New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-08-02 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC - Monday, 2 August 2004 - Post #478: A Twirling Tale of New York City Dreams

Hello lovelies! It’s Monday again, and you know what that means… it’s time for another #PinkTutuBlogNYC! This week, I’m feeling a touch extra pink, thanks to a whirlwind weekend in the Big Apple, where the only thing bigger than the buildings are the dreams swirling in my head!

This weekend’s adventure kicked off in true Emma fashion: a double-breasted pink blazer paired with a tutu that literally sparkled under the city lights! This combination felt perfectly fitting as I boarded the train from Grand Central, that glorious, swirling mass of art deco magnificence that puts London's tube to shame (though the Underground does have a certain charming disarray).

It's so funny, the subway here has this weird, amazing energy! Everyone crammed together like sardines, yet no one seems to care about personal space or making eye contact, but there's a silent understanding, a mutual sense of 'we're all in this together, going places, trying to make it happen!'

This time around, my trip wasn’t purely fuelled by a passion for performances – although, there were performances. This time, the draw was the opportunity to absorb the creative pulse of New York City itself. To see its vibrant heartbeat through the lens of fashion, theatre, and yes, the most important ingredient of all - that irresistible NYC spirit!

The energy here is electric, a contagious wave of enthusiasm that washes over you. It doesn't matter if you're hailing a cab, dodging tourists, or jostling with locals for a bagel at the corner deli – everyone has a story to tell, a dream to chase, and a twinkle in their eye. And as someone with a penchant for stories and dreams myself, I couldn't resist being pulled into that vortex.

Now, let's talk about this city’s love affair with dance, especially ballet! My week kicked off with a breathtaking performance at the Metropolitan Opera House. The sheer artistry and precision of those dancers, combined with the elegant atmosphere of the venue, left me in awe.

Then, I popped into a tiny studio tucked away in a Greenwich Village backstreet, for a class with the most dynamic teacher ever – the energy she poured into each move was electrifying! Honestly, I felt like I was going to dance until the wee hours. (Luckily, my hotel had a rather fab rooftop bar with a stellar view that convinced me to end my dancing adventure there!)

The following day, I was drawn into a Broadway performance - and this wasn't just any Broadway show! This one was "A Chorus Line", the iconic musical celebrating dancers, backstage drama, and the sheer passion for the art of dancing! It was captivating, heartbreaking, and downright exhilarating all at the same time. Those talented dancers, putting their all into each number, each expression, reminding everyone why we go to the theatre.

Honestly, New York City is brimming with possibilities, an incredible cocktail of creativity, ambition, and pure joy that makes every corner an adventure waiting to happen. And it's this infectious energy, this whirlwind of possibility, that I’m soaking up, letting it infuse me, filling me with inspiration for new twirls and routines back in Derbyshire.

Oh, and did I mention the shopping?! New York is the fashion capital of the world, and let me tell you, my dear #PinkTutuBlogNYC readers, the choices are simply staggering! From the high-end boutiques of Fifth Avenue to the quirky little vintage shops tucked away in Brooklyn's charming streets, you can find a piece to match every whim and fantasy.

This week, I've added a fabulously feathered pink fascinator (so dramatic, so New York!) and a pair of bright red shoes with glittering accents to my wardrobe. Now, those are the sort of fashion finds that make a girl happy!

I must admit, the food scene also stole a little bit of my attention. From the delicious street tacos I found nestled between street vendors selling anything and everything, to the gourmet ice-cream I devoured in an equally gorgeous little shop called "Pink Sugar", the culinary landscape here is a delectable adventure.

And for a girl who loves her tutus and all things pink, what could be more delightful than spending a weekend surrounded by such exquisite sights, sounds, and tastes? It truly was a dream come true!

But the beauty of this city lies not just in the glamor and glitz, it's the genuine spirit of community that you find on every street corner. There’s a feeling of belonging, a sense that everyone is here to chase a dream and support each other along the way, and that makes my little ballerina heart soar!

I’m starting to think that New York is not just a place, but an energy, a force that fuels you and sets your soul on fire. I truly believe that everyone deserves to experience that spark, to feel that magic – that's why I'm starting to think everyone should wear a pink tutu at least once! After all, who wouldn't want to dance their way through life with a smile on their face and a sprinkle of pink magic?

Until next Monday, keep on twirling, dreaming, and don’t forget to add a touch of pink to your life!

Lots of love and sparkles,

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-08-02 she danced in New York City