New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2007-03-26 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post 616 - Monday 2007-03-26: Dancing in the Big Apple! 🩰🍎

Hello darlings! It's Monday, and you know what that means? Time for a brand-new Pink Tutu Blog NYC post! 🎀

I'm so excited to be writing this from my favourite city in the world - New York City! It’s a city that just pulsates with energy and creativity. The very air buzzes with excitement, and it’s infectious! I love wandering its streets, watching the people, and soaking up the atmosphere.

A Ballet Lover's Paradise

Of course, the real reason I love NYC so much is the ballet. This city is simply a ballet lover's paradise! I can spend days exploring dance studios, taking classes with amazing instructors, and then attending breathtaking performances.

Yesterday, I was at the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater watching their rendition of Revelations. Oh my goodness! It was incredible. The sheer power and raw emotion of the piece had me captivated from start to finish. I was lucky enough to meet a couple of the dancers afterwards, and let me tell you, those girls are phenomenal!

Fashion & Tutu Shopping

Speaking of phenomenal, I’ve also been busy shopping in New York’s legendary fashion district. The selection here is absolutely astounding! I even managed to find a beautiful vintage pink tutu at a little shop on Bleecker Street – you'd never believe how old it is!

I'm thinking of pairing it with my new pastel pink handbag and a floral printed silk blouse for the spring. It will be a truly breathtaking outfit – a ballet inspired fairytale right here on the streets of New York City. I just have to find the perfect pair of heels to complete the look!

New York's Amazing Metro System

And speaking of fabulous journeys, have I told you how much I love New York's metro system? It's so quick and easy to get around. This weekend I even tried the famous “L” line train, the one with all those amazing graffiti paintings. It was almost as exciting as a performance at the Metropolitan Opera House.

But let's talk about something very special. Remember how I said this city has amazing energy? That's the perfect way to describe New York's subway stations, especially during rush hour. People rushing past you, each one brimming with a different story, heading off to their own dreams and ambitions!

Derbyshire Girl in the Big Apple

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Emma, you're from Derbyshire! You're from the beautiful English countryside, and you love ballet and pink tutus! What are you doing in this chaotic, busy metropolis?"

Well, you know I have my little dance shows in Derbyshire, and they are so much fun, but let's be honest, nothing compares to the experience of being a dancer, a fashionista, a dreamer, in New York City.

This city really is a fusion of all my passions - dance, fashion, travel and that irresistible touch of “the Big Apple” magic! I love watching how this city works, and how it inspires creativity and individuality, like the art on the "L" line.

A Little Slice of Heaven

There are these little cafes and shops you find on quiet side streets that remind me so much of the shops back home in Derbyshire – like little islands of peace within this chaotic, beautiful, wonderful city!

This afternoon I spent a lovely afternoon in a cosy little cafe nestled in a tiny little laneway, right by the subway stop on Lexington Avenue, eating the most delicious cream tea - which of course came with scones and a whole pot of the finest Earl Grey! I wouldn’t be surprised if that little cafe was featured in a movie one day.

Always A Ballerina, Always a Tourist!

Now, my darlings, it's time for me to go. I have a ballet class to attend, and then I might just try on that vintage pink tutu with a new, blush-coloured knitted top and see how it looks with my favourite little handbag. I may even try to create a video on TikTok! It’s going to be a real ballet day!

As always, don't forget to leave a comment and tell me about your week. I would love to hear from you!

Sending you lots of love and tutu-tastic vibes from the heart of New York City,

Your loving Pink Tutu Blogger, Emma

P.S. I hope to see you next Monday, right here, for another fabulously pink blog post, just like this one.

Stay tuned, and remember, everyone looks fabulous in pink tutu!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2007-03-26 she danced in New York City