New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2007-07-09 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #631 - A Twirling Tour of the Big Apple

Monday, 2007-07-09

Greetings, darlings! It's Emma, your favourite tutu-clad adventurer, reporting live from the vibrant metropolis that is New York City! I've landed in the Big Apple, and let me tell you, this city is bursting with life and energy, just like a beautiful ballet performance.

The subway, or "the metro" as we call it back home in Derbyshire, is an experience in itself. It's a fast, furious, and fascinating journey through the beating heart of New York. This week, I found myself on the 1 train, a pink tutu whirling as I traversed the bustling city. Of course, my bright pink outfit stood out amidst the sea of grey, but that's what makes it so much fun, don't you think? Every head turned, every smile exchanged, it's just proof that even in a place as diverse and chaotic as New York, a little splash of pink tutu magic goes a long way!

This week, my journey has been all about embracing the culture, art, and of course, the fashion that makes New York City so dazzling. You know me, darlings, a ballet fanatic, so first stop, a thrilling night at the New York City Ballet. Watching those talented dancers soar across the stage, their leaps and pirouettes making my own toes tingle with excitement. I saw the most stunning tutus too – each one a piece of art in itself. Oh, how I dreamt of getting my own hands on those gorgeous fabrics and ruffles!

Of course, after a ballet performance, there's only one thing to do: a little retail therapy! You simply can't be in New York City without taking advantage of the incredible shops and boutiques. And this city has some real gems, I'll tell you! From vintage boutiques on Bleecker Street to chic department stores on Fifth Avenue, my pink tutu was a sight to behold. My credit card may be weeping a little, but the rewards? Absolutely fabulous! I scored a divine vintage brooch with sparkling stones and a pair of gorgeous black ballet flats, perfectly designed to twirl through the city streets.

Speaking of twirling, did you know that there are a handful of fantastic ballet schools scattered throughout New York? Yes, even in this concrete jungle, the dance spirit thrives. I popped into a few classes to take in the atmosphere and soak up some inspiring energy. Even a seasoned ballerina like myself needs to refresh and inspire her artistic soul! There's a wonderful sense of community amongst the students, and their enthusiasm is absolutely infectious.

As the week unfolded, the Big Apple unveiled itself as a melting pot of captivating experiences. There's an incredible sense of energy in the air – a pulsating rhythm that makes it difficult not to tap your toes. And with that toe-tapping spirit in mind, I found myself gravitating to the West Village, where the charming cafes and bohemian vibes make it an enchanting area for strolling and people watching.

Every corner seemed to hold a new secret waiting to be discovered. A delightful Italian bakery lured me with its scent of freshly baked bread and a little jazz club offered an enchanting serenade, swaying me with its intoxicating melodies. Even the Central Park walks provided an escape, with nature’s calming presence whispering amidst the bustling city.

But my adventures weren't confined to the hustle and bustle of the city. One beautiful afternoon, I decided to take a scenic boat tour, where I watched the iconic skyline emerge from the horizon. Seeing New York from the water gave me a whole new appreciation for its architectural beauty, reminding me that every city has a hidden magic waiting to be uncovered.

As my trip wound down, it was bittersweet leaving the enchanting embrace of the Big Apple. With its constant rhythm and vibrant energy, this city leaves an imprint on your soul.

Remember, my darlings, embrace your individuality! I might be a pink-tutu-wearing, ballet-loving, travel enthusiast from Derbyshire, but in New York, everyone has a story to tell. So go out there and tell yours with a little flair, a touch of confidence, and perhaps, a touch of pink tutu magic.

Stay tuned, darlings! The adventures continue... until next Monday!

Lots of Love,


P.S. Did you know that my New York City Blog, and all my travels, are funded through my ballet performances? It’s so exciting to be able to share my passion for dancing, and even more thrilling to explore the world!

P.P.S. I love to hear from all of you. Don't hesitate to send me your own New York City stories or share your favourite ballet moments! Let's all keep spreading the joy and love for tutus!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2007-07-09 she danced in New York City