
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2008-03-24 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Monday 2008-03-24 - Post #668: Dancing Through the Big Apple

Good morning, darlings! Itā€™s Monday, which means itā€™s time for another Pink Tutu Blog post, this time straight from the bustling heart of New York City. Can you believe it's been over a week since my last update? Time really does fly when youā€™re having fun! And trust me, my New York adventures have been anything but dull.

So, letā€™s rewind to Friday, shall we? My trusty ballet shoes had just taken me to another fantastic performance at the Metropolitan Opera. Oh, the thrill of the final curtain call! I couldn't resist a little pirouette on stage after the applause died down, of course! They say there are no rules in New York, and perhaps I'm pushing the boundaries of ballet etiquette a little... but I just love embracing the magic of the theatre, you know?

Afterward, a dash down Broadway and straight into the colourful chaos of the subway. Ah, the New York subway! Where else can you be serenaded by a street musician in one minute, and then a chorus of buskers bursting into a choreographed routine the next? And then thereā€™s the delightful collision of styles; from sharp businessmen and women in tailored suits to hipsters rocking a kaleidoscope of colours. The subway truly is a reflection of the energy and variety of this magnificent city.

But the highlight of the weekend was most definitely the "Love, Sex and Relationships" exhibit at the Museum of Sex! Let's be honest, this was a total guilty pleasure, but who wouldn't want to indulge in a bit of art with a wink and a nudge? It was hilarious, thought-provoking and utterly unique, which are all things I adore about New York City. You'd be surprised at what you can find here if you know where to look!

Of course, no New York trip would be complete without indulging in the shopping scene. I snagged some fantastic vintage ballet shoes from a cute little shop on the Upper East Side ā€“ perfect for my latest ā€œTutu Up, Look Out!ā€ video tutorial, which I can't wait to share with you all.

Speaking of videos, I just uploaded my newest piece on ā€œFinding the Perfect Tutuā€ ā€“ the quintessential guide to finding your dream tutus and rocking them with confidence. This weekā€™s video showcases my favourite Pink Tutu creations from the Soho district. And for those of you who know me, you won't be surprised that I was tempted to buy the entire store! Oh, the endless possibilities for tulle and feathers!

My New York week wouldnā€™t be complete without my weekly ballet class at the renowned American Ballet Theatre. Stepping into the studio and feeling the energy of the other dancers is simply intoxicating. Itā€™s a reminder that passion can be found everywhere, even in a city that never sleeps.

Sunday was a whirlwind of fun. Brunch with my lovely friend Emily, a Broadway show (ā€œWickedā€, which I highly recommend if you get the chance!), and then, after all that excitement, I just had to sneak in some retail therapy. I can't resist a good vintage clothing store, and stumbled upon the most adorable lace dress in the Lower East Side. I knew immediately it would look stunning with my signature pink tutu - I call it "the Pink Power Princess" look. More details about the outfit are on my Pink Tutu Instagram - follow me @PinkTutuBlogNYC!

You know, the most amazing thing about New York is that itā€™s constantly surprising. One minute you could be in the bustling heart of Times Square, the next you're wandering through the tranquil Central Park. The diversity of this city is a whirlwind of contrasts that keeps me endlessly captivated.

But of course, my journey in the Big Apple is not just about sightseeing and shopping. The true heart of my New York experience lies in the joy of movement and expression, especially through dance. As I stand here on the steps of the Lincoln Center, the sun setting on the horizon, I feel a deep sense of connection to the city. The spirit of performance, creativity and artistic freedom courses through these streets. And just like the intricate steps of a ballet performance, every moment in New York unfolds with beauty, precision and undeniable magic.

Stay tuned for next weekā€™s Pink Tutu Blog, as I share more tales from the heart of New York City, and rememberā€¦ the world is your stage, and life is just waiting for you to wear your own pink tutu and dance!

*And a little note before I go, darling: Itā€™s not about where you are, itā€™s about the adventure that's waiting for you. Don't be afraid to spread your wings, find your own rhythm and step into the spotlight of your dreams! *

Keep shining,



#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2008-03-24 she danced in New York City