New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-07-24 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #581 - Twirling in the Big Apple!

Monday 24th July 2006

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, back from another fabulous weekend in New York City. As you all know, I absolutely adore this city, and this week's trip was no exception! I was feeling especially twirly, and so of course I wore my favourite pink tutu, which always gets a few admiring glances - it's definitely a statement piece, let me tell you!

Now, you might be thinking, "Emma, how on earth can you afford all these trips to New York?" Well, I have a little secret! I'm not just a ballet-loving, tutu-wearing blogger – I also perform in a few ballet companies! It's a bit of a balancing act, but it definitely helps fund my passion for travel and all things fabulous.

Speaking of fabulous, let me tell you about this weekend's adventures! Friday afternoon saw me arrive at JFK, my usual entrance to this fantastic city. It wouldn't be a trip without a ride on the iconic New York subway, now would it? The metro here is such a part of the city's energy - I just love whizzing around on it! This time, I headed straight to my usual boutique hotel in Midtown. I'm always on the hunt for the best bargain, so finding a stylish but affordable hotel is key.

The main reason for this trip was a fabulous dance production at the Broadway Dance Center - the name escapes me, but it was something along the lines of 'Rhythm and Groove' – the dancers were incredibly talented, and it definitely got me all pumped up to hit the studio! You see, it's not all about just watching the performances, lovelies. I make sure to attend classes every now and then! It's not just about staying fit – it's about feeling that amazing energy in a room full of dancers – that shared passion is electric!

Saturday morning started with a ballet class, a must for any serious twirling enthusiast! Then it was time for some retail therapy – because what's a trip to New York without a little bit of shopping? This time, I headed to Bloomingdales – they always have the most fantastic selection of clothes and accessories! The vibrant colours and amazing cuts – pure fashion heaven, darlings!

And after all that shopping, it was time for the pièce de résistance - a Broadway show! It was a performance of the 'Phantom of the Opera', and the entire experience was truly breathtaking! You know me, a huge sucker for the dramatic flair of grand operas! The haunting melody and the soaring voices left me utterly spellbound. And of course, it wouldn't be a New York evening without enjoying some yummy food - after all, this city is known for its delicious cuisine! So, after the show, I took a little stroll and enjoyed a delightful dinner at a cozy little Italian trattoria. The pasta was divine – perfectly cooked and overflowing with flavour! I truly appreciate that even with such big productions around, New York still manages to have those little cosy restaurants where you can feel a sense of warmth and good conversation!

Now, no trip to the Big Apple is complete without a little bit of sightseeing, is it? So, on Sunday, I put on my trusty pink tutu (because you know I don't miss a chance to spread the love for tutus) and embarked on a leisurely stroll through Central Park. The weather was beautiful, and the vibrant green of the park was a welcome contrast to the urban jungle surrounding it. I wandered through the lush gardens, soaking up the sunshine and taking a few (very twirly) pictures. A couple of folks even asked for photos with me in my tutu! You know how much I love seeing people's happy faces, especially in such a beautiful place like Central Park.

Before leaving for the airport, I couldn't miss the iconic sights – Times Square was bustling with energy and light! The sheer size of it, the billboards - It really puts you right in the centre of everything! A true symbol of the New York spirit. As I walked through the vibrant crowds, I couldn't help but think that every time I visit, it just keeps getting better! There's a reason they call it The Big Apple. The city’s vibrance is addictive - that incredible mix of fast-paced energy, stunning architecture and endless opportunities for fun, it’s enough to make even a seasoned traveler like me giddy!

Leaving New York is never easy, but this time, I was carrying an even bigger smile, brimming with inspiration for the next adventures that await. The beautiful city lights shining through the windows of the plane gave me a wonderful goodbye – I always find that incredibly romantic!

But worry not, lovelies, my adventures aren’t over! I’ll be sharing more exciting tales from my life and all the new places I visit – all in the next post!

Until next week, keep twirling, stay fabulous and don’t forget to wear pink!


Emma xoxo

*PS: Don't forget to check out my new Instagram account @PinkTutuEmma! I’m posting loads of fun and twirly pictures from my adventures – and it's the best way to stay in touch and see more of my fashion inspiration! *

Remember, lovelies, a little pink tutu goes a long way!

And just a little reminder about , where you can find all the fabulous posts, including all my travels and fashion discoveries! Don't forget to share my blog posts with all your friends - spread the twirly love!

Also, please feel free to leave me a comment below - I love to hear from all my readers, and hearing your stories is what makes blogging so much fun!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-07-24 she danced in New York City