New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2000-02-21 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #246 - Twirling Through the Big Apple (and Shopping, of course!)

Hello darlings! It's Monday, and that means it's time for a fresh dose of Pink Tutu Blog NYC, straight from the concrete jungle!

This week has been a whirlwind of colour, sequins, and absolutely glorious ballet – just the way I like it! I've been bouncing around the city like a pink-hued, twirling sugar plum fairy, and let me tell you, there's no place quite like New York to get your sparkle on.

This past week, I landed in the Big Apple feeling like a giddy school girl. The energy of this city is contagious – everyone’s rushing around, a blur of energy and ambition, yet there’s a buzz of excitement that keeps you energized and on your toes (pun intended!).

But before we get into all the glamorous details, let’s start with the outfit! Oh, darling, you know I couldn't let a trip to the City that Never Sleeps go by without showcasing a brand-new tutu. This time, it's a frothy pink confection, adorned with sparkling, rainbow-hued beads, which just about matches the sheer vibrancy of New York!

Monday - Exploring Manhattan by Metro

The first thing I did upon arriving was jump on the subway, my pink tutu swishing about with the motion of the train. I mean, who can resist a good subway journey when it means zipping across this fabulous city like a modern-day Cinderella?

As usual, my subway adventures turned into an impromptu fashion show. There were curious looks and giggles from the other commuters, but most of them just smiled and nodded their approval. I know I'm not everyone’s cup of tea, but I always say: life's too short for beige!

After navigating the metro, I found myself in Times Square. Oh my word, what a scene! The dazzling lights, the iconic billboards, the endless flow of people... it's just exhilarating. My phone didn’t stop buzzing with pics as I stood there, trying to capture every sparkling detail.

But amidst the electric lights, there’s this fascinating mix of quiet, too. The performers dancing on the sidewalks, the street artists showcasing their craft, the families strolling hand-in-hand. There’s a real humanness underneath the neon glare that gives New York such a unique character.

Tuesday – Broadway Bliss: The Phantom of the Opera

Oh my stars, darling, you know a pink-tutu-clad ballerina has to see Broadway, right? So, after an exhausting, but fantastically colourful morning exploring the shops and markets of Greenwich Village (pink dress? pink handbag? why not both!), I made my way to the Majestic Theatre, a beautiful and historic landmark on West 44th Street. Tonight’s spectacle? None other than the iconic "Phantom of the Opera”!

The theatre was simply magical. The grandeur of it all! And, of course, the Phantom himself - oh, so dramatic, so passionate, such a heartthrob! This show had me transfixed for the entire performance. I gasped, I cried, I laughed, and, oh, yes, I even managed a few discreet pirouettes during the intermissions! (No judgement please – every now and then a ballerina's got to stretch those legs, darling.)

Let me tell you, I could’ve listened to that hauntingly beautiful music for hours. Even though the story itself is a little, well, dramatic, the overall effect was just magical. After the show, I joined the long queue of fans eagerly snapping up a “Phantom” souvenir - I simply had to have the official program.

Wednesday - Ballet Class with the Pros

One thing I never miss while in New York is the chance to take a ballet class. The studios here are simply fabulous - and let’s not forget the breathtaking city views!

Today I found myself in a small, intimate studio tucked away on the Upper West Side. It had a real sense of history to it - I felt like I had stepped into a scene from a vintage movie! But most importantly, the class itself was fantastic.

Now, I wouldn't normally mention this, but our teacher... well, darling, let’s just say he had a face to die for! Talk about a dancer with a dash of artistic magnetism! He pushed me to new heights (no, I'm not just talking about ballet leaps, dear) but also made sure I maintained proper form and posture. He even managed to squeeze in a couple of fun pirouettes, which just made me feel like I was right back in my Derbyshire studio again.

