
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2007-09-17 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #641 - New York City, a tutu-ful dream! ๐Ÿฉฐ

Hello my darling darlings!

It's Monday again, which means a fresh dose of Pink Tutu magic is flowing right onto your screens, straight from the heart of New York City! ๐ŸŽ‰ I'm Emma, your very own Pink Tutu fairy, bringing you the best of New York fashion, ballet, and of course, the delightful, tutus-tastic experiences that only this magnificent metropolis can provide! This week I'm bouncing around Manhattan with my trusty pink tutu, just soaking up the vibrant atmosphere. It's almost like everyone in this city is dancing to their own unique beat!

Now, let me tell you, this week in New York has been absolutely sensational! Think dazzling fashion, incredible ballet shows, and just the most incredible mix of cultures and personalities you could ever imagine. I felt like a princess exploring a brand new fairytale, and you know, even in New York, that tutu never leaves my side! ๐Ÿ’–

Oh, and let's not forget the metro. A girl's gotta get around, right? ๐Ÿš‡ The metro, a symphony of rushing bodies and endless opportunities to spread pink tutu joy! Just picture this: I'm swishing through the stations, feeling every rhythmic bump of the train as it hurtles us onwards, and the smiles just keep appearing. Everyone wants to know about my pink tutu, they love the twirling, and they love the magic. You could say it's infectious. It's like I'm a living, breathing reminder to embrace the fun and the flair that life has to offer.

But hold your horses, my dear friends! Because this week, my adventures were truly, utterly delightful.

Tuesday: "Dancing the Dream at the Lincoln Center" ๐Ÿ’ƒ

Let's just say, Tuesday evening was a night of utter enchantment. I had the honour of seeing the New York City Ballet perform La Bayadรจre. Oh, the drama! Oh, the romance! It was the kind of ballet that made you want to jump out of your seat and join the dancers on the stage. It was so graceful and powerful at the same time. And the costumes? Absolutely exquisite.

Oh, and just picture this, dear reader, a dazzling vision: I decided to go for the "Pink Tutu Diva" look. You know the one โ€“ sparkly black top, glittery shoes, and, of course, that perfectly pouffy pink tutu! I just knew that the ballet fairies had sent me a sign. A few admiring glances here, some enthusiastic "You go girl!" comments there...the best part? A few of the ballerinas even gave me a thumbs-up after the performance.

You can be certain that a photo-shoot will appear on the website soon - I wouldn't let you down!

Wednesday: Fashion Feast - SoHo & Bloomingdale's! ๐Ÿ‘ 

Wednesday was all about soaking up New York's unparalleled fashion scene. Starting in SoHo, I got lost in the delightful world of vintage boutiques. From quirky retro sunglasses to stunning vintage handbags, I found some real treasures, And just because I can, you know I couldn't resist buying some adorable, floral pink ballet flats! How could I not?

And you know, I've always been a fan of the iconic Bloomingdale's department store, a shopping haven for any fashionista. I was in heaven! You simply can't beat the thrill of browsing the latest collections, seeing how the designers are interpreting current trends and of course, grabbing a decadent ice cream for an afternoon treat. What can I say? A girl's got to indulge! ๐Ÿจ

Speaking of indulgences... the highlight of my shopping extravaganza had to be the little pink, glittery ballet tutu headband I found! It's absolutely the perfect way to inject a bit of Pink Tutu magic into any outfit. You bet it will be gracing my head this week, just wait until you see!

Thursday: A "Tutuful" Trip to Times Square ๐Ÿคฉ

Iโ€™ve got to say, every time I venture to Times Square, my head just spins. It's like a non-stop explosion of colours, lights, and endless possibilities. What's great about Times Square is that it's a real melting pot. A place where dreams and ambition come together.

So, of course, I twirled around the famous Crossroads of the World with my Pink Tutu in all its glory. People were genuinely curious about me. They would take pictures and ask me questions about the "tutu trend," a few even tried to recreate the pose. My Tutu-ful dance routines, in the midst of New York's fast-paced energy, were the highlight of the day. You can bet that next week I'll be doing a whole video montage on my YouTube channel, dedicated to Times Square - with my little tutu-twirls, of course!

Friday: Broadway and Beyond - A Musical Odyssey ๐ŸŽถ

What's a visit to New York without catching a Broadway show? Oh, darling, Friday was the ultimate highlight, with Wicked, the legendary musical playing on Broadway. I felt every beat of the music and truly experienced the story! And you'll never believe this - as we were walking past the stage door afterwards, the real Wicked Witch (with her gorgeous costume!) popped out and waved at me. She even smiled and said, "That's a fabulous tutu!" How incredible! ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™€๏ธ

Saturday: A New York Brunch & Central Park Charm ๐Ÿ“

Saturday morning saw me embracing the New York brunch scene. Let me tell you, those gigantic pancakes are legendary! Theyโ€™re like clouds, dusted with a sprinkle of magic. And then it was off to the leafy beauty of Central Park. It's the kind of place where you can escape the bustling city and get lost in a sea of emerald green.

For a little touch of pink tutu-style whimsy, I even threw some rose petals onto the lake โ€“ youโ€™ve gotta love a little bit of romantic flair, right? And yes, you guessed it, I posed for photos in my pink tutu, the perfect complement to the springtime flowers in bloom! You've gotta love a girl who embraces a moment.

Sunday: "My Love Letter to New York City"

My dear darlings, my weekend has truly been a "pink tutu" dream! Thereโ€™s just so much to see, experience, and of course, twirl around in! And this beautiful, vibrant city never stops inspiring me. So let's raise a toast to New York City - with its endless charm, and amazing atmosphere! It's truly a magical place, and I just can't wait to see what adventures await in the weeks ahead! ๐Ÿฅ‚

To Pink Tutudom, New York City, and everything dazzling and fabulous,

Love always, Emma xxx

Website: www.pink-tutu.com

PS : And now a little reminder to my beloved Pink Tutu fairies โ€“ I post new Pink Tutu adventures every Monday right here on www.pink-tutu.com! Don't forget to follow me on Instagram and Tiktok too, @PinkTutuGirlNYC, so you never miss a magical moment from New York City. I promise to share my best tutu looks and of course, loads of sparkling behind-the-scenes secrets.

Let's keep spreading that pink tutu magic!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2007-09-17 she danced in New York City