
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2008-03-31 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC Edition - Post 669 (Monday 2008-03-31)

Hello from the Big Apple!

This week I'm whisked back to the magical city that never sleeps, New York City! My darling pink tutu has taken a trip to the United States and my week in New York was simply divine.

Travelling by Subway:

Landing at JFK I instantly felt the buzz of the city! After grabbing a quick Uber I made my way to my favourite hotel. You may know my favourite hotel in New York, but Iā€™ll keep it under wraps - for now, anyway! I canā€™t wait to share some top travel tips with you in the future, but it has a gorgeous view of the Hudson River, which is an absolute dream. Once settled, I grabbed my trusty pink tutu, strapped it on, and ventured out into the City.

The New York subway is my happy place. My journey down to Times Square on the 7 train took about 20 minutes and it felt like the shortest time ever! I just adore those iconic New York subways - the carriages with the old-school wooden seating, the sounds of the announcements, and those iconic graffiti-covered station walls. Plus, itā€™s the perfect place to put my pink tutu on display!

A New York Ballet Treat:

Later in the day, I ventured to the American Ballet Theatre at the Metropolitan Opera House. The Metropolitan Opera House was the dream location. From the grand marble staircases, to the exquisite chandelier lighting, the whole place has this incredible aura of refined artistry, which perfectly fits a ballerina's sensibility!

As the orchestra began, my toes started tapping! They presented a stunning performance of "Giselle", with its rich choreography, intricate costume detail and dramatic storyline. It was mesmerising - I got goosebumps just watching. After the show, I spent ages in the foyer chatting with a charming ballet dancer, we talked about everything from dance techniques, to how to wear pink tutus in a bustling city like New York. A magical moment I won't soon forget.

Fashion & Shopping Nirvana:

This week in NYC, my trip just wouldn't be complete without a stop at Bergdorf Goodman, an institution of luxury fashion! My eyes were wide with awe at their incredible collection, including some gorgeous vintage pieces I had never seen before. There was also this utterly fabulous and chic Dior gown I couldnā€™t resist buying for my next dance recital. It felt so New York, with its sharp cut and impeccable details - the sort of dress that radiates sophistication! The staff were fantastic, too - they know their stuff when it comes to fashion, thatā€™s for sure!

After lunch at my new favourite Italian deli (it was fantastic - their Italian Meatball sandwich, a true masterpiece! I must say I'm definitely a bit of a sandwich fiend!), I decided to treat myself to a luxurious afternoon of retail therapy in Manhattan. I strolled through Fifth Avenue window-shopping. It felt a little like walking through a wonderland, with all those incredible window displays and chic fashion houses. And it was a great chance to admire the artistry and creativity of each store's display!

Street Performing: A Touch of Pink Tutu Magic

When you think of New York City, you think of vibrant street performances, from break-dancers in Times Square to musicians in the heart of Greenwich Village. And my fellow dance lovers, let me tell you: thereā€™s something utterly captivating about street performing in NYC. It's such a creative space, where artistry blossoms. Of course, I just couldn't resist joining in!

I was in a quaint park in Lower Manhattan, and I saw this open space near a street-side band, perfect for a spot of spontaneous dancing. And my fellow ballet fanatics, trust me, when I say, those tourists were utterly enchanted when they saw a ballerina in a bright pink tutu dancing to a street bandā€™s music. They just stopped, transfixed by the spectacle of it all!

Some even began to dance along, their smiles wide and their spirits bright - which is really what itā€™s all about, right? It just proves to me that sometimes all you need to bring a little magic to the world is a little bit of confidence and, naturally, a very good, very bright pink tutu. It was one of my happiest moments of the trip! I canā€™t wait to bring a bit of that magic to the next street I perform in, no matter what country Iā€™m in.

The Grand Finale: Broadway & Beyond

On my final evening, it was all about a touch of Broadway glamour!

My trip just wasnā€™t complete without catching a show. After a light dinner (nothing too heavy for this dancer, I promise!), I treated myself to the world-renowned musical ā€œChicagoā€. Oh my goodness - it was dazzling.

The dazzling costumes and infectious energy from the whole cast were mesmerizing, leaving me with this unforgettable memory. I canā€™t wait to tell my friends all about it! After all, sharing our love for the arts is so vital.

After the show, I meandered my way through Times Square, enjoying a late-night coffee and watching the electric lights illuminating the sky. The excitement never really stops in New York City, it really is the city that never sleeps!

So, goodbye New York for now!

As my plane touched down back home in England, I felt a little sad to be leaving, but filled with joy at the experiences I had in New York. This incredible city is always on my mind - every cobblestone street, every towering building, and even the iconic New York subways filled with laughter and energy! And what is a ballet blog post without an image of me, in my pink tutu, outside the famous ā€˜I love NYā€™ statue? There it is, a perfect record of my adventure.

Until next time, New York City. Iā€™ll be back soon!

Have a wonderful week everyone!

And remember, always try and add a touch of Pink Tutu magic to your day!

Stay fabulous!

Emma xx


P.S. Donā€™t forget to follow my ballet adventures on Instagram: @PinkTutuBlog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2008-03-31 she danced in New York City