New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-04-26 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #203: Dancing in the Big Apple (and rocking a pink tutu, of course!)

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind week in New York City, where I discovered, quite definitively, that a pink tutu is a universal language.

As always, my trip was fueled by a love for all things dance - from witnessing the sheer brilliance of a Broadway show, to dipping my toes (literally, as we're talking about a dance studio here) into the heart of the New York dance scene. And let me tell you, there’s just something magical about spinning around a studio, feeling the energy of the city buzz around you.

A bit of background: I'm a Derbyshire lass through and through, with a love for all things glittery, twirly, and… well, pink! My life revolves around ballet, and this blog is my way of sharing my passion, my travels, and my obsession with everything pink tutu. I'm on a mission, you see, to get the whole world to embrace the pink tutu power! One tutu at a time, we'll spread the message: pink is beautiful, pink is bold, pink is a state of mind, and a pink tutu will make you feel like a queen!

This week in New York, my adventures started, naturally, at the Metropolitan Opera House. The majestic grandeur of the building alone made me gasp – the marble staircases, the opulent decor, it was all so utterly fabulous! Then the show itself, a dazzling production of La Traviata left me breathless. The costumes, the music, the dramatic storytelling – everything was a pure feast for the senses. It truly was a masterclass in operatic performance, and I left feeling as though I’d had an intimate glimpse into the very soul of artistry.

Speaking of artistic experiences, I then delved into the New York City Ballet at the Lincoln Center, and the entire experience just felt… liberating! The dance itself, the raw passion on display, it was exhilarating. And afterwards, in the heart of Lincoln Center, I found the perfect spot for a little pink tutu photoshoot. (You can find my New York City ballet pics on the website, so be sure to check those out!)

This trip wasn’t all about performance watching, though! My next mission: to discover the coolest New York dance shops. And, let me tell you, this city doesn’t disappoint when it comes to the world of dance. From tiny boutiques crammed full of leotards and tutus, to vast shops bursting with shoes and accessories, every single dance studio I found just had so much character. I discovered gorgeous tutus for every occasion, each one crafted with meticulous care and an abundance of delightful details. Honestly, I spent what felt like hours picking up sparkly hair accessories and delicate fabric flowers, each a tiny touch of ballerina magic!

But I wasn't going to let the lure of the shops deter me from my daily ballet class. It's something I love to do everywhere I go, and New York City was no exception. This week, I went to the legendary Steps on Broadway, and found myself in the company of a diverse group of talented dancers, all united by the passion for movement. You can feel the energy in the studios there – it's buzzing with potential, creativity, and a whole lot of sweat!

For me, every city becomes a stage, and it’s important to soak in the cultural scene and, of course, to take some glamorous pictures with my pink tutu!

As always, I'm drawn to the stories of this extraordinary city - those painted in street art, whispered by the subway rumbles, and expressed in the vibrant colours of every corner of this urban playground. So, what else did I get up to in New York?

*Firstly, there was the Empire State Building. * Seeing it light up the night sky from a distance was just so inspiring – a true symbol of hope and possibility. The city lights twinkled all around me, reflecting in the glass like thousands of sparkling stars, making the night feel truly magical!

Next, a leisurely walk across the Brooklyn Bridge, with the New York skyline stretching before me – a moment of pure bliss and reflection! It’s amazing to think that so many stories have unfolded on that very bridge, countless journeys begun and lives changed forever. It really gave me perspective on how quickly our world spins, and reminded me to soak in each precious moment.

And *I have to confess, I couldn’t resist trying a New York slice of pizza. * That chewy crust, the melted mozzarella – it was absolutely divine! The perfect combination of comfort food and the joy of a new experience.

Of course, I explored Times Square, with its electric atmosphere and dazzling lights – a truly electrifying and immersive experience. Every surface, every storefront, and even the street itself felt pulsating with life, music, and creativity!

Of course, every trip has to have some down time – after all, we ballet dancers need our rest, don't we? I found the most gorgeous coffee shop in the West Village – a perfect spot to grab a cup of tea, sit back, and simply watch the world go by.

And speaking of going by, I spent a whole day exploring Central Park. It's a breath of fresh air amidst the city, a green oasis teeming with life – cyclists, runners, picnickers, musicians… it felt so lively and so full of heart! And what's a trip to New York without some classic moments, right? We posed for a few cheeky photos near the 'LOVE' sculpture, had our moment of 'fairytale magic' at The Bow Bridge, and gazed upon Bethesda Fountain. What an enchanting way to end our journey.

New York is always a city that embraces individuality and celebrates creativity. Whether you’re strolling through a bustling marketplace or witnessing a magnificent dance performance, the city’s energy seems to infect everyone who enters.

So, if you’re reading this and have ever dreamed of dancing through the streets of New York City, you just gotta do it! Let your imagination soar, be bold, be adventurous – and who knows, you might even inspire someone else to step out of their comfort zone and wear a pink tutu for the day. It's about embracing who you are, being a bit sassy, and remembering that life's a stage, and the pink tutu is just waiting to take centre stage!

Until next week, my dear readers, stay beautiful, keep dancing, and wear your pink tutu with pride!



#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-04-26 she danced in New York City