New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-07-17 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - #580: Tutu-ing around the Big Apple

Good morning, darlings! It's Monday, the 17th of July, and the sun's shining on a perfect New York City day. Well, perfect in a Pink Tutu kind of way, that is! 😉

This week's blog post is coming to you live from the heart of the city, right after a very exciting afternoon spent flitting about Times Square like a sugarplum fairy.

Let's rewind a bit, shall we? You see, this Derbyshire lass landed in New York a couple of weeks back. I arrived right before the Fourth of July, and let me tell you, celebrating independence day with New Yorkers was something truly special! Fireworks over the East River? Yes, please! And speaking of celebrating… the highlight of this trip has to be this magnificent ballet experience. I know, I know, it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu blog post without a bit of dance, would it?

Last week, I had the absolute pleasure of seeing the legendary Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater perform at the David H. Koch Theater. This company, darling, it's more than just dance – it's pure art, pure emotion, and raw talent poured into every single move. It's a true testament to the power of human expression, and it just makes you feel things.

The night started with their stunningly creative and evocative interpretation of "Revelations", a piece deeply rooted in African American heritage and a beautiful celebration of resilience. I swear, tears welled in my eyes – not from sadness, but from sheer beauty. It was like watching a powerful story unfold right before me, each gesture, each leap, each silent whisper speaking volumes.

But it didn't stop there. "Night Creature", a dynamic, explosive piece showcasing the breathtaking strength and precision of these dancers, left me gasping for air! It's the kind of performance you walk out of with your head spinning, your heart racing, and your whole body humming with energy. It's a feeling that lasts for days, a feeling I carry around with me like a magic spell, reminding me of the incredible talent that graces this world.

Now, my dears, you're probably wondering how a humble Derbyshire girl funds these extraordinary experiences in the heart of New York City. Well, the answer, like all good stories, lies in my ballet performances! I dance my way through this city, twirling in front of surprised tourists, captivating audiences with graceful pirouettes, and charming locals with a smile that's as bright as my favourite shade of pink.

Every tutu I twirl in is a step closer to seeing another Broadway show, every grand jeté a journey on the subway to a captivating museum exhibition. It's about pushing boundaries, it's about following your dreams, it's about… well, it's about wearing a pink tutu in the heart of New York City! And let me tell you, the joy it brings is absolutely priceless.

So, after the Alvin Ailey experience, the natural progression was a visit to a ballet class at the Broadway Dance Center, another mecca for dance enthusiasts, nestled right in the heart of New York's bustling theatre district. Let's just say the energy in this place is contagious!

It's not just about mastering techniques or perfecting moves, it's about the pure love of dance. It's a passion shared amongst students and teachers, a vibrant, pulsating energy that gets you moving even before the music starts. I'll be honest, my steps might not have been as precise or fluid as some of the seasoned dancers in the room, but my enthusiasm was definitely contagious!

We're not all professional dancers, are we? But that doesn't stop us from getting swept away in the magic, does it? The beauty of dancing, you see, lies in the feeling, in the pure joy of letting loose, expressing ourselves, and creating our own little dance-filled world in the heart of this buzzing city.

Speaking of joy and creation, there's nothing I love more than a bit of shopping in this city. Now, you've gotta know, fashion and dance have a beautiful, symbiotic relationship. They inspire each other, enhance each other, and bring a splash of color to every occasion!

Today, after my delightful ballet adventure, I headed over to Bergdorf Goodman, one of New York City’s most iconic department stores. Talk about a retail paradise! From the latest fashion collections to designer shoes, there’s a whole universe of style tucked inside its gorgeous walls.

Let's just say, my inner fashionista was a little overwhelmed (but delighted), so much so that I nearly forgot all about the gorgeous, glittery accessories that every tutu girl dreams of. Oh, but did I snag a few beauties? Absolutely! A sparkling headband, some vibrant ballet shoes in a shade of pink that screams "New York!", and a soft tulle scarf to keep me warm when the city breeze chills the air. (This girl likes to be prepared, even when rocking her pinkest of outfits!)

And let’s not forget the food scene. Darling, this city has more gourmet experiences tucked into its nooks and crannies than you could shake a sugarplum at. It's all a little too much for a sweet-toothed ballerina, I know! But my favourite spot? You guessed it – Ladurée, with its beautiful cakes, macarons in all shades of the rainbow, and that Parisian-style elegance. They are literally works of art on your plate, perfect to pair with a delightful cup of Earl Grey tea. I highly recommend you try the "Ispahan" macaron if you ever get the chance - it's the ultimate treat.

As the afternoon faded, leaving streaks of gold and pink across the sky, I found myself captivated by the thrilling buzz of Times Square. What's so special about this place? Well, it's like the world's biggest, most extravagant stage! People are the performers, tourists the eager audience, and the constant ebb and flow of cars, pedestrians, and advertisements creates an energy so electrifying it's hard to tear your eyes away.

Of course, no walk around Times Square would be complete without a trip to one of its many iconic theatre districts. It was right around here that I bumped into the "Tootsie" cast right after their performance! It's truly incredible, the kind of accidental celebrity encounter that happens only in the magical realm of New York. I couldn't resist getting a snap of myself standing proudly beside those handsome fellas, my pink tutu shining brighter than the neon lights around me. It's all a bit surreal, isn't it? This whirlwind tour through the heart of New York?

Oh, you know, as I sit here in my hotel room, looking back on the events of this unforgettable day, I realise this city has become a beautiful extension of my own story. It’s about chasing my dreams, it's about taking chances, and it’s about inspiring everyone to twirl around in their own, personal pink tutu, to live life with a dash of color and a whole lot of joie de vivre.

There's something magical about embracing the vibrant rhythm of this city, allowing it to inspire you, to push your limits, to make you feel alive! So, until next Monday, I bid you farewell!

Much love and twirls,

Emma xoxo

P.S. Remember, darlings, every single one of you deserves to wear a pink tutu. Find your own kind of pink tutu – maybe it’s a fiery red, a dazzling blue, a gentle lavender… the colour doesn’t matter, as long as you rock it with confidence and a smile!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-07-17 she danced in New York City