New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2003-10-20 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #437: Dancing Through the Big Apple!

Hello darlings! It's Monday again, which means it's time for another dazzling update from your favourite pink tutu-wearing traveller, right here in the heart of New York City!

As you all know, I'm absolutely living for this whirlwind adventure in the Big Apple. It's been an absolute rollercoaster of excitement and glamour, filled with twirls, tutus, and a whole lotta pink!

This week, I've been immersing myself in the city's vibrant ballet scene, and oh my, has it been a treat! You see, being a ballerina, I'm drawn to the theatre like a moth to a flame. And New York City has no shortage of dazzling performances!

Stepping Into the Spotlight:

Firstly, let me tell you about this incredible show I saw on Friday night at the iconic Lincoln Center! It was "Giselle", and I tell you, the choreography was breathtaking, a symphony of movement, grace and emotion! The ballerina who played Giselle was simply divine - her dancing was like watching a delicate flower in a gentle breeze. Honestly, I was practically levitating from my seat, so transported was I by the performance.

Of course, no trip to the theatre would be complete without the right outfit! My tutu of choice this time was a vibrant fuchsia confection with a fluffy layer of tulle and a silver-grey waistband - perfectly shimmering under the stage lights. It was simply divine, and you can bet I was the envy of everyone in the theatre! 😉

But the ballet fun wasn't confined to the grand stage, darling! On Saturday morning, I popped into a local dance studio for a ballet class. I'm always eager to pick up some new moves, especially when I'm surrounded by such talented dancers! The studio had this amazing wall of windows that let in the sunshine, so we were dancing under a pool of golden light. The instructor was a whirlwind of energy, and her class was so energetic and uplifting, it practically lifted me off my feet!

Metro-politan Adventures:

After my class, I took a spin around the city, exploring a few charming boutiques. My favourite part? Hopping on the New York Metro! It's like a glamorous subway, all bright lights and rushing passengers. It's absolutely my favourite way to travel around the city, it really gets you right into the heart of New York! There’s something exciting about gliding under the city streets, hearing the clatter of the wheels and observing the ever-changing scene through the window. I must admit I did feel slightly silly twirling my pink tutu around, but hey, I always try to inject a little glamour into everyday life!

And the fashion! My goodness, New York City is a fashionista's paradise! There are shops on every corner, and I simply adore getting lost in the dazzling array of clothes, shoes, and accessories. It's like stepping into a scene from my favourite film, full of glamour and glitz! And I’m so thrilled that a touch of pink is ever present on the New York City streets, with many ladies incorporating pops of pink into their everyday looks. It’s certainly becoming a very popular colour here!

Remembering My Derbyshire Roots:

You might think I spend all my time in dazzling restaurants and fashionable boutiques, but even here in New York, I never forget my Derbyshire roots! Yesterday, I went for a lovely Sunday roast at this adorable pub near my hotel. It was a perfect reminder of home - a cosy little haven with crackling fires and hearty portions. Even surrounded by skyscrapers, a little piece of England makes me feel right at home!

I am so proud to represent Derbyshire here in the Big Apple, and it’s nice to have a little taste of home while I explore the big city.

A Week in My Pink Tutu

This week, I also took a moment to reflect on my journey so far, which has been incredibly exciting. My favourite memory this week? Seeing the sunset over the Hudson River, with the city lights twinkling beneath it. It was pure magic, just like something out of a fairytale!

However, New York City is not just about glamour, darling. There's a whole side to it that is raw, real and full of stories waiting to be told. Just the other day, I stumbled upon this amazing street performer playing a soulful tune on the saxophone. He was pouring his heart out into the music, and it was truly mesmerizing! Moments like this remind me why I love this city - it's a constant surprise, a constant source of inspiration!

Living My Best Life

I know what you’re thinking! "Emma, you live the life! What's the secret? How do you fund all these incredible travels?". Well, my dear friends, it's all about finding your passion and pursuing it with dedication! For me, that means performing in ballets and competitions, as well as my own private ballet shows. It’s my way to live my best life, and I love every moment of it.

If there’s one piece of advice I could offer, it would be: Follow your heart! Believe in your dreams and work towards achieving them, and you too will find a path filled with happiness, adventure and maybe even a touch of pink!

That's it for this week, my loves! Be sure to check out my latest pink tutu look on Instagram and join the Pink Tutu Revolution on Facebook, where I'm sharing all my tips for rocking your own tutu, whatever your size or shape.

See you all next Monday with more exciting updates from the Big Apple!



P.S. Don't forget to visit the official Pink-Tutu website at to see photos of my adventures and learn more about the world of tutus!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2003-10-20 she danced in New York City