Thursday - A Pink-Tutu Picnic in Central Park

Time for a little dose of the outdoors, darling! What better place than Central Park? It's so serene and beautiful – a perfect spot to enjoy a picnic, a little sun, and, of course, a spectacular pink tutu display!

After enjoying some delectable afternoon tea (complete with pink macaroons!) in one of the quaint cafes on the outskirts of the park, I made my way to a sun-drenched grassy meadow. It was the perfect setting for a solo performance!

I spun, twirled, and even landed a few cheeky arabesques. It might seem strange dancing by myself, but trust me, darling, when you're surrounded by the vibrant colors and sounds of Central Park, you feel anything but alone. A few passersby paused to watch, smiles on their faces - that always gives me the warm and fuzzies!

Friday - Shopping Spree with a Side of Coffee

Today's motto? Shop, eat, shop, eat, repeat! Oh, the shops of New York! Every street corner bursts with colour, with the most fantastic designs, unique textures, and simply divine styles. And I, of course, with my endless love for pink and sequins, found myself completely enthralled!

This city knows how to pamper its fashionistas. The vintage shops overflow with glamorous treasures. You can spend hours browsing the designer boutiques along Fifth Avenue or hunt down unique gems in hidden vintage boutiques like I did in Greenwich Village!

But darling, let’s be real, you can't do a full-on fashion binge without a good dose of coffee. I discovered a darling cafe in the East Village that was decorated with lace and chandeliers, and served the most fabulous pink iced latte – simply divine!

Of course, after such an exhausting shopping spree (I'm really very dedicated!), I ended my day with a quiet but glorious solo ballet session in my hotel room, my pink tutu twirling and catching the reflection of the twinkling New York City lights in the window. It’s a little thing, but it brought me such peace!

Saturday – Street Performers and the Art of the Grand Finale

New York City is a melting pot of art and entertainment. One of the best things about it, really, is the endless street performances you find at every corner.

The sidewalk on my favourite shopping street suddenly turned into a live musical performance with buskers singing, tapping their feet, and playing soulful tunes on their instruments! I had a quick moment to catch their amazing energy, capturing the whole scene in my mind, as my phone was getting too hot for another set of pictures.

Street artists transformed sidewalks into dazzling murals with every splash of colour and line, and I swear, one lady was actually painting the buildings as I walked by! It’s like the whole city comes alive, with talent and expression pouring out of every nook and cranny.

And to close off my weekend, I headed to a Broadway performance by New York's famous Dance Theatre. Let me tell you, these dancers were something else! Their grace, power, and absolute control over their bodies was simply mind-blowing. Even though the costumes weren't my style (let's just say there wasn't a hint of pink!), the dancing was exhilarating, pushing my own limits for what is possible.

Sunday – Time for Reflection and a Little Nostalgia

After a whirlwind week, today's been all about finding peace and quiet before heading back to my cosy studio in Derbyshire. You know how much I love the vibrant chaos of New York, but there's a certain kind of calm that only a quiet Sunday can bring.

Today's been all about getting back in touch with myself, soaking up the sights and sounds of Central Park before heading back to my little flat near the theatre district. I’ve had some fantastic photos taken at my favourite Central Park corners, showcasing a lovely floral print dress (you've gotta stay with your favourite themes sometimes, darlings!)

Sitting here in my room, I feel a little bit sad to be leaving this fabulous city. New York has a way of getting into your soul. I’ll be leaving the bustle behind, and going back to my regular ballet schedule in England, which means teaching at the local dance school and preparing for a performance next month! It’ll feel lovely to be surrounded by a new generation of young ballerinas, though my tutu needs some cleaning, as always!

Oh, and for the dear friends and fans who’ve been following my posts, let me tell you – you inspire me. I truly believe every one of you can make the world a more vibrant place with a little bit of pink and a twirl or two. It’s why I’m starting a Pink Tutu Challenge! More on that in next week’s blog post!

See you next Monday for more pink-tutu fun!


xx Emma

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2000-02-21 she danced in New York City