly embraces individuality, diversity and creative expression. And you know what, that’s precisely why New York City is the perfect place for a tutu to take center stage – and to get everyone, from street performers to Broadway stars, to twirl, pirouette, and spread a little tutu-love!

Keep your eyes peeled for my weekly updates, my dears. Until then, embrace the power of pink, keep those tutus twirling and remember: the world is your stage. And for heaven’s sake, go out there and shine!

Much love,

Emma xx

P.S: Find my blog here - and share the tutu-love with the world.

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Remember – every day is an opportunity to put on your most dazzling pink tutu and sparkle! ✨

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-03-17 she danced in New York City