New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-10-05 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: New York City Adventures - Post 174

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, and I'm so excited to share with you my adventures from this past week in the Big Apple! The energy here is electrifying, and I simply cannot resist getting caught up in the whirlwind of this magnificent city.

Now, you know me, I live for the fabulous! I can't begin my week without a little pink tulle, and this week, I've been spinning, leaping, and twirling my way around the city that never sleeps, all while sporting a beautiful baby pink tutu, just because. It always adds a touch of whimsy, wouldn't you agree?

So, let me fill you in on all the glitz and glamour of this past week in New York City!

Saturday Night at the Ballet

I started the weekend off with a bang, by heading to Lincoln Center for the Metropolitan Opera's production of Swan Lake. Let me tell you, darlings, it was simply breathtaking! The choreography was magnificent, the costumes were stunning, and the performance itself was magical. I was particularly moved by the pas de deux between Odette and Siegfried. There's just something about that particular ballet that stirs up a whirlwind of emotions within me. I left the theatre feeling completely transported, inspired, and with a little extra twirl in my step!

Shopping Spree in SoHo

The following day, I decided to treat myself to a little retail therapy. Soho, my darlings, is a haven for stylish finds! I spent hours browsing through the chic boutiques and designer stores. My eye was caught by a beautiful fuchsia pink blouse at Zara - perfect for my upcoming performance. The shop assistants even complimented me on my pink tutu, which always makes my day. There's nothing quite like the feeling of being embraced by the fashion community, especially when wearing such a statement piece!

Subway Serenade

To avoid the Saturday rush hour crowds and get a glimpse of New York life from a different perspective, I decided to try the subway for a journey down to Greenwich Village. Now, I’m no stranger to travelling by underground, after all, I’m a proud Derbyshire girl and the peak hours of the Piccadilly line hold no fear for me! The sheer amount of people, the variety of characters, and the constant chatter created a symphony of sights and sounds that I could only find in this bustling city.

I felt a slight pang of envy as I witnessed the confident struts and dances of the Broadway dancers leaving rehearsal at the nearby studio - it seemed as though the spirit of the stage had seeped into every nook and cranny of this extraordinary city.

Sunday Funday at Central Park

On Sunday, the sunshine was shining brightly, so I decided to soak up some rays and enjoy the peace and tranquillity of Central Park. I wandered amongst the autumnal foliage, the crunch of the fallen leaves adding a satisfying rhythm to my steps, as I explored the hidden corners of this beautiful oasis within the concrete jungle. It's no surprise to me that the creators of such beautiful stage shows as The Lion King, Chicago and The Book of Mormon would draw inspiration from such a wonderfully theatrical setting.

Of course, I had to take the obligatory photo of myself twirling on the Bethesda Terrace - just a touch of the pink tutu to add a splash of whimsy to my Instagram feed!

Theatrical Treasures

This week's theatrical pick, of course, is something spectacularly different: The Phantom of the Opera! As it's on a stage so close to me, at the majestic Majestic Theater on West 44th Street, it felt rude not to. As I walked towards the theatre, I could almost hear the opening notes of the famous "Phantom of the Opera" tune floating on the breeze. This classic show is a must-see for any theatre enthusiast, the costumes are incredible, the music is timeless, and the storyline is so compelling.

But the thing I really love about the Phantom of the Opera, and what makes this musical so perfect for a blog dedicated to pink tutus, is the beautiful "Masquerade" scene, which, I’m sure you will all agree, is the ultimate spectacle of fabulous pink! Just as I am captivated by the beauty and elegance of a full length tulle skirt, I can't help but be entranced by the gorgeous spectacle of the ball scene, when the masks come off and the truth about Christine's past is finally revealed. It was utterly fabulous, the grandeur and atmosphere almost made me want to twirl!

The Spirit of Pink

So, what is the spirit of pink? For me, it represents a bold expression of individuality, a love of beauty and femininity, and a joyous embrace of life. When you’re sporting a pink tutu, you just feel different! You feel more fabulous.

And what does this spirit of pink have to do with New York City? Well, as the centre of so many exciting adventures, as well as a centre for beauty and fashion, the city feels like a canvas for showcasing your own unique expression of style. It doesn’t matter if you’re on the Broadway stage, strolling through Central Park or simply hopping on the subway - a little splash of colour, a touch of whimsy, a touch of “pink” can make your day!

Finding Inspiration in Unexpected Places

It may sound silly, but you never know where you might find inspiration, my dears. While travelling this past week, I stumbled upon a vintage costume shop tucked away on a quiet street in the Upper East Side. It was overflowing with feather boas, sequined dresses, and dazzling accessories. Among the vintage gowns and costumes, I discovered a pink sequined dress, adorned with an elaborate floral motif, which immediately reminded me of a fairy princess. It was love at first sight, and I knew I had to take it home with me.

So often in New York, inspiration hides just beneath the surface - in the intricate detail of the architecture, the energy of a street performer, the vintage shops tucked away on backstreets, the sheer spectacle of a performance. The more I see, the more I discover, the more I want to wear pink.

It truly is an exciting place to be - full of opportunities to create a fabulous look, share a beautiful moment and simply enjoy the experience of life in the pink!

Until next time, my darlings, remember to live, love, and twirl with your very own personal spirit of pink!


I hope this post was as engaging and charming as Emma! She is certainly an inspiration.

Now, here are some further things to consider for this blog post:

What to mention:

  • Emma's background in Derbyshire. Maybe add a sentence or two about what it was like for her growing up and how her ballet love started. She could compare the vibrant and diverse ballet scene of NYC to the one she is used to back home.
  • Could be a good time to plug other related interests of Emma, especially now she is in NYC. Perhaps add details of some upcoming dance and ballet classes she would love to attend. Maybe give us a hint of her favourite place to buy tutus!
  • Mention an exciting opportunity Emma might have encountered in New York City this week. Maybe she has a chance to perform at a dance party or a flash mob? This is her big dream!
  • Give some personal opinions about certain areas in the city Emma could talk about. Her top 5 New York hotspots? Her dream NYC dance spot? Her favourite place for an outfit?

Further suggestions:

  • Include more photos in the blog posts. We could imagine this blog to include amazing pictures from NYC and from her trips. Emma could take a photo at the ballet show she saw and then make it part of the blog post!
  • Perhaps think of the posts as chapters. What are other things that Emma has been up to since starting this NYC blog? Did she go on other exciting trips? What kind of special events might have happened?
  • For extra engagement, perhaps there could be a few open-ended questions for her readers to answer, so they feel more involved in the post. Perhaps Emma could ask for a ballet tip or suggestion? This will give her a good reason to get back in touch and give further responses.

With a bit of creativity and focus, this pink tutu blogging world could become an engaging space that will have many people inspired to live a more colourful life!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-10-05 she danced in New York City