New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-06-26 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #577 Monday 2006-06-26 – A Tutu-tastic Tour of the Big Apple! 🩰🍎🗽

Hello my lovely Tutu Twirlers! It's Monday again, which means it's time for another dose of New York City magic from your favourite pink tutu-wearing blogger! This week, I've been exploring the city like a real ballerina – graceful, twirly, and full of joie de vivre!

It's funny how everything feels different when you're wearing a pink tutu. The bustling streets feel like a stage, every shop window a potential costume change, and every passerby a potential audience member!

So, what have I been up to? Let's dive in, shall we?

Tutu-ing Up the Town!

Right, as always, let's get this show on the road and start with the most important part of the week: my tutu!

This week, I’ve been wearing my Strawberry Sorbet Swirl Tutu – the ultimate combination of pink, light and airy – perfect for hopping around the city! It's got that little bit of sparkle too, because every New York girl needs a touch of glam.

And because the summer is in full swing, I paired it with a cute, lacy white crop top and some bright yellow, strappy heels. It’s the perfect mix of whimsical and stylish, don’t you think?

Dance Lessons for the City Slicker

Of course, I had to make time for some ballet class. I went to the legendary Broadway Dance Center. Honestly, everyone was just as amazing as you’d imagine. I was practically tripping over myself, I felt so inspired. But it’s good, it’s fun to just learn and push yourself, isn’t it? I came out feeling absolutely buzzing, even if my thighs were a little sore!

Speaking of inspiring… I am seriously thinking about entering the local Dance Teacher competition. What do you think, Tutu Twirlers? I need some encouragement. Leave a comment!

Fashion Forward with a Tutu Twist

New York City is just made for a fashionista with a love for all things pink! This week, I had to visit Macy's at Herald Square. Honestly, it’s the dream for any tutu-loving gal – everything in all shades of pink! And, believe me, I walked out with a whole pile of new tutu-tastic outfits!

Oh! And, did I mention my new pair of pink glitter ballerina shoes? (And they come with tiny little bows… swoon!) It seems I’ve caught the glittery bug… I don’t think I can be stopped!

Stagebound and Full of Grace

Speaking of stages… did you know the Bolshoi Ballet is touring? OMG, right?!

You won't believe it, but I actually got a front-row seat at a performance at the Lincoln Center! They were just incredible – each movement was so precise and passionate. Honestly, watching them dance is such an inspirational, beautiful experience. It's just magic, truly!

Tutu Travel – Metro Magic

Did I tell you? I love the subway! It’s such a whirlwind of life! You never know what you’re going to find. Just this morning, I was admiring a gorgeous man playing the saxophone. It’s the sort of thing that reminds you just how much talent you can find anywhere, you know?

So much about New York City is about the little moments!

Life, Love, and Everything Tutu

You know, the real joy in my tutu adventures in New York comes from all the fantastic people I meet! From the friendly New York shop staff to the lovely local artists who show up to paint in Central Park, you just meet the most colourful characters.

Every single day is a fresh start to explore a little bit more. Honestly, it feels like anything is possible here. I think New York City’s magic just inspires everyone to dream big!

A Little Bit of Home

Speaking of magic, I actually ran into someone I know from back in Derbyshire. She moved to the city last year and has become a professional theatre producer, can you believe that?

It just goes to show: you can chase your dreams anywhere in the world. And you never know who you'll run into along the way!

Stay Pink, Stay True!

That’s all for this week, my Tutu Twirlers! It’s getting a little late here, so I'm off to bed (you know, after taking a little whirl around my apartment – I can't help myself!), but I will be back with more exciting tutu-tastic adventures next Monday!

Don’t forget, check out to read the whole archive of my NYC adventures.

Until then, keep dreaming pink and never be afraid to let your tutu spirit shine! 💖

With love and sparkle, Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-06-26 she danced in New York City