New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2001-01-22 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post 294 - Dancing Through The Big Apple (Monday 2001-01-22)

Hello my darling tutu-wearers! 🩰

It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to the city that never sleeps, and trust me, it's lived up to its name! I've been shimmying through New York City like a sugar plum fairy on a caffeine kick, and boy, has it been a treat! ✨

This week's post is all about my adventures in the Big Apple, filled with glittering shows, fashionable finds, and even a little bit of ballet class!

A Tutu-ing Good Time In New York City

Landing in New York, my heart was doing a pirouette with excitement! This is a city I've dreamt of visiting ever since I was a little girl watching The Nutcracker on repeat. It just seems to ooze a magical, almost theatrical atmosphere, and as soon as I set foot on that pavement, I felt like I'd stepped into a real-life stage set.

Naturally, I wore my lucky pink tutu – a special one I got from the West End Dress Emporium in Covent Garden back in my Derbyshire days. The shade of pink is a perfect "almost fuchsia", it perfectly captures the vibrant energy of New York.

Metro Mayhem

Speaking of energy, let's talk about the New York metro. My, my! What a symphony of chaos, yet I loved it! I had to use it so much for getting around the city – hopping on and off the train from the Upper West Side to Brooklyn, trying to avoid getting stuck in the rush hour crowd.

The best part about riding the metro is the people! It's a window into all walks of life. From artists with colourful paint-splattered clothing, to Wall Street tycoons in their power suits, to adorable granny-types who always wear the most exquisite hats! Each trip was like a little performance of its own.

A Ballet Bonanza at the New York City Ballet

Of course, I wouldn't have gone to New York without seeing a show! On Saturday night, I treated myself to a performance by the New York City Ballet. Let me tell you, these dancers are absolutely incredible! It was like a dream. I think my favourite number was "Serenade" – I was practically pirouetting in my seat with the dancers!

Even better, after the show, I actually met some of the dancers! It turned out that they were really friendly and totally loved my pink tutu! They even gave me some great tips on the best places to find tutus in the city. You can see a little photo of us all in the tutu on my Instagram story! #PinkTutuNYC

Shopping Til I Drop

Let's be real – you can't talk about New York City without mentioning the shopping! 🛍 I'm talking department stores like Saks Fifth Avenue, independent boutiques with amazing window displays, and thrift stores with treasures hidden away in every corner.

I must admit I've done some serious damage with my credit card over the last few days! My wardrobe now has some gorgeous new pieces, from a vintage silk dress I found for a bargain to a pair of sassy bright pink heels from Bloomingdales – perfect for my next Broadway show!

Fashion Finds and Tutus galore

One thing that I'm really impressed by in New York City is the sense of personal style. Every day, there’s something new and inspiring to be seen, from brightly coloured suits and floral print dresses, to amazing hats and statement jewellery. And it goes without saying – the style goes hand in hand with the city's vibrant street art scene and dazzling architecture!

Speaking of tutus, New York didn’t disappoint on my quest for tutus. From a fabulous tutu-making shop in the West Village to a tiny vintage boutique in Chinatown, there are countless places where you can find your dream tutu – and believe me, I made it my mission to find a few for my collection! I'm definitely going to be writing a blog post all about my favourite tutu finds in New York, so stay tuned!

Dancing Through Central Park

As the sun sets over New York City, there's a sense of magic that fills the air. And Central Park, well, it’s an absolute wonderland! Imagine vast green spaces, elegant fountains, charming bridges – it truly is a breathtaking beauty spot! I found myself doing little ad-libs and improvised choreographies around the park's iconic Strawberry Fields – the perfect place to do some tutu twirling!

Time for Tea, My Dear

Every afternoon, I make sure to treat myself to some afternoon tea. There’s just something so delightful about sitting down in a gorgeous tea room with delicate finger sandwiches and a selection of fragrant teas. This week I had tea in a charming, quintessentially British-style tearoom in Greenwich Village – it felt a little bit like stepping back in time. They even had proper china cups and saucers!

More Ballet Classes!

You know me, my love for ballet never sleeps! 🩰 In between all the sightseeing, shopping, and exploring, I found time for a ballet class – and not just any class, mind you, a ballet class in Central Park! The class took place right next to a bustling outdoor cafe and near some kids playing with a bouncy ball. We did the usual ballet stretches, learned some classic pliés and relevés, and even did a little pirouette or two – a few tourists even stopped to watch! It felt like an utterly surreal ballet experience.

Pink Tutu Adventures To Continue!

As my adventure in New York City comes to an end, I'm leaving with a suitcase full of beautiful new finds and a heart full of memories! It's a city that truly lives up to its name – always exciting, always inspiring, always full of life.

I can't wait to see what other wonders await in the coming week. But one thing is certain – my pink tutu and I are going to continue spreading some tutu-ly gorgeous fun, and inspire others to step outside their comfort zones and embrace a little bit of magic and a lot of pink in their lives!

See you next Monday for my next post! Until then, don't forget to follow my daily tutu-ly adventures on Instagram: @PinkTutuNYC.

Remember to stay twirly!

*P.S. - The weather in New York was crisp and clean with sunny skies, with temperatures between 3-8 degrees Celsius. It's always best to check the forecast before visiting New York City, especially in the winter. You need to wear plenty of warm clothes! *

*P.P.S – * If you'd like to see more pictures of my travels in New York City, be sure to visit the “My Adventures" section of my website – []

Have a magical week! 💫

Your pink-loving ballerina,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2001-01-22 she danced in New York City