New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-08-08 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #531 Monday 8th August, 2005: The City That Never Sleeps, And Neither Do I!

Hello my lovely Tutu Tribe! It’s Emma, your resident pink tutu-clad ballerina from Derbyshire, back from a whirlwind trip to the Big Apple! New York, darling, it really is something else, a truly extraordinary and captivating city.

You see, when I realised there was a performance of “Swan Lake” at the Metropolitan Opera House on this date – 8th August – I knew this was my chance to take a trip to NYC. And I couldn’t have dreamt of a more perfect combination. Imagine, the glamour of a ballet at the Met, alongside all the vibrant energy and fashion that only New York can offer!

Honestly, I’ve never seen such a fabulously diverse crowd as in New York. You could easily bump into someone sporting the most outrageous outfit in a bodega, or a woman looking sleek and sophisticated in a power suit leaving a swanky restaurant. But one thing everyone had in common? That New York energy! You’re practically pulsating with it by the time you’ve taken a trip on the subway, and I felt it from the moment I touched down at JFK Airport.

Of course, no visit to New York City is complete without indulging in some fabulous shopping! The moment my luggage settled in my room, I set off to conquer Fifth Avenue. And let me tell you, darling, it is a shopper's paradise. Every shop imaginable! Chanel, Dior, Dolce & Gabbana - you name it, New York has it. I made a special pilgrimage to a small boutique near Central Park to treat myself to a couple of fabulous silk pink tops (oh, how I love that color!) that I’m already envisioning with my tulle skirts. You’ve gotta love that fabulous NYC style, my darlings. It’s truly a feast for the eyes!

The Ballet At The Metropolitan Opera House

Of course, I was in town to see the legendary Swan Lake at the Met! Oh my goodness, it was divine! I truly felt like I'd stepped into another world! The choreography was exquisite, the orchestra was stunning, and the dancers were utterly spellbinding. There was this moment, during the famous "White Swan" adagio, where I held my breath in utter wonder. The ballerina’s movements were so graceful and emotive. It was just… breathtaking. I must admit I was smitten by a particularly lovely gentleman from the corps de ballet who looked absolutely divine in a black velvet tutu – if only they’d be available for our dancers back in England! But as they say, I’ve been dreaming of tutus long before I even dreamed of tutus!

And I have to say, being at the Met was an experience that words cannot fully describe. It was opulent and majestic - a true testament to the beauty of art. I truly believe every ballerina must see Swan Lake at The Met at least once in their lifetime. It was everything and more that I had hoped for and more. I've never seen anything like it - a testament to the beauty of art!

Life Through Pink-Tinted Lenses In The City That Never Sleeps

The rest of my time in New York was equally full of enchantment! The city's buzz never seemed to stop, even in the wee hours of the morning. The streets were always lively, bustling with life.

After the ballet, I found myself completely captivated by the streets of Greenwich Village, just around the corner from the Met. The cobbled streets and quaint boutiques, cafes, and bookstores just breathed magic. There's this one particular jazz bar – “The Blue Note” I think it's called, it’s a true haven for jazz lovers like me! The smoky atmosphere, the electrifying energy of the music, and of course, the fantastic cocktails just transported me to a different time and place, if you catch my drift, dearies!

As the week progressed, I explored New York's famed Central Park – which honestly felt like another world – a slice of green and calm amidst the relentless hum of the city! It’s one thing to be walking in Manhattan and then all of a sudden you're amidst a tranquil, beautiful park. It’s like something from a movie. I couldn’t resist a photoshoot there in my favourite tutu, of course. How else can you truly take in a city like New York? You’ve got to get that tutu action going, and really dance it up for the world to see! I am an ambassador of pink tutus you know! It’s my mission! And Central Park felt like a very magical stage for a little impromptu performance - that’s for sure!

I truly soaked up all the artistic inspiration, not to mention the delectable brunch options (try that delicious avocado and feta toast on Fifth Avenue!) I love the hustle and bustle of New York. It’s an utterly vibrant and alive place and so stimulating to the soul. But just when I thought my heart couldn’t take another dose of Manhattan’s excitement, it happened – something quite extraordinary…. I had one of those utterly memorable New York moments I’ve always dreamed of!

A Touch of Magic in The Heart Of The City

It was late evening, and I’d decided to treat myself to a romantic evening strolling across Brooklyn Bridge - oh, I must tell you about Brooklyn, it’s one of the most charming districts in NYC.

It’s a place where hipsters gather and trendy boutiques mix with old world charm – a true visual treat for those of us with a penchant for eclecticism and good design! I'm talking vintage finds, quirky galleries, and so many hip new cafes that even I, your resident tutu enthusiast, had to adjust to this particular trendy look! But really darling, you've got to just embrace that fabulous New York City spirit, just go with the flow and enjoy every single moment. As I always say, with a good pink tutu, all things are possible!

