New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-06-22 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #159 - Twirling Through the City That Never Sleeps!

Hello darlings! It’s Emma here, back with another delightful post from the fabulous, bustling city that never sleeps: New York City! This week's blog is bursting with so much pink, sparkles, and adventure that I just know you’ll absolutely love it!

It's Monday morning and I'm sitting here in my little New York hotel room, bathed in sunshine streaming through the window, and already my heart is brimming with excitement for this week's adventures. You see, today’s blog post is all about my absolute favourite day in New York - my twirling exploration day! I don't mean spinning around like a dervish in the street (although that’s always tempting!) - this is a day dedicated to all things ballet!

This week, as it’s the 22nd June 1998, I am thrilled to be celebrating the one and only, that Summer Solstice, which makes my soul positively sing! With the longest day of the year upon us, I know I'll be making the most of all that New York has to offer, and that means starting my day at the iconic New York City Ballet!

The Magic of Ballet: A Dance of Dreams

I arrived at the David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center, nestled within a charming oasis of greenery in the heart of New York City. Oh, my darling readers, you just don't know how much my heart fluttered with excitement. Every time I step into this theatre, I am swept away to another world; a world where music whispers stories and dancers take flight, defying gravity itself.

I settled into my seat (naturally, I’d chosen a plush pink one, right near the front – it’s all about good sightlines, my lovelies!), and I took a moment to let it all sink in. The beautiful colours of the theatre, the soft, expectant hush of the audience, the faint scent of jasmine from the outdoor garden… It’s all so perfectly magical.

The curtain rose and a burst of energy vibrated through the theatre. The ballet was a dazzling symphony of movements, a tapestry of emotions woven together with exquisite grace. Every pirouette, every arabesque, every grand jeté was a masterpiece in its own right.

And oh, my darling readers, there was such a beautiful energy in the theatre that day - every single performance pulsed with it. I swear, my heart was brimming with happiness, and I knew I was watching something extraordinary.

As the final curtain came down, I found myself with the biggest smile on my face, the kind of smile that only ballet can bring. The performance had transported me to a place of pure, joyful escapism.

My Fashion Fling: The Pink Paradise

Oh darling, it wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu Blog without some much-needed retail therapy! And let me tell you, New York is absolutely overflowing with stores for the discerning ballerina with a flair for fashion.

Right after the ballet, I had a grand old time hopping from store to store in search of my new sartorial gems. It’s truly a treat for the eyes, with all the colour, sparkle and unique designs around every corner. I simply cannot resist!

Naturally, I couldn't resist slipping into my pink tutu for a bit of photo-op fun. I must say, my pink tutu always brings so much joy, especially when paired with an oh-so-stylish top. It’s an essential piece of my wardrobe. There is truly no place I feel more confident and free than when I'm twirling in my pink tutu, it makes me feel utterly fearless!

You know, darling, I love the fashion in New York! It's full of character, boldness, and daring designs, a vibrant fusion of culture and creativity, and I simply adore its uniqueness. New York is definitely my favourite place in the world for spotting exciting and unexpected fashion choices! Every corner I turn brings a dazzling new vision of style.

And after an afternoon spent exploring the city's finest boutiques and finding a stunning new top to match my favourite tutu, I was ready to catch the Metropolitan Opera! That is always a delightful treat for the senses.

A Symphony of Sound: Musical Delight

As evening descended over the city, casting a magical glow across the skyscrapers, I made my way to the magnificent Metropolitan Opera. The exterior alone is breathtaking, a stunning masterpiece of architecture. But what truly enthrals me are the operatic performances themselves!

Every time I step into that auditorium, I am mesmerized by the sheer power and artistry of the singers and musicians. The beauty and elegance of the costumes, the soaring melodies, the breathtaking voices… The magic of the Metropolitan Opera never fails to enchant me.

I feel truly privileged to be able to witness these extraordinary performances. And you know, I just feel so very connected to these opera singers; their passion, their devotion to their craft... they speak to my very soul. And to be in the same room, breathing the same air, as them? Oh, darling, it simply sends shivers down my spine!

But you see, even when the final notes have faded and the curtain closes on another breathtaking night, I feel that the music still resonates within me, and the passion it inspired stays alive in my heart.

Dinner for a Diva: A Delicious Finale

No trip to New York City is complete without an exquisite dining experience! I adore the energy and vibrancy of New York's food scene. The city bursts with culinary delights! And this evening, I was whisked away to a stunning little Italian restaurant with breathtaking views of the city.

As I savoured my meal, surrounded by the city’s dazzling lights, the entire world seemed to melt away and I was swept away by the warmth and joy of this experience.

Reflections on a Day of Pure Magic: Tutu Thoughts

And that, my dear readers, is how I spent a day in the heart of New York! I wouldn't have it any other way. You see, it’s this beautiful city's extraordinary ability to enthral and inspire that truly sets it apart, from the breathtaking performances of ballet and opera, to the sheer exhilaration of shopping, the delectable delights of Italian dining, and the endless opportunities to lose yourself in a kaleidoscope of artistic expression and creative genius… There is simply no place on Earth that ignites my senses in quite the same way as New York!

Oh, darling, I could spend days exploring every little nook and cranny of this magical city, and I hope you'll join me on all of my adventures, every week, right here on the Pink Tutu Blog!

Until next Monday, may you dance your way through life with joy, passion and sparkle in your step. Don't forget, my lovely readers, that pink tutus are the ultimate accessory for embracing the sunshine of life. Don't hesitate to don one yourself, you’ll look absolutely fabulous!

With much love and twirls,



#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-06-22 she danced in New York City