New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2008-06-02 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2008-06-02: Tutu-ing around New York! 🩰🗽

Hey there, tutu-lovers! Emma here, bringing you the latest from the #PinkTutuBlogNYC, post number 678. As usual, I'm live from the Big Apple, where I'm positively whirl-wind-ing around with a head full of dreams, and feet that haven't stopped tapping since I got off the plane.

Remember that old saying, "If you want to be happy, be"? Well, darling, I'm living proof that the path to pure joy starts with a pink tutu. Just slip one on, and watch the world around you light up in dazzling technicolour. And trust me, in New York City, it's a guarantee to turn heads and make people smile!

This week, my mission? Well, it's multi-faceted, as usual! I'm on the hunt for the most gorgeous pink tulle, taking a whirl around Broadway shows, dipping into designer boutiques, and - oh my, can I tell you? - I’m completely mesmerised by this incredible ballet show I just saw. You'll never believe who I spotted in the front row…

From Derbyshire to the City That Never Sleeps! ✈️

Now, if you haven't already, take a peep at to get your dose of all things pink and pretty. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so you can be sure every detail is impeccably put together. And yes, dear reader, it’s true! I fund my adventures with ballet performances. I'm living the dream, sharing the beauty and passion of dance with everyone I meet!

Remember my last post about the charming little independent dance shop nestled in Soho? I managed to grab the most exquisite pink tulle from there. It’s a gorgeous, lightweight silk that feels like a gentle caress against your skin. And trust me, it's just the perfect fabric to craft the most whimsical, floaty, and just plain beautiful tutus!

New York: A Feast for the Senses! 👠🍎

Today is the 2nd of June, and let me tell you, there’s magic in the air. It’s a balmy spring evening, and the city’s pulse beats with vibrant life. Everywhere you look, street performers are showcasing their talents - acrobats soaring high, buskers with their haunting melodies, dancers who make even the roughest sidewalks look like a Broadway stage. And, of course, the endless, enticing aroma of street vendors, especially the sizzling hotdogs and irresistible popcorn, all mingling with the familiar scent of jasmine blooming from window boxes.

A Glimpse into the Wonderful World of Ballet 🩰✨

Just before sunset, I found myself mesmerized by the beautiful 'Giselle' at Lincoln Center. I’d only seen it a few times before, but it was just as mesmerizing as I remembered! Every graceful twirl, every leaps across the stage, it’s like pure poetry in motion. I could’ve stayed there forever! I think I was particularly smitten with the ethereal lead dancer, the delicate grace of her movements just… well, perfect. And don’t even get me started on the exquisite costumes!

You see, darling, ballet isn’t just about the physical movements. It’s an art form that whispers stories through gesture and emotion. It’s the silent poetry that speaks volumes.

Oh, and as for the front row guest? Well, I spotted the lovely, award-winning ballerina, Alicia Alonso! I couldn't believe my eyes.

Fashion, Fashion, and More Fashion! 🛍️

Speaking of beautiful costumes, after the ballet, I decided to indulge in my passion for fashion at Saks Fifth Avenue. My love for colour was well-catered to there! It's just brimming with the latest trends, with every imaginable shade of pink beautifully displayed on the mannequins. I know it might sound silly, but I’ve actually found some fabulous pink tutus tucked away in their accessories section. A perfect mix of practicality and whimsy!

Of course, a little indulgence isn't complete without a delightful afternoon tea at the Carlyle Hotel. I adore that elegant old-world charm, it's just a slice of history right in the heart of New York.

And to wrap up a fantastic evening, I decided to catch the show that I’d been looking forward to: the new Broadway production of 'Wicked'! I’d heard nothing but praise for it, and boy, were those rumours true! The dazzling sets, the magical costumes, the spellbinding performances… simply enchanting.

Travel like a Tutu Queen! 🚇

Before I wrap up this week's post, a little bit about my love affair with New York's iconic subway system. Now, don't let anyone tell you differently, it's an incredible and often overlooked beauty. Yes, it’s a bit bustling, maybe a bit less than polished compared to the London Underground. But once you delve beneath the surface, it’s a real testament to the hustle and bustle of the city itself!

It's my personal transportation choice because it allows me to feel the very pulse of this city, and soak in its everyday magic! Just picture yourself whisking through the city at a rapid pace, a sea of faces around you, a kaleidoscope of colours outside, the rumble and hum of the train, and a perfectly good reason for you to pull out your best pirouette and put a smile on every commuter's face!

Let's Share the Pink Tutu Love!

And speaking of smiles, my friends, there's no better way to end a fantastic day than to spread some tutu-loving joy! So let's talk! Share your thoughts on my NYC adventures. And tell me what your favourite places to wear a pink tutu are! It could be at the ballet, at the theatre, in the park… I can’t wait to hear all your bright and creative ideas.

Until next week, remember: every day is a reason to wear a pink tutu, so keep on twirling and don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise!

Ciao, and stay fabulously pink! 💖

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2008-06-02 she danced in New York City