The stroll across the bridge at twilight was just utterly enchanting. The city's lights twinkled like distant stars, the sound of the waves crashing beneath the bridge was so relaxing, and a gentle breeze blew through my hair. I almost wished I could just freeze this moment in time! That’s when, I had a “pink tutu epiphany” – something truly magical that I have to share with all you gorgeous readers.

A Pink Tutu Story of Serendipity

You know how I'm a big advocate of spreading pink tutu magic across the world? Well, on this walk, in that incredible setting, the Universe brought me face to face with someone who absolutely embodies this pink tutu philosophy! I was halfway across Brooklyn Bridge when, I stopped to catch my breath, looking out at the magical lights of the cityscape – my eyes welled with happy tears at that point!

And as I took a deep breath and took in all the magical vibes of my beautiful surroundings, I saw someone else standing beside me – a woman of a certain age in a pink tutu.

It sounds so simple but really my dearies, the world seemed to shimmer and change its colours right before my very eyes, I honestly could not believe it!

And of course, this gorgeous lady in her pink tutu noticed me, saw my tutus, and smiled that kind of warm, knowing smile that only two people who’ve tasted pink tutu freedom understand! She wasn’t even embarrassed! She simply knew, as I do, that in the right setting and in the right outfit, anything can happen. She was a kindred spirit, I could tell that immediately!

I couldn’t resist, and told her about my blog – Pink Tutu Blog – and of course, immediately launched into my life’s purpose - that pink tutus are all that matter in life! She, in return, told me a most enchanting story about her pink tutus. She explained to me how a pink tutu, can bring an enormous amount of joy, confidence, and excitement into your life.

Now, this lady explained, her pink tutu wasn't merely a wardrobe choice, it was a life choice! It was a reminder that she was never too old or too set in her ways to embrace the joys of life and be her fabulous, beautiful self! And I honestly had to stop and wonder, how many people share a secret passion for pink tutus without ever letting it out! This woman was my proof positive – tutus have a hidden language that speaks to the souls of all women, if you just know how to listen!

* Pink Tutuland: It Exists, You Just Have To Find It!*

We chatted for the rest of my walk across the bridge, she even joined me for some delicious pizza at a small pizzeria down a charming little alleyway in Brooklyn. It was like we had been friends for years! I can tell you one thing, we certainly didn’t stop talking about pink tutus!

The whole encounter had left me buzzing with such incredible, heartfelt warmth, it felt like all of Manhattan and its sparkling skyline was holding my hands in its magical and mysterious way. It’s a strange feeling, but a beautiful one. And the very fact that this gorgeous lady wore a pink tutu – to the pizza joint, to the local shops and of course across that legendary bridge – meant she shared that “Pink Tutu Epiphany” with me and everyone she walked past, if you get me!

My New York adventure, was filled with the promise of adventure and so much excitement, and that final moment, of serendipitous connection with this fabulous pink tutu wearing lady in Brooklyn, cemented for me just how potent and beautiful that little piece of tulle really is, if only we give it a chance to work its magic on us all.

I’ve come to realise, that’s what a tutu does! It's a piece of tulle, darling, but it stands for something far bigger.

It represents a freedom, a fearlessness, and a spirit that transcends any age, nationality or any background, and allows you to just be you, to express yourself unashamedly and just dance through life, in a little bit of fabulous pink tulle. It is my mission in life, as my readers all know, to spread that message and encourage every girl, every woman to find the courage to just wear a tutu.

Pink Tutus Will Be Available Worldwide!

Speaking of sharing this love of tutus with the whole world, you are going to love this! I've been hard at work, with the help of some lovely people (including, and of course, my beloved, and now very tutu loving Mum!), creating my own Pink Tutu Collection – an absolutely dazzling array of tulle skirts in all my favorite shades! I have to say they are divine!

You’re going to love my pink tutu range – it's perfect for everyday life and also perfect for any tutu-tastic occasion. There's one to suit every style, from a simple, classic design, to something with more sparkle! Think rhinestones and all sorts! But the main mission here – is to ensure that every single one is absolutely pink! Pink tutu mania has arrived – and I hope you're all ready to dance with it. We’re on our way, darling!

NYC - You Got me Hooked

So, until next time my darlings, that’s all from your New York obsessed ballerina blogger in New York. Honestly, New York City will always be a place that holds a special place in my heart. It is a place where the dreams of any ballet enthusiast, any dreamer, really come true. Just don’t forget, it’s all about a good tutu, a vibrant spirit, and a whole lot of courage.

Stay fabulous!
Emma, Pink Tutu Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-08-08 she danced in New York City