
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-12-14 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC - Post 184

Monday, December 14th, 1998

"Twirling Through the Big Apple: A Tutu-ful Adventure"

Good morning, darlings! Iā€™m back in New York City, my dear friends, and as the song says, "The city that never sleeps" is certainly not lying! This is my first time visiting this incredible metropolis in December and already, my cheeks are rosy from the fresh air (and perhaps a little nip from the winter wind), and my eyes are wide with the sheer beauty and brilliance of this place.

From the moment I arrived at Grand Central Terminal - talk about an architectural marvel - I knew I was in for a treat. As I made my way through the throngs of bustling New Yorkers, the scent of Christmas hung heavy in the air. The streets are adorned with festive decorations, and thereā€™s an undeniable festive buzz thatā€™s quite infectious, even a hardened Derbyshire lass like me couldnā€™t resist the excitement!

You all know I adore travelling, especially by train, and today, after a truly charming journey (thanks, Amtrak!), Iā€™m embarking on an exploration of the city's treasures with my very own Pink Tutu in tow!

Ballet Beyond the Boards

First stop, a performance at the legendary Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater! I was fortunate enough to snag tickets for tonightā€™s show and let me tell you, darlings, it was spectacular! The dancers were incredibly talented and their skill, grace and precision took my breath away.

My favourite performance was a work called ā€œRevelationsā€ which was created by Alvin Ailey back in 1960. The dancing was dynamic and uplifting - the stories woven in the movement resonated deeply, filled with passion, joy and emotion. I was particularly captivated by a young ballerina, whose fluidity and expression left a lasting impression. It was a reminder that ballet can transcend the traditional, and inspire awe in audiences across the globe.

You all know I believe ballet should be enjoyed by everyone, not just those in the ivory towers of classical performance! The joy I found in that theatre this evening? It's a testament to the power of movement and storytelling to move people - whether they are in tutus, suits or jeans!

Pink Tutu Time: A Festive Fiesta in Fifth Avenue

After the ballet, I couldn't resist the lure of a little shopping therapy on Fifth Avenue! The shops are decked out in glittering lights and window displays so creative and whimsical, it's almost impossible to walk past them without stopping for a good, long stare.

This season, my love for pink has been especially strong and I simply had to find the perfect outfit for a Christmas party Iā€™ll be attending with a fellow ballet enthusiast (another perk of travel!) - youā€™ve heard of the ballerina's barre, but imagine my glee when I found a vintage, sparkly, pink velvet cocktail dress that fits my little frame like a glove, the epitome of 1940ā€™s glamour! A perfect nod to vintage styles and holiday festive vibes - oh darling, I just love it so much!

Of course, the final touch to my ensemble was a pink tutu - no adventure in New York would be complete without a pink tutu in sight! This oneā€™s particularly whimsical: layers of tulle with little golden snowflakes stitched onto the hemline. I just know I'll be twirling all night - Iā€™m picturing myself floating across the dance floor like a Christmas angel, a ballet dancer and a festive fairy rolled into one!

My love for pink and tutus has always been strong, but walking through New York with my trusty tutu in tow is quite another experience! The looks, the smiles, the ā€œawwws!ā€ - even the grumpy guy in the subway was moved by my sheer exuberance (and my pinkness, of course). It seems this simple act of joy and fashion can bring a little sparkle to the day - maybe even to a hardened New Yorker's heart!

Metro Musings

After a fabulous afternoon of shopping and soaking up the festive atmosphere, I was ready for a quick escape - time to recharge and contemplate the dayā€™s adventures!

Now, let's be honest: New York City's public transport can be quite an experience. But once you find your rhythm, it's a world of entertainment in itself! My little Pink Tutu travelled the metro with me - attracting looks of curiosity and more than a few ā€œGood for you, honey!ā€ Iā€™m making progress!

What I love most about New Yorkā€™s metro is its diversity - just like the city itself, it reflects every part of society: students rushing to their classes, families returning home after a day of sightseeing, artists carrying their portfolios - even an adorable golden retriever with his very own little raincoat.

It's a captivating spectacle, watching life unfold around you - like an intimate theatre in motion. Even though the city itself can feel overwhelming at times, thereā€™s a calmness in the rhythm of the metro ā€“ and my Tutu has a secret pocket for a book, so I was ready for some quiet reading time.

Dinner Time Dreams

Of course, no day in New York City would be complete without a delicious dinner. Tonight, Iā€™m heading to an authentic Italian restaurant with a fellow dancer - the kind of place where the smells of pasta and garlic fill the air as soon as you step inside. I canā€™t wait to share stories about our recent travels and upcoming projects.

I find that my travels, whether to the next ballet class or the other side of the world, always spark exciting ideas and connections! The beauty of a dance studio and the energy of a city like New York City can inspire you to dream big and dare to go further! And thereā€™s nothing more fulfilling for me than knowing that my journey is inspired by my love for ballet, tutus and sharing that joy with others.

So darling, until next Monday, I'm off to enjoy this magical metropolis and its boundless offerings. May your week be filled with moments of wonder, joyful discovery, and a touch of pink-tutu-inspired joy.

Keep dancing!



#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-12-14 she danced in New York City